I'm an impulse buyer, and all I saw was "Mountain Dew" and "vintage" and thought "Hmmm, Throwback was awesome, I bet this is good, too!"
Later on my wife tells me that it's got an interesting smell to it.
Notice at the bottom of the can it say's "non-alcoholic" Yup, Pepsi made a near beer. Sorta. It's a "malt-flavored" soda, and I think if you mixed a little bit of beer in Mountain Dew, you'd get this. In an error of judgement, I bought a six pack at Kroger, so now I had to soldier through 5 more.
Anyone else tried this stuff? From what I've read online they're launching this as a "first batch" and it;s only available at Kroger's throughout the Midwest.
All non-alcoholic beer-like stuff, and non-alcoholic champagne for that matter, tastes like Liquid Bread, and I mean that in the worst way possible.
9/3/12 10:04 a.m.
I desperately needed these lulz on this holiday workday.
Thanks much!
9/3/12 10:55 a.m.
So... if I drove to Kentucky, I could find some of it?
If that comes in a tall boy, that desperately needs to be an overflow can on someones challenge car.
Not the Mountain Dew I was hoping for.
I saw it in a convenience store on the way back from the Bristol race last weekend, so it's not just in Kroger.
....I'll stick with this Busch.
I noticed tall boys of Pepsi the other day at work. I guess someone at PepsiCo got bored.
I like the throwback sodas that Pepsi puts out because of the real sugar. Tastes much better. I think the started selling Pepsi Next because of it. I'll go back to RC Cola before I drink that.
N Sperlo wrote:
I like the throwback sodas that Pepsi puts out because of the real sugar. Tastes much better. I think the started selling Pepsi Next because of it. I'll go back to RC Cola before I drink that.
i've been drinking Pepsi Throwback for a couple of years now. actually, since it came out- which was 3 years ago.. regular Pepsi tastes funny to me now..