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racerfink SuperDork
6/17/13 5:31 p.m.

Hopefully, a smart judge grts this case and throws it out for being vindictive.


DuctTape&Bondo HalfDork
6/17/13 5:44 p.m.

and spays and neuters the parents.

DoctorBlade UltraDork
6/17/13 5:59 p.m.

Let your kids run wild and then play whiny liberal lawyer when someone calls them on it. I'm assuming Mr Shiny Happy Dad will file civil suit later for damages to the kids?

Toyman01 PowerDork
6/17/13 6:06 p.m.

Lock up the parents and indenture the kids to the owner of the destroyed house.

I'm only joking a little bit.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
6/17/13 6:19 p.m.

If I had done something like that and gotten caught by the owner, my dad would have 1) beat my ass 2) invited the owner to take a couple licks of his own 3) put me to mowing lawns etc till I paid for what I wrecked.

Of course this happened in oh so intelligent and liberal New York. We do things a bit different down here in redneck territory.

Lesley PowerDork
6/17/13 7:01 p.m.


I still have vivid memories as a five year old of my parents marching me up the street to apologize and return a stolen toy to the neighbour's children. You better believe I got a swat on the ass later too.

mad_machine MegaDork
6/17/13 7:31 p.m.

wow. Clyde NY is between Rochester and Syracuse. Hardly a bastion of liberal feel good policies. Upstate NY is rather more conservative than the City that tends to dominate the state's politics.

I can only hope the Judge laughs in the face of the parents and asks the man what he wants done.

I am thinking False imprisonment, aiding and abetting a felony (allowing/telling the kids to do it) and a nice visit from Child Services needs to be in order

wbjones PowerDork
6/17/13 7:37 p.m.

it'll never happen ... not in this modern, enlightened age in which we live ... even if it some how did, it'd be thrown out on appeal

Trans_Maro SuperDork
6/17/13 7:41 p.m.

I have no idea what my parents would have done to me.

I was too afraid of both of them to ever think of trying something like this in the first place.

Kenny_McCormic Dork
6/17/13 8:30 p.m.

My parents probably would have killed me and started over if I did that.

ransom UltraDork
6/17/13 8:42 p.m.

Gee, I'm a liberal and even I think that sounds berkeleyed up.

mad_machine MegaDork
6/17/13 8:48 p.m.
Trans_Maro wrote: I have no idea what my parents would have done to me. I was too afraid of both of them to ever think of trying something like this in the first place.

I doubt your parents would not have encouraged you either. It is mentioned in the comments below that one of the kids was told to do it by the parents.. but that was recanted

nocones Dork
6/17/13 8:51 p.m.

So you guys actually side with it being OK with an adult locking 4 8-10 year olds in a closet?

So you would be fine living in a world where if I catch a minor doing something wrong I can through any means at my disposal restrain them until the police happen to arrive?

Obviously the kids and their parents deserve everything coming to them under law and maybe a bit more but the guy should not of forcibly restrained the kids.

Trans_Maro SuperDork
6/17/13 9:00 p.m.

In reply to nocones:

They were held until the police arrived, plain and simple.

If he had held them down it would be "assault"

If they weren't there when the cops showed up it would be another case of "oh well, nothing we can do here" from the police.

As it is, the guy is screwed already, he'll never see a dime of his investment out of this and we'll probably reward the E36 M3ty parents and their equally E36 M3ty children.

Why is there always one person who has to play devils advocate, no matter how retarded the argument may be?

Please, tell us all how -you- would have held four children in one location until the authorities arrived.

DrBoost PowerDork
6/17/13 9:06 p.m.
nocones wrote: So you guys actually side with it being OK with an adult locking 4 8-10 year olds in a closet? So you would be fine living in a world where if I catch a minor doing something wrong I can through any means at my disposal restrain them until the police happen to arrive? Obviously the kids and their parents deserve everything coming to them under law and maybe a bit more but the guy should not of forcibly restrained the kids.

