Got a call last night that there were suspicious charges on my credit card so they put a block on it.
Someone in Jamaica, NY bought a Coca Cola, $30 of gas at a Gulf station, got their nails done at a Vietnamese nail salon and bought a sandwich at an Italian deli.
No idea how my information got out there, but a new card is in the mail, I don't have to pay these charges.
Thoughts, suggestions?
Do you have a teenage son? If so, check your browser history 
It happens to me about every 18 months. Sometimes we can trace it back to a trip (we drove through Arkansas, two weeks later someone is using the card in Arkansas) but usually I have no idea. I think we've pinned it down to people physically stealing the number more often than possibly online.
It's part of the modern age. CC companies are good about it. Bit of a pain, but not a huge deal.
Its happened to me several times. I also strongly suspect physical theft due to the initial fraud purchases.
Sometimes the banks are remarkably dumb in how they handle it. Like blocking one weird transaction, but letting multiple identically weird transactions go. Ir my favorite, closing the card and issuing a replacement with identical numbers. Made for a fum few weeks as they kept closing and reissuing cards. Took some hard arguing to get them to finally give me a card with new numbers in order to stop that merry go round.
But, the fraud protection on credit cards works well. Debt card ourchaseston the other hand....
I've had my bank card hacked several times. I'm pretty sure its people swiping the info more often than online also. My old bank card had a rfid chip and I had to get a new card twice. Since my new card came in with no RFID I haven't had an issue. (Knock on wood)
I used to use my debit card everywhere. Then with all the POS skimmers showing up at gas stations I started using my credit card for gas to limit my potential loss/liability. After I saw this B&N POS Hack I quit using my debit card anywhere except at my credit union's ATM. We went for a credit card that would maximize our rewards/cash back and pay it off each month. That way nobody is taking money from my bank account and I'm not waiting to be cleared to get my $ back if there is a problem.
I got upset when my card company didn't notify me of blockage.
I was buying my weekly groceries. Swiped the card several times. No good. Luckily I had enough cash on hand. I called the bank for an explanation. Very vague and they were sending me a new card.
I made a purchase the other day and they did call for verification.
Use it at a restaurant? You know how they walk away with your card? Very easy to do then.
Don't worry, soon (is it this year?) you will be required to enter a PIN to use a CC. More PW's to remember.. argh.
I've had my debit card hit once, but it was fully taken care of by my bank.
Pretty much all the mega retailers (Home Depot, Target, etc) have had massive credit card breaches in the last year. I'm guess either you or you wife must have shopped at one of them.
aircooled wrote:
Use it at a restaurant? You know how they walk away with your card? Very easy to do then.
The one time my CC was compromised, it was after I handed it to a server at a restaurant to pay the bill. I haven't let it out of my sight since then.
1/24/15 10:54 a.m.
i got a new card in november to get hotel points and used it on my vacation for hotels/food and then once online from the local chinese restaurant.
a week after i last used it, i got a call that someone in moscow was trying to run $2400, $4xx, $4xx, $2xx, and $2xx charges through a limo/taxi service. they declined all of them and closed the account/made a new one when i said it's not me, but i was still pissed
Under $100 and I assume it doesn't turn heads, perhaps what triggered it this time was the location.
1/24/15 11:13 a.m.
I answered the phone at my dad's house once when he was away on vacation. It was the Home Shopping Network calling to ask if Tymeesha Mylastname had permission to use his credit card because she had just placed a ginormous order. I said no, asked for the shipping address, which was in New York City, and thanked them for calling.
I called his credit card company and froze the card. In the past few hours, there were charges for $0.75 worth of gas, $3 worth of gas and $3800 worth of crap from the Home Shopping Network.
I looked up the address and called the appropriate police precinct to file a report. I figured that this would be an easy one for them since they had a first name and an address. They didn't want to hear from me unless I was willing to come to them and file a report in person. Mainly I just wanted her to go to jail for using her first name in association with my last name.
Had it happen several times. Major PIA. I can't wait for us to GI pin and chip. I mean it's only 30 year old technology, its not like our banking system is late to the party AGAIN or anything!
They snag one of mine every couple of years. WF is pretty good about catching them quickly and have never actually let any of the charges go through to my accounts.
The last time my company card was snagged, they bought a bunch of crap from Victoria Secrets. I still get the catalogs every month or so.
Toyman01 wrote:
I still get the catalogs every month or so.
Well, at least something good came out of it. 
My bank refuses my card anywhere out of state it seems. I have to call ahead before a trip to tell them to allow purchases. It's a PITA when you go from Michigan to the Challenge, but it seems to work so far.
1/24/15 8:47 p.m.
914Driver wrote:
Under $100 and I assume it doesn't turn heads, perhaps what triggered it this time was the location.
I have a card that I have had since 1977. When I first got it occasionally I would get a call asking if I had used it for a certain purchase, which I always had. A month ago I got a call that there had been a charge and they blocked it and were sending me a new card. The charge was for $0.79!
I think the amount was the key since I only use that card for 4 types of purchases (fuel oil, mail-order medicine, etc.) which are always a lot more money than $0.79. All the places I use that card have the number on file and I can't figure out which one it was stolen from. Now I have a new card with a different number and I pay those bills by a different method.
Banks are responsible for fraudulent charges on credit cards, which is why they're so good at ferreting them out. They'll go after the companies that accepted the charge to get their money back. And people ask Flyin' Miata why we have such rigorous checks on credit cards, because ultimately we're the loser if we take a bad card and ship product. Trust me, we know what stolen cards look like
Sure you want 10 generic AEM widebands shipped to a different address, expedited...
It's a stark contrast with things like SSN security and debit cards, where the only person to feel the pain is the customer.
1/24/15 9:34 p.m.
Dude , I swear that order was legit! I need those widebands for reasons.....
My bank makes up new cards in my local branch. I get a new one every couple of months. I also make sure to change it after any trips.
1/25/15 5:37 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
Someone in Jamaica, NY bought a Coca Cola, $30 of gas at a Gulf station, got their nails done at a Vietnamese nail salon and bought a sandwich at an Italian deli.
It was a Korean nail salon
They also do back waxing...
Mine gets taken about once a year. My credit union does a good job of shutting it down. It usually starts with some obscure charge like $1.35 in backwater New Mexico.