8/25/17 7:43 a.m.
jere said:
The second part is the protein interferes with the medications for PD. It's something to do with Euric acid but I forget all the details at the moment. In this case all animal proteins cause issues. (You could probably find out more from Google but probably lots of mis information or old data too). Some say cooked fava beans are a good alternative because they are good for or adds to the euric acid but some say too much with the medications. Other cooked beans are supposed to be beneficial for product the acid.
jere, thanks for taking the time to research and post snd know that I am researching your info not blowing it off.
Have you seen anything about medical pot edibles, me i have never even drank a beer, but my son and his wife are potheads and want to make a batch of edible's they seem like they know what they are talking about they say they can take the high out of it or leave it in and something about CDB oil which only means Charlie Daniels Band to me, anyway these items would not be on the tour. thank again,j
8/25/17 8:02 a.m.
deaman said:
Have a look at window mount a/C units if you're ok with plugging into mains power. Lowe's has a 5000btu unit for $130 that's 12x16x13, so nice and compact. You could either make a slider type bracket to pull it in and out of the camper shell or maybe mount it into a hinged panel?
yes sir looked at those units yesterday prefect size, price some even have heat but as you know they have to be out side would be perfect, you give thought sir although I do not want to go sawing. drilling on the side of s brand new camper top I wonder if I could make a airtight intake in the back of it into a house and out the roof I wonder if that would work? Everybody weigh in please.
8/25/17 8:12 a.m.
Help, they have some very small barley bigger (than a bread box) window units on sale like $110 bucks without heat, now could that unit sit inside the closed up camper shell with a fabricated intake in the back into a hose and out the roof, thoughts please gentleman.
8/25/17 8:16 a.m.
In reply to The:
I think you may have an easier time with the stand up unit, the window units will take some building of a support to make it work.
Side windows in your canopy? I could see building a box inside the truck inside the window so it could be opened Rd to vent the unit. You will loose some efficiency. Also remember they produce water that needs to drain!
This is what I did for my AC hose in my truck. 1/4 ply scrap a sharpie and some cardboard and it fits like a dream. Holefor the hose was cut in after the pic.

Now I am by no means an expert but photos legal herein WA.... CBD's are great for pain. Don't get the high like you would expect at all, just super relaxed if that makes sense.
Careful with edibles, they can be super strong, and often take an hour or more to kick in, by the time you don't think it's working and take more your Berked.
I prefer the little vape pens. Way easier to dose IMO
8/25/17 9:18 a.m.
yeah I am kind of leary of it my wife says I am to laid back as it is and I am not really in pain I just don't feel good part of it is they say the depression that comes with PD and they say I will be in the chair next year maybe.. I have never been high or drunk............most of all I would like to feel berkeleying great for awhile everybody else does, although this trip which may get me divorced has really pumped me up, because I am going mother berkeleyers weather you like it or not. Explicit Lyrics
8/25/17 11:02 a.m.
In reply to The:
I have heard a lot of positive talk about benefits of CDB and THC with Parkinson's. They all tie in closely with dopamine. I haven't heard any conclusive studies ( probably won't anytime soon unfortunately either). That said I wouldn't hesitate and would be excited to try it in your shoes (I'm not into that stuff myself) the possible benefits far out way any risks, even if benefits are just short term.
The wrote:
Help, they have some very small barley bigger (than a bread box) window units on sale like $110 bucks without heat, now could that unit sit inside the closed up camper shell with a fabricated intake in the back into a hose and out the roof, thoughts please gentleman.
This topic could be relevant to what you're trying to do with the air conditioner.
You need to start a thread here on GRM and update it daily on your trip with all the cool and bizarre things you see!
Also, you'll love the Keys. That's where SWMBO and I want to retire. There's a REAL good local seafood joint on the last island before Key West. It's called Hog Fish Grill or something.
The problem (allegedly) with trying to put a plenum over the condenser of a window unit and have it exhaust out a hose is the fan isn't built for it, you'd need a helper fan (bilge blower?) where the hose attaches to the unit to better pump the hot humid air out, and ideally another blower pumping outside air into the unit so you aren't inadvertently sucking cold air out of the space with your exhaust fan (this is why some of the portable units have two hoses).
You can do it. Skip the firearms and consider bear spray that you can pick up at a Cabela's for example. Not much to add but if you make it up to Alaska, via the Alcan or the ferry, let me know and I'll buy the steaks when you get here.
Have fun and be safe.
Ian F
8/25/17 4:59 p.m.
The wrote:
yeah I am kind of leary of it my wife says I am to laid back as it is and I am not really in pain I just don't feel good part of it is they say the depression that comes with PD and they say I will be in the chair next year maybe.. I have never been high or drunk............most of all I would like to feel berkeleying great for awhile everybody else does, although this trip which may get me divorced has really pumped me up, because I am going mother berkeleyers weather you like it or not. Explicit Lyrics
Careers... money... that crap will always be there.
At the risk of getting too personal, it sounds like you two need to talk things out a bit more, maybe with some help. While it's easy for me to sit here and say "she can put her career on hold for a year or so" while you live out this one last adventure (and if I were married, I'm damned sure I'd want my SO to experience it with me - berk - that's most of the reason I'd want to be married), the reality is we are only getting your side of the situation, so I am obviously biased.
I was thinking you could do something like what's pictured bellow. Provided you have windows in the camper that will fit it it should be relatively easy to achieve, low buck and stop you from loosing valuable interior space.