If it were my kids, and he didn't hurt them, then yup. I'd be ok with it. Of course there are issues like, say this was Detroit and the cops just don't show up. How long is it ok for you to detain my kids? I guess the bottom line is, after you call 911, I'd want you to call me. If the little brats won't give you my number, then I guess they'll learn to respect authority as they sit in the closet and think about it.
If he pushed my kids in there, I'd have more of a problem with it, unless he called me right away. It's easy to say what I'd to IF, though.

nocones Dork
6/17/13 9:06 p.m.

I wouldn't try. Its already bad enough that they vandalized my E36 M3 I'm not going to make it worse on myself by doing anything that could constitute assault on a minor. I would as someone else has stated go on their with my cell phone video camera blazing probably with a witness (assuming I knew it was just neighborhood kids) told them to get out tell them I called the police that I am recording thjngs and that I will be following them to their parents. I most definitely would do nothing physically to them or threaten them at all.

Then I would do everything I could legally to restore the damage caused.

RealMiniDriver SuperDork
6/17/13 9:13 p.m.

Man, my ass hurts, just thinking about the beating my dad would have given me, if I was one of those boys.

mad_machine MegaDork
6/17/13 9:22 p.m.

yes, I am ok with him holding the kids in a closet until the Police arrived. He did not harm them, he did not molest them (I am waiting for those charges) and I am sure the police arrived in a fairly reasonable amount of time.

Holding onto 1 eight year old is hard enough... 4 would be like herding cats

Duke PowerDork
6/17/13 9:24 p.m.

It wouldn't have been fear of an ass-beating that stopped me from doing that.

I wouldn't have done that because by 8 years old, I already knew that E36 M3 was not acceptable behaviour. If you're old enough to go to kindergarten, you're old enough not to be a pissant.

nocones Dork
6/17/13 9:42 p.m.
Datsun1500 wrote: In reply to nocones: And what if they shot you while you were recording and yelling?

Well that closet door sure would have saved our hero had one of the 8 year olds busted out their gat.

Realistically if it was an unoccupied building I'm not sure how confrontational I would be. Stuff just isn't that important. I will look up the laws in our state but I do not believe committing a crime on my property gives me the right to restrain people (especially minors) in my state. I will look though. Even if I had the right I'm not sure I'd exercise it with minors. Even if this guy has the law in his side in this situation look at how effed he is just because he was trying to prove a point to these kids. Clearing himself of these charges will probably take years and tons of $$. Damage to my property simply isn't worth that risk of loosing everything important to me and my family and then there is the risk of personal harm to me once I enter the building. My actions would depend greatly on if I knew the kids and more importantly their parents as with kids you know just yelling I know who you are and the cops are on their way and I will be talking to your parents from the yard would probably have stopped it.

Wally MegaDork
6/17/13 9:44 p.m.
nocones wrote: So you guys actually side with it being OK with an adult locking 4 8-10 year olds in a closet? So you would be fine living in a world where if I catch a minor doing something wrong I can through any means at my disposal restrain them until the police happen to arrive? Obviously the kids and their parents deserve everything coming to them under law and maybe a bit more but the guy should not of forcibly restrained the kids.

Yes, I am but I would have been safer in the closet than outside where my father got reach me.

Toyman01 PowerDork
6/17/13 9:48 p.m.

I would think he is covered.


He made a citizens arrest of persons caught in the act of vandalism and promptly called the police department.

Trans_Maro SuperDork
6/17/13 9:49 p.m.

Cool, can I bust up all your stuff if you're going to yell at me from the yard?

I can handle being yelled at, I've been yelled at before.

Toyman01 PowerDork
6/17/13 10:06 p.m.

A little more digging.

The dollar amount of damage would push it to felony vandalism. The state of South Carolina would definitely allow him to detain them and haul them before the judge.

SECTION 17-13-10. Circumstances where any person may arrest a felon or thief.

Upon (a) view of a felony committed, (b) certain information that a felony has been committed or (c) view of a larceny committed, any person may arrest the felon or thief and take him to a judge or magistrate, to be dealt with according to law.

Streetwiseguy UltraDork
6/17/13 10:15 p.m.

Dunno what the laws are down there, but up here an 8 year old is untouchable by the courts. Thats why the 12 year olds get an 8 year old to hold the knife during robberies.

I'd have spiked the doors shut and lit the house on fire.

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