i have recently acquired a really nice 98 Dodge Stratus with the 2.5 V6. it has 213,000 miles on it, but the previous (original) owner did a really good job of maintaining it and it drives like a car with 50,000 miles on it. he just recently put $1500 in the front end of the car somehow, and the tires that are on it allegedly have 60,000 miles on them but they still have about half tread..
part of me wants to just sell it and make some cash money- i've only got $300 or so in it and i think i could sell it for about $1500 or so.. but another part of me thinks i should have a commuter that gets better than the 14mpg my truck or Camaro get if i drive them nice.. also, the factory stereo sounds really good and it has a cassette deck and 6 disc changer in the dash, so i could listen to anything that isn't on my thumb drive..
i think i could get used to the car if i could find a position to put the seat to fit my 5'11" and 250 pound frame, but i haven't quite found that elusive setting yet..
i guess my question is more about the reliability of the drivetrain than anything: the engine is apparently a Mitsubishi product that makes no funny noises and doesn't overheat or run funny in any way, and the transmission is the autostick dealio with the shifter that you can wiggle from side to side and try to convince yourself that you aren't actually driving a car with a boring automatic in it.
I would sell it, but I have no affection for Dodge Stratii.
On the other hand, if you need transportation and you like it, keep it.
So, I'm not much help! 
Flip. Maybe that's just cause I hate those things...
You've a legitimate use, even need, for it, and you like it. So why sell it?
Would you be able to find as nice, well taken care of car for $1,500? That's your answer.
My first wife had a Chrysler that liked to consume money in $3500 increments: Twice for transmissions, once for brakes (because of the one-year only ABS system that failed by always applying the brakes, killing the first transmission rebuild), and accident damage.
I actually really liked the way the motor performed, but not enough to make up for everything else. I do remember that changing spark plugs was unnecessarily challenging due to the manifold design.
My answer is always, flip it. Especially with something as mundane as a Dodge Stratus.
I'd flip it while it is still in good shape.
another option that was kicking around in my head was to pull the drivetrain and put it in my 95 Neon "race car"...
10/3/15 11:02 a.m.
Flip. Use the profit for gas in the truck.
I sort of disagree that you'll get $1,500 for that old and that many miles.
Sure, it may be nice but your first step will be getting someone to come look at it when they read: 17 year old Stratus with 200+ miles.
Around here, a 213k 98 Stratus is $750 all day. Quite possible its worth $3000 in Frisco so it will depend on where you live.
Not trying to burst your bubble, but you might put a "feeler" ad on CL (just say best offer, don't give a price) to see what you come up with. That should give you an idea of what it might sell for as research for what you decide to do with it. If you get $2000 offers, cha-ching. If you get $500 offers, keep it and drive it until it evaporates.
novaderrik wrote:
another option that was kicking around in my head was to pull the drivetrain and put it in my 95 Neon "race car"...
It's a 2.5 V6, the only other useful purpose it can serve is as a boat anchor.
Flip it before the timing chain and/or water pump take a dump. I might be biased though, watched one try to maim my father once.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
I sort of disagree that you'll get $1,500 for that old and that many miles.
Sure, it may be nice but your first step will be getting someone to come look at it when they read: 17 year old Stratus with 200+ miles.
most people around here aren't good at math and they think anything from the 90's is still a late model... and everything for sale has 200,000+ miles and is rusted out, so it's at least got a small advantage over everything else..
if only i was one of those buy here/pay here dealers that could sell it to someone with bad credit for $1200 down and 12 easy biweekly payments of $150...
I say flip it. Into a body of water preferably.
Option three: rallycross!!!
Flip it, I gave mine away happily.
KyAllroad wrote:
Option three: rallycross!!!
the only thing remotely like that around here is autocross: forget the name, it's like rallycross, except it's more like a demolition derby on a motocross track with less stringent safety rules..
Maybe its the "cost conscious" (aka cheap) person inside me but if you have that few dollars into it and seems to be serving as a perfectly good (albeit dreadful to drive) DD. Why not keep it as such? It keeps the fun stuff for fun and the every day slog/wear and tear can be put on this stratus. If it has made it to 213k and doesn't have any major faults I would expect if you treat it nicely it should at least be good to 250k+ so unless you put on 50k/yr you'd be good for at least 2yrs.
Also consider a Stratus with 213k will probably get you the same kind of cash as a Stratus at 250k
10/4/15 7:22 p.m.
Keep it and drive it.
My sister has a diamante with the 2.5 in it, it's not a bad motor.
might trade it for a 90's Saturn with a 5 speed.. that should be more fun to thrash in the upcoming winter..
novaderrik wrote:
might trade it for a 90's Saturn with a 5 speed.. that should be more fun to thrash in the upcoming winter..
This is an excellent plan.