Black Smoke = Bad Tune.
I'm just not sure if they actually work or not.
Toyman01 wrote: Do a 4" in black.
+1 for 4", anything larger looks hokey and small peni-looking
maybe chrome too
Well gotta defend some things here....
They do directs smoke up, just like on a commercial truck, ever been beside a large box truck or a bus where the exhaust dumps at the bottom?
There are a lot of practical reasons for it which I posted, and the only negatives are losing a little bed space and being redneck rice.
And smoke doesn't = bad tune. Smoke = turbos not spoiled yet. I work with large diesels commercial diesels and they all smoke when the throttle is opened until the turbo spools iron if they are run under a heavy load at low rpm. Are you going to tell me the factory tunes from cat, Detroit diesel, cummins etc are bad?
Anyway I don't want smoke, but like I said, it will smoke for 2-3 seconds until the turbo spools if stepped on. I plan on easing into the throttle when driving normally so that should keep the smoke to a minimum.
yes, i am going to say the factory tunes from those companies are bad, because as you stated, they all smoke until the turbo spools, meaning they are dumping in too much fuel and waiting for the turbo to give them the correct ratio of air = bad tune. they should be injecting less fuel when there is less air, but since they don't have to play by the same emissions rules, they do what is easier.
B430 wrote: And smoke doesn't = bad tune. Smoke = turbos not spoiled yet. I work with large diesels commercial diesels and they all smoke when the throttle is opened until the turbo spools iron if they are run under a heavy load at low rpm. Are you going to tell me the factory tunes from cat, Detroit diesel, cummins etc are bad?
Light trucks don't smoke. Heck, Gale Banks's drag truck doesn't smoke (according to them. I've never seen it) and I love this quote: "If it's smoking, it's getting too much fuel, and all you're doing is throwing money out the exhaust system."
Smoking Diesels is like really loud blowoff valves. They don't do anything, but the "enthusiasts" claim that they do in order to justify why they have them.
I've rode along in truly retarded-fast Diesel trucks and the exhaust never smoked, just all four rear tires.
Banks is probably using nitrous. Like I said I work with diesels, from 6 cyl ones similar to what is in a 18 wheeler to large v12s and they all smoke when a load is places on them until the turbos catch up. If it's such a waste of fuel then why do industrial use engines where costs matter do it? Trains do it, OTR trucks do it, construction equipment smokes. In all these uses more fuel = less profit. I think banks is referring to the tunes you see on light trucks that smoke at full throttle even after the turbo spools, similar to a pull truck.
And I dont to make it look like its powered by coal, I'm going to tune for minimal smoke, hopefully I can get it do I don't get any in normal driving, but it's still gonna smoke when under a heavy load and no boost.
The downside with the side dump is I need to cross under the frame then instead of just running straight up.
As someone who has made many cross country trips towing with a truck with side exhaust right behind the rear doors (came that way), it is loud, droning and brings the suxor. IDK how stack sound, never been in a truck with them. I would worry about it being that close if it was a regularly driven vehicle.
But then again, I thought the Borla exhaust brought the droning to my Hemi Dodge as well. It sure was sweet under throttle though.
B430 wrote: More fuel = more heat = faster spool up
More fuel = less heat because of incorrect air/fuel ratio.
The only reason for overfueling would be to try to control the combustion temperatures. Even then, it's a poor way to do it.
Too much fuel not enough air = too hot
If EGTs are too high you can either reduce fuel or add more air
I had 3 inch stacks on my f350 wrecker. If you drop an empty beverage can down each one then goose the throttle they will shoot up about 10 feet
Cutting up the bed is for girls.
Seriously, this is twice as dumb. But somehow... I like it on much smaller cars.
I would probably like stacks better if not for the "red neck ricer" aspect.. and the fact that every one I have seen was owned by somebody who enjoyed shooting particulate 20 feet into the air.
I used to drive commercial.. our trucks never did that (some of the bigger 18wheelers do.. but only under severe load)
DrBoost wrote: How about this?or this?
Just pretend I'm escalating this by posting a bosozoku picture.
So many people here have cars that are louder than stock, are they compensating for a small penis? Trying to be obnoxious douchebags? I mean most stock family cars are nearly silent, so there's really no reason to have any exhaust or intake noise.
Forget about power or cost or weight reduction, either run the stock system or figure out ways to silence an aftermarket system, like with huge mufflers or something.
To me this is the same argument as people bitching about smoke on a diesel, obviously some shiny happy people go to far and give everyone a bad name, but there are just as many obnoxiously loud cars and motorcycles as smokey diesels. In both cases it's not the true enthusiasts causing the problem but those looking for attention.
Maybe we should just all drive stock tan colored Toyota corollas, then everyone will be happy.
In reply to B430:
And? The hangers are already there, and there isn't a point to dual stacks on a Cummins, just run a larger pipe along the factory path and have it dump before the rear axle. Is it rwd or a 4by? Cause I'd say do a turndown that shoots straight down onto the road under the bed.
Fixing up =/= cutting needless holes in the bed.
E: To the post you have above this one; Diesels get a bad name because of mall queen a holes who spend all of their time being obnoxious children. I've yet to see a stacked truck around here that wasn't driven like E36 M3 with loads of douchey behavior thrown in as a bonus. Same principle as mustangs, f bodies, civics, and anything drifty, after a while the number of shiny happy people begin to outnumber the enthusiasts and people start assuming the worst about all of them.
I never said dual stack, single stack directly above the path of the stock system, just a 90* pointing up, by 3 90s I meant 1 from the turbo, one at the bottom of the down pipe, and one going up. Not too worried about cutting things or making holes, already shortened the frame 20" and cut the bed to make it fit. Was planning to fabricate a U shaped piece into then front of the bed and run the stack between the bed and the cab.
Another idea I had was putting a ~60 gallon tank where the spare tire sits, which would be in the way of the tail pipe. On my other truck I have a 75g tank in the bed which takes up a lot more room than the stack would, and if I can get rid of that but still be able to carry fuel that would be a bonus.
I dunno, a 60 gallon tank seems to be a lot of weight to have right at the ass end of the truck, but given the weight of the cummins it might be alright. Although it'd suck if it got rear ended.
I assume you're planning on dropping an in tank pump and running a switch so you can change between the two or are you using the 60 for other stuff with a pump up top like most of the in bed models?
My hopefully future plans for mine involve a 4BT and mpg getting trickery to get into the 30s while still keeping it an actual truck to use for truck crap.
You said:
On the other hand don't want to fall into the category of diesel rice. Other concern is noise in the cab, but the 12v makes so much engine noise I don't think the exhaust noise will seem that bad. Taking inspiration from this truck, but I'd go with 6" not 8"
Then you said:
So many people here have cars that are louder than stock, are they compensating for a small penis? Trying to be obnoxious douchebags? I mean most stock family cars are nearly silent, so there's really no reason to have any exhaust or intake noise.
You asked if it would look like a redneck truck, everyone has pretty much told you that it will.
You said that you don't want noise in the cab, then went on to say that stock system have no noise.
I think you answered all your own questions on this one.
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