8/26/17 11:28 p.m.
ian said:
At the risk of getting too personal, it sounds like you two need to talk things out a bit more, maybe with some help. While it's easy for me to sit here and say "she can put her career on hold for a year or so" while you live out this one last adventure (and if I were married, I'm damned sure I'd want my SO to experience it with me - berk - that's most of the reason I'd want to be married), the reality is we are only getting your side of the situation, so I am obviously biased
Ian, there is nothing to personnel on here when I put an idea on this board, I want to hear it all and gain insight for everyone's opinions and I thank you for yours. You hit a big nail on the head when you said we need to talk more, although we have been married over 30 years, I am always hesitant to reveal one of my hair brain schemes to her to soon because it might get po poed so I wait until the day before and break it out uh tomorrow I am going to pick up my new race car, trailer, truck, camper, motorcycle etc... you get the idea then there is less time to 'Discuss" the new adventure right or wrong that has been my MO, same for the trip one or two days before time to leave I will say Tuesday I am going to mu uncle's house in Fort Meyers and it will be on until I say "well I am going" I have the time, money, want to and a ticking clock. Now as far as her my friend this is not her bag and 75% of the reason for the trip is to be in 78 if you read back that far, when your on what my be your final automotive trip you want to be laid back with your favorite tunes not hearing why are we going down this dirt road, slow down, do you purposely hit every pot hole, watch out the police have somebody pulled over up ahead, yeah their going to drop that guy and come and get me for 5mph over, maintain your lane, take a picture of what, that guys gonna shoot you. Now don't get wrong she's a good old gal and has been behind every stupid thing I have ever done she has watched as beautiful e30 m3's come home on the trailer from Road A with bashed in sheet metal and dripping fluids and never batted a eye, 2, years ago she watched in wonder as a Pristine 2002 E46 M3 was stripped to the tub and then the roof panel removed and the car came back together as my dream machine, but all the races and tracks that I have ever gone she has not been to one which fine by both of us just as this trip will be as soon as I have cleared the driveway.
You say do go along with her, she loves to travel, yes, this year I have suffered through 2 cruises and three more to go, ok yes I enjoy Alaska and South America but Germany, France, Amsterdam, Europe you can keep all that I would rather be sleeping in the back of my truck poking around looking for rusty 2 and 4 wheel heaps.
8/30/17 7:29 a.m.
Bought the 110v AC and a Craftsman Travel Tool kit, Need somethin to hold the corners of the box springs above the wheel wells only thin I have come up with is 4X4's I sure hate to cut those damn things. Ideas? Something light
8/30/17 7:46 a.m.
What about a 2x4 frame? Basically a rectangle with the 2x4's on edge.
You can use it as storage space and add dividers to keep stuff from sliding around.
8/30/17 7:05 p.m.
Yeah that's probably what's it's going to be, tomorrow I will order the ARE white camper top 4 to 5 weeks

8/30/17 8:01 p.m.
AC just got here hope to mount in front corner above mattress, hope to run the duct to the window slide window to close gap