Hey all,
I did some trading this weekend and will end up with a '74 CB750 Honda out of the deal.
I became aware of these bikes this past riding season since I saw a few neat ones come and go on Craigslist and did a bit of research (though not a lot).
The main reason I posted is to find out if anyone can point me in the direction of the best forum(s) for the CB750.
It seems these bikes are generally credited as the "original superbikes." I like the simple looks and somewhat modern features (well...feature, really...the disk brake in front)
The one I'm getting is dorked out with a silly looking seat, backrest, and saddle bags. I'm hoping to go more stock and/or cafe racer style with it.
This will be my first road bike that might actually make it on the road...wish me luck!
I think you all will agree that this bike isn't too monstrous for a beginner. Admittedly, I've never had the desire for anything over about 500 or 600 cc's but the ubiquitous nature of this thing has me accepting of it's larger displacement.
If I'm wrong and it's bigger than I need, I'll probably just try to trade it for a CB350 or CB500 or so...
Fine bikes, if nothing else they're better swap fodder than anything. Pitch the sissy bar....
I was at a trackday at Grattan and a a few guys from Chicago rode in on UJM 750s that had all had the cafe racer treatment. All of it custom made in their garages. Indescribably cool.
Great guys a few years ago when I had mine.
dorri732 wrote:
Great guys a few years ago when I had mine.
Darn! Blocked on the work connection...
Thanks, though. I'll check it out from a legitimate connection.
11/18/08 3:47 p.m.
I had a '77 CB400F SuperSport and I still own a '77 CB550F SuperSport. They are all fantastic bikes.
My only word of advice is NOT to install K+N's unless you plan to rejet the four carbs.
...oh, and before you chuck the ugly seat, check to see if the Honda tool kit is up there under the plastic cover.
Good old bikes! I wouldn't be concerned about it being overly powerful. They had a lot of punch for their time but not so much compared to the current crop of crotch rockets.
IIRC Honda had an endless chain (no master link) stock, when it wore out people would replace them with master link chains. The master link chains of the era would break and it would wad itself between the countershaft and case with disastrous results. This is called a 'case saver', you might want to make one.

I had one, it was a big heavy pig but couldnt be killed. My old roommate could wheelie it through 3 gears. Very impressive.
Well...just in case anyone's interested, here it is:

I figure a set of drag bars and a different seat will get me to the point that the look will be acceptable (for me). I'm still waiting on the key from the PO, so I haven't fired it up yet. It certainly won't see the road before the spring (if then...).
I wish the wheels hadn't been "updated" on it...but oh well.
Digging the J C Whitney seat cover...
Ride on. 
914Driver wrote:
Digging the J C Whitney seat cover...
Ride on.
Well...that makes one of us ;). Seriously though, I really want to put almost ANY other seat on that thing.
I should take a closeup of the sissy bar mount and post it...it's not pretty.
I had a CB750 for a while. It rode like a pig in the curves (it's a big, heavy bike), but was quite fast in a straight line. It's also a good looking bike.
Do not install pod filters unless you're going to change the carbs or rejet. Also, watch the alternator rotor, those are notorious for failure. Then you either have to buy an old one off a junk bike, which may fail after a year or 10 minutes of riding. Or shell out $100+ for an after-market rebuilt rotor.
It is heavy. I'm not really accustomed to bikes at all, but what experience I do have is with lighter (mostly dirt-) bikes. I thought I was going to hurt myself unloading it out of the back of the truck alone.
I don't imagine I'll be needing any sort of power improvements over stock, so I'll likely leave it alone, performance-wise and just plan to ride it a bit for starters.
I'll check into the alternator issue...thanks.