I've only had the 99 528it for about 6 months & I'm already sick of it. Granted it's got under 150k, a 5 speed, & has the M Sport package I'm getting tired of the poor fuel economy (about 20-22mpg) in mainly city driving, & I'm nitpicking the various interior pieces that are falling off. Now my office moves next week & I will be driving roughly 60-70 miles per day, vs now where I'm relying on commuting via public transit. So I want out of this car & into something else. Would rather not make car payments, the mortgage is enough, so that puts my budget around $3k, possibly up to $5 after taxes. I would consider payments on something slightly higher, up to $8k but again would rather own outright. Must be manual & capable of averaging about 30mpg. Soul sucking appliances needs not apply. Thoughts have been Saab 9-3, 9-5, Focus ZX3, Mazda MP5. I'd like it to be somewhat fun to drive & not embarrass itself should I take it out for an occasional autocross.
For sale thread to come sometime soon.
These do anything for you?



1/29/15 2:00 p.m.
In reply to 914Driver:
The guy's budget is hopefully kept to $3,000, you're suggesting VAG products in that price range, and this is the car that is supposed to reliably get him to work?
To the original poster; I'd got soul sucking appliance every day of the week. I can handle a boring drive to work way better than an exciting time on the side of the road while I call my boss and explain why I'm going to be late.
I know where you can lay hands on an E36 328i 5sp with all the update work done to be reliable and 167k on the odo for $1750.
It needs a headliner and a few other interior cosmetics but it's a solid car. You would be saving me from having to buy it.
Yeah, VW products without a warranty frighten me. Headliner is nothing. In 6 months with the E39 I've gone through 2 amps, cupholder snapped, door handle release fell out, visor broke & was ripped off, 3rd brake light fell off.
I should also add I prefer a 4/5 door or hatch for Home Depot runs.
I can say I love my P5 for what it is, now I will say wheel bearings and motor mounts are the only issues I've had to this point aside from normal wear stuff.
Btw on the highway going light you will only see low 30s and power is quite low but that chassis is something to write home about.
Easy. Toyota Celica GT. It's a hatch so it has plenty of room in back, very light and sporty. Gets over 30mpg easy. Good build quality. Won't embarrass itself on an auto-x course.
I had a '96 ST and an '03 GTS. Both cars were awesome drivers, even with the 80hp difference, I had the same amount of fun in both of them.
1/29/15 2:48 p.m.
Cheapest running SAAB 9-5 that you can find, and the cheapest running Corolla/civic/crown vic/something else with anvil like reliability. Just because if I had a 60-70 mile daily commute I wouldn't trust a SAAB.
I went from a 9-5 to my E39 525i. The 9-5 was nice enough when it worked, but when it broke, it broke big. This happened more than once. My E39 has needed its share of little stuff, but I trust it to get me where I'm going and back again several orders of magnitude more than I trusted the SAAB. Driving dynamics are night and day as well - I would find it almost impossible to go back to a SAAB after having had a properly sorted E39.
In reply to bgkast:
That's what I was going to Say!!
Also, any protege should be a decent option. Corolla with suspension work is a solid choice too. Anything in that small front drive category with a little suspension work is a good choice. Honda of course but the other options will be cheaper/nicer for your money.
The Celica GTS (looks fast) one is an option. But I know zilch about them, not sure how good they are on highway/city driving. How much can the hatch swallow?
We talk about slow, my Mazda 2 was slow. I think the MP5 is actually slower. Handled great but I drive like an shiny happy person so when I'm passing someone I don't want to have to drop down 2 or 3 gears.
Also, a trade would be much more appealing for any of you local WANTS!
Sorry, trying to help. I know of a $250 Corolla.
1/29/15 3:45 p.m.
this a serious badass ride:2001 Bmw 525 it
Go with the Celica. GT or GTS, either is huge fun and I know one that won solo nationals in G street this year. The amount of room for stuff is almost silly (14 tires and wheels??!) and on the highway it is supremely comfortable.
KyAllroad wrote:
Go with the Celica. GT or GTS, either is huge fun and I know one that won solo nationals in G street this year. The amount of room for stuff is almost silly (14 tires and wheels??!) and on the highway it is supremely comfortable.
I agree. I've commented on here before about this, but I raced a showroom stock GT a few years back and it was a fantastic car. Very underrated, and very reliable as well. I'd probably go GT over GTS as a street car. It's a little slower, but they do not have the same oiling issues the GTS does.
1/30/15 11:24 a.m.
2001 Bmw 525 it - $6000
In reply to racerdave600:
I have seen quite a few GT models for sale. The GTS obviously has more appeal, options. Any reason why I shouldn't hold out for one?
What about a Mini Cooper S?
Wanna buy a 1st gen CRX? Definitely gets better than 30mpg...
The wrote:
2001 Bmw 525 it - $6000
I've wondered what a roof rail delete would look like on my black 525iT. I think is good.
You can get the roof fillers from BMW since they were available in Europe that way. Some guy on bimmerforums did it also, step by step tutorial. Looks great.