Since most of us are at work and away from TV's and such:
Police are reacting to reports of shots fired on Capitol Hill in Washington. CNN's Ted Barrett reports an order was given over the Capitol speaker system to shelter in place because of an active shooter situation.
There were reports of multiple gunshots near the Senate Hart Office Building. People were seen running, and staffers are being instructed to shelter in place.
Capitol Police sent out the following advisory to staffers:
"SHELTER IN PLACE. Gunshots have been reported on Capitol Hill requiring all occupants in all House Office Buildings to shelter in place. Close, lock and stay away from external doors and windows. Take annunciators, Go Kits and escape hoods; and move to the innermost part of the office away from external doors or windows. If you are not in your office, take shelter in the nearest office, check in with your OEC and wait for USCP to clear the incident. No one will be permitted to enter or exit the building until directed by USCP. All staff should monitor the situation. Further information will be provided as it becomes available."
10/3/13 1:45 p.m.
Just saw this on my FB feed. They REALLY want the government shut down, don't they.
10/3/13 1:46 p.m.
What the hell is an escape hood
My guess is an escape hood is a Halloween mask that makes you look like Richard Nixon.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
My guess is an escape hood is a Halloween mask that makes you look like Richard Nixon.
I would have gone with Bill Clinton because everyone likes him.
Mod Squad
10/3/13 2:10 p.m.,0,187473.story
The shots were fired near the Hart Senate Office Building at 2nd St and Constitution Avenue Northeast, only a few blocks from the U.S. Supreme Court.
Emergency vehicles swarmed the area after an order given over the speaker system told people to shelter in place because of an active shooting situation, CNN reported.
CNN, citing an intelligence source, reported that the incident began when a vehicle was chased from the White House to the Capitol, where there was an exchange of gunfire.
Mod Squad
10/3/13 2:15 p.m.
fox says the lockdown is over. One injury, no details.
Humm. I'm going to GUESS that "escape hood" is a oxygen supply hood to use in the event of a NBC attack. Probably not un-like the "bubble head" things that the bubble gum navy uses. Interesting that they seem to have those for our federal employees. As long as they shelter in place and grab their scissors, they should all be just fine and able to spend more money we don't have.
Looks like one of them "sports" cars:

Ban Them!!! Especially High Capacity Sports Cars!!!
That is clearly a luxury vehicle, look at the size of it!
10/3/13 2:24 p.m.
berkeley, we drove right past it yesterday. Tried to find a way in to shoot (with our cameras), but it was authorized vehicles only.
I dunno. It's got 2 doors and a hatch back, that makes it "sporty." Probably one of them semi-automatic transmissions. No one has a need for a semi-automatic transmission, they serve no purpose but to kill people.
I hate those high capacity Luxury Sports Vehicles.
Hey, it's even black!!! A black sports car!!! It must be an AR15.
black, sporter, semi-auto.... all the right buzzwords
Gun violence in DC??? But I heard they had some of the strictest gun laws in the country!? 
In reply to Dr. Hess:
It's a GlockR15-47. A new breed of High Capacity Luxury sports Vehicles that were likely bought at a car show.
Yes. We need to close the "car show loophole." It's time for "common sense" car laws.
Can't we at least have show some sympathy for the victims before cracking jokes about it. Jesus.