Yesterday I gashed my hand on the end of a hose clamp. The cut is about 1cm long and completely through the skin, just barely. I didn't think anything of it, but about 24 hours later, apart from the fact that it stopped bleeding it's no better at all, it won't close up and still hurts. Am I worrying too much or should I do something about this?
7/21/14 12:52 p.m.
Not a medical professional, but you do have a current tetanus shot right?
You can close it up with a steri-strip or something like that. This is often used in place of stitches. At least keep it clean.
Butterfly closures may help keep it closed. You can get them at the grocery or drug store.
Was thinking about super glue...gotta buy more because other people keep losing mine!
trucke wrote:
Not a medical professional, but you do have a current tetanus shot right?
uhhhh...not sure, but it was a shiny stainless hose clamp 
Keep the suggestions coming, I'll check a drug store for them on the way home.
7/21/14 12:54 p.m.
Oh! And thanks for not posting pictures!
Coulda posted pics but I'm too busy at work 
Not gory anyway, almost looks like it was done with a scalpel.
Pics? The hive cannot accurately diagnose without them.
A. Pics
B. I use superglue when not going to urgent care.
GameboyRMH wrote:
trucke wrote:
Not a medical professional, but you do have a current tetanus shot right?
uhhhh...not sure, but it was a shiny stainless hose clamp
Doesn't matter. Get updated. My doctor made sure I was up to date before a surgical procedure, and that was in a clean operating room, with sterile instruments, not a salty island hut. 
I use superglue often for this kind of thing. Works well. Be prepared to curse. A lot. Loudly. For a while. Make sure no kids are around.
Yeah, I heard the superglue thing was a "wee bit painful".
Butterfly bandage is my suggestion (if you are certain the wound is clean). Also, get some of the red sterilizing liquid stuff (not sure what it's called) and wash the wound out THOROUGHLY. You can wrap some gauze type bandage around the general area to help keep it clean also.
(I am expecting Dr. Hess to show up and tell use what a bunch of idiots we are, I think he worked an ER for while)
In reply to aircooled:
It is, but it's a life and wallet saver
Pics = automatic dork status upgrade. 
OK I figure the last time I got a tetanus shot had to be somewhere between 8-12 years ago. i got too many people visiting the cubicle for pics right now.
Tetanus boosters are due every 10 yrs, good idea to get yours updated.
They prob won't stitch as it's been open for too long.
Clean and bandage. Superglue is great, has a little "bite."
If on a joint, splint for a few days to givetime to heal without 're-opening.
Remember, clean and dry, and this advice is worth exactly what you paid for it 
I use tape. Superglue just hurts when it gets in the wound.
I keep coming back for pictures but am disappointed every time.
The last thing I superglued was my hand, and I can't remember a bite. That was a few years ago and Wifey cleaned it out pretty good, too.
If I had my camera handy, I'd post a pic of the finger I tried to cut off with a zip cut disc last week. But I don't.
Keep it clean, and covered with gauze or a bandage of some sort for at least a few days. I gash myself like that at least once a week.
7/21/14 5:18 p.m.
Napkin, some duct tape and move on
A friend of mine saved a whole track weekend by super-gluing a 2" long, very deep slice I managed to put in my leg before I even had the car out of the trailer about 5 years ago. It was bleeding a lot and I couldn't get it to stop with pressure - I figured I was going to need an E-room trip, 10+ stitches and not be able to drive a stick for a couple days ... but he called me a Bob Costas, wiped it with a rag, and glued that berkeleyer shut - almost in one motion.
It is worth noting that this friend has no medical training, was possibly quite inebriated and it burned like a motherberkeleyer for half an hour - but it worked and I can barely even see the scar today. I have two tubes of the E36 M3 (garage and trailer) in First Aid boxes.
Close it up with a butterfly strip, then the superglue. Put a bandaid over the whole thing when working.
Best pic I could get...doesn't really help:

Still totally open though. The skin moves freely over the flesh underneath. Soap stings pretty bad on it.
Edit: Gonna see what I have at home that could help close this up.