I know this is extremely short notice. I have two tickets to go see big bad voodoo daddy in Fort Wayne tonight at 7 PM. My wife is unable to go so I am on my way there by myself if anyone would like to come feel free to text me at 614 six two three 1564. As it stands it looks like I should be there about 730 so probably halfway through the opening act show.
Oh, sure! Just when I send my Zoot Suit off to the cleaners!
Kidding of course. If you own a Zoot Suit, you'd know that the BBVD was touring. Actually, I had not thought of them in years and I went to their website. They look to still be pretty active. Seems this is a Christmas themed tour. I'll bet its a lot of fun. Brian Setzer has done a Christmas tour for many years. I've never gone but I bet that too is fun. I'm not saying they're the same but they're probably more similar than different.
In reply to John Welsh :
I had not thought of them for a long time either but tickets popped up on Vet Tix , I got both for $13. It was great, a lot of energy, I would pay full price to see them again.
Their annual Christmas shows are top notch. 5/5 stars.
Lucky. That would have been a fun one.