I've had an interest in Kendo for a very long time but can't find a dojo close enough to me. There is a Koryo Gumdo class in town but it's not my first choice. I'd like to find something I can learn with my nine-year old daughter to get her out from in front of her computer and spend some quality time with her dad. I have a friend who used to do a lot of Aikido with a Bo in years past. I'd be interested in Staff or Bo disciplines as well. I thought I'd ask The Hive to see if anyone had a good suggestion for some form of stick fighting discipline to explore?
I dont know much about the styles mentioned above but i would suggest studying this guy

In reply to hobiercr :
At first I clicked because I miss watching those cartoons when I was a kid.
Then I heard the lightsaber sounds.. 
New Reader
7/4/19 9:49 p.m.
For stick fighting look around for a school that teaches arnis (kali, escrima). Karate dojo might offer kobudo training in bo staff but it would be an add on to the empty hand so you'd likely have to do both. Aikido dojo would be more likely to offer jo staff training than bo staff but again often as an add on to the aikido training. A dedicated koryu dojo offering classes in SMR jodo and/or kenjutsu would be rarer but they're around.
Start asking martial arts schools in your area if they offer what you're looking for or if they know someone who does. Often they've got a good sense of what other folks are doing.

If you’re gonna get in a stick fight, walk tall.
The Boy Scouts once had a Merit Badge that inlcuded the quarterstaff.
7/5/19 11:23 a.m.
Seems like you'd have gotten a higher percentage of more serious and helpful responses here if you had asked about walking sticks.
I've been watching the Iron Fist on Netflix and they sometimes fight with sticks.
I did Tae kwon do for two years and then Penchak Silat, an Indonesian style. Most arts, even Tae kwon do off weapons training and "stick fighting". However, you have to learn the basics first, can't play if you can't fall. If I had to do it again, I would take a harder look at Aikido, it's quite graceful.
I was going to mention escrima as recommended above.
7/5/19 12:05 p.m.
914Driver said:
I did Tae kwon do for two years and then Penchak Silat, an Indonesian style. Most arts, even Tae kwon do off weapons training and "stick fighting". However, you have to learn the basics first, can't play if you can't fall. If I had to do it again, I would take a harder look at Aikido, it's quite graceful.
that last link will do nothing for the girls other than to teach them that you DON'T WEAR THE WHITE uniform. :)