Looking back at the map, it looks like fun out in the Worcester area. My friend out there is only 2 miles from his work(down from 45 a few months ago), has blizzaks on his accord, and learned to drive in NY winters. He mentioned last night how the locals are not as used to as much snow.
Out in the E36 M3 all day tending to generators in my offices that are running, and getting fuel levels so we know if they need a delivery (fat chance in this weather). Haven't been home since 6:30 am this morning, and it doesn't look like I will be anytime soon. Wife says we lost power at home about an hour ago. Driving is bad, but the mighty Chevy 2500 cargo van is plowing through okay. 7 start batteries, and 500' of 2/0 welding cable for portable generators helps with traction. Traction/stability control helps as well, but makes for no fun unless you turn it off which I haven't done quite yet.
It seems I will have an all expense paid tour of South-eastern MA by nights end. I would love to go home though, and or get something to eat. nothing is open, including the 3 million Dunkin Donut shops I have driven by (in this town alone).Almost nobody on the road aside from plows, and utility workers like myself, so that is nice.
I took the lady out for a little civil disobedience in the truck tonight and the roads were empty. It was weird.
The parking lot at work is big enough for some snowy sideways shenanigans once I'm off the clock.
As for civil disobedience, my boss spoke to the local police, so anyone working in my office has clearance to drive to the hotel after work.
Bye bye power. Anyone else without it? The phone tower still works I guess
So much for shenanigans. I could barely make it 15ft before my Eclipse got bogged down in the snow. It was at least 1ft deep when I tried to drive out of the parking lot. There's plow trucks working on the parking lot right now but I doubt the roads are clear.
I'm hunkering down at work instead of going to the hotel, there's no way I'll make it right now.
2/9/13 1:37 a.m.
I have about 10" so far. My days off this week are friday and saturday and being a selfish prick I'm staying put for once instead of going in to dig out buses.
Lost power at about 10pm last night, it's almost 9am now with many hours of no power to go. Went out an hour ago & shoveled my neighbors door and our front deck. Her Matrix is parked out front and with the drifts the car is clear and grass can be seen. My cars at the back of the driveway, not so much! I seem to have lost the BMW and can only see the back of the 2. Once Internet has been restored I'll post pictures.
2/9/13 7:57 a.m.
I plowed the driveway three times before dark yesterday. Heading out now to try and find the truck.
How wicked in this storm? We are getting some pretty wicked wind here in DC but that's it.
Meanwhile here in Florida Fog 
DirtyBird 222 wrote:
How wicked in this storm? We are getting some pretty wicked wind here in DC but that's it.
All time record for a single storm in Portland ME. This is more snow than the blizzard of 78. This is a serious storm. Next up is high tide at about 10:00. The coastline and cape cod bay are going to get a big storm surge. 80 mph winds south of Boston. Fortunately where I am (about 20 miles west of Boston) the wind has not really been an issue. I have photos of my cars. The snow is up to the roof of my Porsche. The snow at the end of my driveway is 4-5 feet deep. You can not easily open doors that open out. Snow drifts are half way up my kitchen window (about 8 feet from the ground) My picnic table on the lower patio is gone. The weber I had sitting on it is just a bump in the snow.
My dog is having a great time. She leeps in to the snow and just disappears. She only wants to come in wot warm up and then back out she goes. This is her first real snow storm (she is 1 1/2 years old)
Yes this is a serious storm but people for the most par have been smart about it. We in the NE are hunkered down waiting for it to be over and then we will just start digging out.
On the good side I got my shop in the basement cleaned up. Tools organized and I was going to pull out the MS system I finished for the Porsche and do more testing on the bench.
I got three orders for rebuilt steering shafts so I got those packaged up. Today I will rebuild a couple cores to have on the shelf.
So. I am actually liking this winter storm thing. Fortunately I can work at home next week so I am in no rush to dig out.
Yeah.. Its a good snow storm.
The snow is about 6" away from my deck railing, which I believe is 36" by code.
My neighbors 3 rail split rail fence that is about 3.5' high is completely covered in snow. Just the tops of the posts poking out. More is coming.
My 1980 vintage Toro 8-26 will be getting a workout this afternoon. It is one year younger than me.
we got a dusting here in South Jersey
one of my employees, he lives way out in the woods, just sent me a text. He said his chevy plow truck won't move and he needs to use his backhoe to dig out his house.
2/9/13 10:03 a.m.
I've been stuck in Chicago since Thursday night, my flight home cancelled. Arrived at the airport this morning only to find this flight cancelled too, and no chance of getting home til late Sunday or early Monday. Just exhausted, I slipped, gashed my head on the counter and knocked myself out for a couple of seconds. Lovely people at Air Canada managed to squeeze me on the next flight home. Just hoping all the numbnuts stay out of my way on the drive home from the airport, apparently there were several feet of snow last night.
Only got about 6" here in upstate NYS.
Sun is shining now.
2/9/13 10:26 a.m.
Blew the engine in the snowblower this morning. It was tunneling under the snow drifts and probably overheated. It was so windy, I couldn't even see what was going on. The plow truck keeps getting high centered. I'm not even close to the street yet. I won't be going anywhere for a while.
Only 18" here. Lame.
Some awesome snow drifts though.
Lesley wrote:
I've been stuck in Chicago since Thursday night, my flight home cancelled. Arrived at the airport this morning only to find this flight cancelled too, and no chance of getting home til late Sunday or early Monday. Just exhausted, I slipped, gashed my head on the counter and knocked myself out for a couple of seconds. Lovely people at Air Canada managed to squeeze me on the next flight home. Just hoping all the numbnuts stay out of my way on the drive home from the airport, apparently there were several feet of snow last night.
That seems like an extreme way to get on a flight, but after a couple of days in an airport I'd probably do the same.
Ian F
2/9/13 10:38 a.m.
I had about 3" here in SE PA. Just the right amount to make shovelling easy. Took about 20 min to clear the driveway, sidewalk and second driveway cut on the off chance I need to move the BMW. Very happy I can get the VW in the garage with the GT6. After a few hours in bright sun, everything is bone dry. Heading up to the g/f's house to dig.
Many of my FB friends up north got really hammered.
I haven't even thought about digging out. Our road isn't plowed yet. So we can go nowhere until the town plow comes through.
Woody wrote:
That's it? I mean, it is a lot, but its not brutal (at least for around these parts). We get that at least once a year...
Silly people to the south