I have a Motorola Moto G6 I believe that had the "Black Screen of Death" happen to it. This was my first smartphone and I didnt have the common sense to have the photos backed up to the cloud or anything and I dont think I had a micro SD card in it either.
The phone appears to function but no screen. i can feel the vibrations when you select certain stuff or "turn on" the screen.
My thought was to try to repair the screen and offload all my info and be done with it. However, I was hoping someone who is more tech savy than me on here could possibly help out.
Can anyone here hack/retrieve/backup all my photos on the phone somehow?
Can anyone help me through this?
Thank you
Have you tried to connect the phone to a PC with USB and just see if Windows sees it as a storage device? If not then I would see if ADB would connect to it.
I recall trying that from the start a bit ago. Because I never "Allowed" the phone to be read by the computer in good times, its not allowing me to read it as a storage device now.
Ill attempt again to verify
I tried using a converter box that plugged into the tv through the HDMI port and plugged the phone and a mouse into that. Got nothing.
plugged the phone into the computer and got nothing. tried to import photos from phone through microsoft photos. it said it cant find the device.
Seems like before my phone screen died I should have changed USB settings from charge only to charge/ data transfer . Cant do it now due to a dead screen.
ABD...not that savvy. Is this another way to access data?
In reply to CarKid1989 :
It's a command line interface program to allow you to connect to android phones. You might also see if your phone has a recovery mode. Maybe that will allow you to connect as a storage device. Doing it blind doesn't sound fun.
It might also be worth taking to a local phone repair place and asking them if they can download the pictures onto an sdcard for you. They'll have all the technics and programs already. Assume that they'll go through your stuff and if you have naked pictures of yourself or others they'll see them.
Well i got bold and went for the DIY fix.
Got a new screen and think i got a defective one so its back to waiting.
Called the local cell place and waiting to hear back for data backup.
Does anyone here have the means or the know how to back up my phone?
It's been a while since I've done that stuff. I'm not currently even set up to try. You sure you want us to look at your naked pictures?
Also have you checked to see if Google photos might have backed up everything automatically?
how do you set the android phone up to be read by USB cord on your computer if the screen dies ?
I've replaced a screen on a g6. its one of the easiest ones to do actually. If you have any repair skills, you can definitely handle this one.
I have 2 spare g6's right now. if you cant handle the full swap, swapping the motherboard would be even easier. I second checking google photos though. everything on that phone is setup to auto backup to google photos, as long as you log into a google account
Checked Google photos, not backed up.
(Lesson learned as new phone is already backing up photos to Google)
In reply to CarKid1989 :
tried messaging you. didnt work. if your only goal is getting the photos, I wouldn't mind swapping the motherboard and pulling them off for you.
TimPangburn1 @ that google mail .com