Saw it Monday night. Going in, I had very low expectations, since there are a lot of people crapping on it out there. To my surprise, I really liked it! Some background: Even though I consider myself more of a Star Trek nerd, I have been a Star Wars fan for a long time, and was indoctrinated very early in life with the original trilogy. I thought the prequels, save for a few moments, were total garbage. The Force Awakens and Rogue One were fantastic.
Some thoughts:
-A "your mom" joke less than 5 minutes into the movie? While I thought it was fine and laughed, but I also see it as the "let's destroy the alien enemies by blaring the Beastie Boys" moment of the franchise.
-I didn't mind the middle part with the Casino planet that a lot of people are up in arms about, as it sets up the ending and did provide a narrative for the future. The double cross with Del Toro's stuttering guy was annoying, however, the moment on the stolen ship where he showed Finn and Rose that these rich arms dealers are out there to benefit solely for themselves could be important. This may help the rebels recruit down the road.
-I really thought Leia was going to die after she was jettisoned into space. That would have been a sad, yet necessary, sendoff, and should have been the way to do it.
-RIP Admiral Ackbar, you'll always be in my heart... and in my car in action figure form, for that matter, warning me where the (speed) traps are.
-Most surprising character of the movie for me was Ben/Kylo. He is still raw, and is heavily conflicted. It will be interesting to see where they go with him.
-The fact that they just crapped on so many of the plot points people were obsessing over (Rey's parents, Luke's light saber, Snoke, etc) made me laugh. I could sense a great disturbance in the force with all the neckbeards losing their minds.
-Luke milked a goddamn sea cow/walrus/Snuffleupagus thing, guzzled the weird blue milk straight up, and took off on Rey in the most bizarre, ridiculous, and amazing scene in the entire Star Wars franchise. What the actual berk...

-The rebel fleet trying to escape Snoke's giant delta wing Star Destroyer was straight out of 2005 reboot Battlestar Galactica, with the capital ship playing the Galactica (obviously). They were even able to track them every time they jumped to light speed, just like the Season 1 episode where they had to jump every 30 seconds because the Cylons could track them. Funny that the series that inspired BSG is now borrowing from BSG.
-Vice Admiral Holdo cutting Snoke's ship in half...
That scene is the one that's really sticking with me. Well done. BRUTAL.
-Rey and Ben/Kylo are totally gonna do it in the next one.
-The "death" of Luke... The way I see it, he's just left his corporeal form but will still be there in the future. He basically leveled up enough that he changed jobs (a la Final Fantasy) and has new powers. He'll still be around to help Rey and the new force users that we are sure to see in the next film. Maybe others will be too. Seems like Luke has more powerful abilities doing this than others did, as evidenced by his projection onto the salt planet. We will definitely be seeing more of him.
-One curious thing: force ghosts previously (that we have seen) couldn't manifest themselves physically, until Yoda bopped Luke on the face with his staff. WAT
-They never talked about the ships having fuel before, but it's plausible. Doesn't anger me.
We all knew when Disney decided to make a new trilogy which abandoned much of what happened in the books (like the Thrawn trilogy), it would piss some people off. While that is unfortunate, Star Wars has always been something marketed toward the masses. Star Wars is supposed to be fun, and that's exactly what we got with The Last Jedi. It's straight-up fun, and opens the narrative to go in a new direction. I dig it.