Found a copy of the movie that...fell off a truck...and Poe does indeed say "these things are fleet killers" when arguing for the attack, and defies a direct order from Leia to disengage, after she called his squad to return to the "carrier." The dreadnought is slowly taking aim at the Rebel ships when Poe carries out the attack. So it is possible that Poe saved the entire fleet from immediate destruction. Oddly he doesn't use this reasoning when he meets with Leia afterward, and comes off very Branniganesque, simply arguing that it was a high-value target and you finish what you start.
With this the theory that Poe will become the leader of the resistance makes more sense. I'm guessing in Ep9 he'll be called to lead, he'll want to turn it down at first because of what happened in Ep8, and then when his actions are revealed to be heroic he'll reluctantly take leadership.
In reply to GameboyRMH :
So... did the whole fleet obey Poe's orders over Leia's?
The whole situation is nonsensical from all sides. It's a good thing they're up against a completely incompetent opposition.
ncjay said:Luke Skywalker and Princess/General Leia are brother and sister, that's been established. What isn't explained, mentioned, or even touched on at all is how Leia apparently has force abilities but it appears Luke or noone else has even bothered to train her how to use them. Not even a little bit.
Leia didn't want to be trained. She wanted some of that sweet Solo. Jedis are celibate.
Last Jedi was pulled in China because the actors aren't attractive enough. No, I'm not making this up.
NickD said:Last Jedi was pulled in China because the actors aren't attractive enough. No, I'm not making this up.
Huh. My wife thinks Oscar Isaac is a hottie...
I think Daisy Ridley is fabulous, because she runs and fights and looks after herself, and is handy with a light saber. Her face is slightly less symmetrical than one of the Kardashian sisters.
No question for me.
Finally saw it with the kids a week ago. Kids loved it. I saw it as a chapter, not a book, so I'm willing ot wait for the next chapter. Thought Chewie and the little penguin hamsters was one of the best parts. That dude has been around since the beginning. Always helping, always flying, showing us the hurry up and wait that no one else seems to deal with. Everyone else is constantly life or death, Chewie just goes on living.
Also thought Luke taking a drink right from the fleshy fountain was the perfect crazy old hermit gig. Normal adjusted people don't do that sort of E36 M3, weird old hermit dudes do. Luke was solidly weird old hermit dude.
Streetwiseguy said:I think Daisy Ridley is fabulous, because she runs and fights and looks after herself, and is handy with a light saber. Her face is slightly less symmetrical than one of the Kardashian sisters.
No question for me.
That isn't the word I'd use for her, but my word is much cruder and pretty much means the same thing. So without being vulgar, lets just say that I agree.
barefootskater said:Streetwiseguy said:I think Daisy Ridley is fabulous, because she runs and fights and looks after herself, and is handy with a light saber. Her face is slightly less symmetrical than one of the Kardashian sisters.
No question for me.
That isn't the word I'd use for her, but my word is much cruder and pretty much means the same thing. So without being vulgar, lets just say that I agree.
I'm 57, and reading your answer made me realize that "fabulous" has a different connotation these days. Maybe substitute "berkeleying great".
Streetwiseguy said:I think Daisy Ridley is fabulous, because she runs and fights and looks after herself, and is handy with a light saber. Her face is slightly less symmetrical than one of the Kardashian sisters.
No question for me.
I think she's hot because she's hot. The fact she also happens to run, fight and kick ass just adds layers of hotness.
I do not find any KArdashian at all attractive in any way, yes I would kick them all out of bed.
Adrian_Thompson said:Streetwiseguy said:I think Daisy Ridley is fabulous, because she runs and fights and looks after herself, and is handy with a light saber. Her face is slightly less symmetrical than one of the Kardashian sisters.
No question for me.
I think she's hot because she's hot. The fact she also happens to run, fight and kick ass just adds layers of hotness.
I do not find any KArdashian at all attractive in any way, yes I would kick them all out of bed.
The sad part is that if you have to kick one of them out of bed, chances are it's too late, you're already infected.
NickD said:Last Jedi was pulled in China because the actors aren't attractive enough. No, I'm not making this up.
I figured it was the same reason American's protested a black male lead in TFA.
Jerry said:NickD said:Last Jedi was pulled in China because the actors aren't attractive enough. No, I'm not making this up. figured it was the same reason American's protested a black male lead in TFA.
Well, on the Chinese posters, Finn was shrunk down drastically and hidden in the middle of a bunch of other characters.
NickD said:Jerry said:NickD said:Last Jedi was pulled in China because the actors aren't attractive enough. No, I'm not making this up. figured it was the same reason American's protested a black male lead in TFA.
Well, on the Chinese posters, Finn was shrunk down drastically and hidden in the middle of a bunch of other characters.
Dude, this doesn't surprise me at all! LoL!
NickD said:Well, on the Chinese posters, Finn was shrunk down drastically and hidden in the middle of a bunch of other characters.
And Poe and Chewbacca were removed completely. What's your point?
Beer Baron said:NickD said:Well, on the Chinese posters, Finn was shrunk down drastically and hidden in the middle of a bunch of other characters.
And Poe and Chewbacca were removed completely. What's your point?
Chewy is obviously black and Poe is an Arab. There you go
Jerry said:NickD said:Last Jedi was pulled in China because the actors aren't attractive enough. No, I'm not making this up. figured it was the same reason American's protested a black male lead in TFA.
Wait, people actually did that?
Appleseed said:Jerry said:NickD said:Last Jedi was pulled in China because the actors aren't attractive enough. No, I'm not making this up. figured it was the same reason American's protested a black male lead in TFA.
Wait, people actually did that?
At least two basement trolls did, which is enough for it to get reported on.
Look, The Last Jedi is just *bad*, and I'm not even talking about the storyline with plot holes big enough to fly a frozen space Leia through.
Star Wars was always visually exciting and detailed. That background is what made the galaxy far, far away feel like a real place, a big setting with characters, places, and events worth exploring. TLJ lost that. Here's some examples:
In RotJ, the throne room battle scene had consoles, stairs, alcoves, and windows with a view of space outside, all seen during the battle. TLJ's scene had a red curtain.
In ESB, the Hoth battle was explained with the shield generator and the Imperials marched in through the wastelands with blowing snow as Rebels defended from multiple lines of defenses and trenches while Rogue Squadron engaged the AT-AT's. You had Admiral Ozzel, General Rieekan, poor Dak, and dozens of troopers on both sides shiwing an epic struggle. In TLJ on Krait you had 7 speeders stop and turn around against a straight line of FO forces and one unnamed trooper say "salt".
Even TLJ's only marginally detailed scene, the useless side quest to Canto Bight, paled in comparison to Maz Kanata's watering hole in TFA.
And let's talk the score. John Williams is a master and every SW film he's worked on has had a memorable piece until now. You don't notice the score at all.
Continuing on, all of the other films (yes, even including TFA) have had quality cuts in between scenes. TLJ just flashed to the next scene like a sitcom.
Don't even get me started on the story, with the hyperspace jump stolen from Lilo & Stitch, the chase scene from Fast & Furious 6, or the flagship monologues from Space Balls.
I've decided that Rian has screwed up too bad and gone back to the EU. I'll take the yuuzan vong, 17 clone emperors, and planets full of force witches over this drivel.
Wow.. Well, since this horse has only been beaten ad nauseam, only seems right to wail on it some more. It appears that Rian may have gotten some inspiration from the EU in a form I never knew existed. Article from Digital Spy
Could it be that Rian was attempting to pull some EU backstory back into official canon? Or is this all just a ploy to keep folks arguing about TLJ until Ep. IX shows up. Either way, it's kind of brilliant IMO. They used to say there's no such thing as bad publicity..
In reply to KyAllroad (Jeremy) :
Yo, 3d printers, mang.
Finally saw it last night. Big D has made it clear they're going to do whatever they want and berkeley the Canon on the series. If they need a Miracle to justify the plot developments then that's what they're going to do.
I enjoyed it. I’ve enjoyed all the recent ones (Post-Attack of the Suck, et al.) Then again, I don’t go into a Star Wars movie expecting some elaborate, well-constructed, bullet-proof plot, or high-quality acting.
I liked it. The comic relief was a nice touch, I thought.
I went to see this. My kids wanted to go so we did the family thing at Studio Movie Grill.
You could not pay too much attention to the plot and action, just had to pay attention to the special effects.
They lost me long before the bombs dropped in zero gravity like some futuristic scene from 12 O'clock High and the lazer pulses had an arcing trajectory like tracers from the Tail Gunner's Ma Duce on a B-17.
Then that ridiculous Space Ghost scene of Carrie Fisher flying through space. It was the perfect opportunity to kill off Princess Leia but no, she lives to die off screen before the next movie. Or maybe she will live on in a super creepy CGI implant of her character.
Not to mention the whole concept of the Jedi and the Force has become a McGuffin to keep the ball rolling.
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