This weekend Mrs. Editor and I saw Clutch--killer show. While waiting for the music to start, she asked me who was opening. So I looked over at the merch table: "The Sword and some band whose logo I can't read."
Turns out the first band was Lionize so I checked out their webpage while waiting. Right there at the top of their page is says "groove-heavy stoner rock meets dark reggae."
The Sword didn't have any reggae tendencies. I'd class both in the "heavy as berkeley" category.
Before leaving the show, I picked up CDs for each band.
Sample from The Sword:
5/13/13 11:32 a.m.
My knowledge of stoner rock begins with Kyuss and ends with QOTSA.
It's that heavy-groove Sabbath sound. Sleep, some of High on Fire's stuff, Kyuss are good primers...or just buy that goddamned Probot record already ;) This is about as stoner as it gets IMHO:
I'd prolly dig the sword more if not for the whole "Hey look! We've time travelled from the 70's" vibe. Some of the stoner stuff is way to kitschy for me.
Fu Manchu has a few music vids. Check out evil eye and king of the road. To complocated to post from my phone.
My favorite album of theirs is eatin dust
5/13/13 12:36 p.m.
The Sword is good, very good.
Red Fang I think counts as Stoner, but I'm not sure.
Agreed on Kyuss, Fu Manchu and High on Fire.
E: One I forgot about, found it on Youtube a while ago, been following them.
Russian Stoner band, really like them:
5/13/13 1:03 p.m.
We are not a stoner metal band, but in a fit of silliness, have one stoner metal tune called "+4 Sword"...
Stoner Rock and Stoner Metal RULES.
Some of my favorite bands:
Stoner Rock:
Fu Manchu: Gnarly Stoner Rock from So Cal. Just about all their songs are about muscle cars, trucks, vans, or skateboarding. Not a bad album in their entire catalog, and they tear it up live. Their covers are awesome too; they do killer covers of The Cars "Moving in Stereo", Blue Oyster Cult's "Godzilla", and Devo's "Freedom of Choice".
Roadsaw: Great Stoner Rock band from MA. Similar to Fu Manchu, but from the East Coast. They have been around for a long time and continue to make great music.
Stoner Metal:
VYGR: Just discovered these guys recently. Also local to me, from MA. Spacy, atmospheric Stoner Doom that just rules.
Elder: Yet another great MA act. These guys should be on your list to check out for sure. Riff-tastic and heavy. Every single song they create is awesome and usually really long.
Corrosion of Conformity: These guys have done it all over the years with practically a million different lineupsacross different genres, but their past two albums are great and fall under the stoner metal genre. Heavy with a Southern twinge. So damn good.
Crowbar: More on the metal side, but I'll include them. Great Southern metal that is the equivalent of eating really good BBQ, but with your ears. Slow and punishing, and really good.
There are so many different bands across these genres that just rule. Also check out Stoner Doom or Doom Metal when you want to go to the next level. 
This guy likes his Stoner metal.

Lionize is great and one of this metalheads guilty pleasures. I caught them opening for cky about 3 years ago and have since purchased all their albums. Great tunes & good people.
ina-gadda-di-vida.... is that still considered stoner music?
I too somehow missed the whole Stoner Metal genre(possibly because I'm not a stoner???), but I spent several nights on YouTube educating myself and concluded that I'm definitely a fan.
Duke wrote:
My knowledge of stoner rock begins with Kyuss and ends with QOTSA.
Same here. I've got a few Fu Manchu albums, not bad, but I'm just a big fan of Homme's sound.
Can't wait for the new QOTSA album to come out in a few more weeks.
Gosh, I thought it was gonna be something like this:
petegossett wrote:
I too somehow missed the whole Stoner Metal genre(possibly because I'm not a stoner???), but I spent several nights on YouTube educating myself and concluded that I'm definitely a fan.
Same here. Definitely not a stoner, but I dig the groove. (The Sword currently playing in my office.)
In reply to David S. Wallens:
I just stumbled across this beauty last night. I'm not entirely sure it counts as Stoner Rock/Metal, but I'm pretty darn sure drugs were an influencing factor in their video.
Funny, Stoner Doom/Metal are possibly my favorite of the sub-genres and I am not a stoner. I would probably turn into the world's biggest mouth breather and drool all over myself if I were.
5/15/13 8:11 p.m.
For all things stoner/sludge/doom/heavypsych, check out this blog: Each month or so, a compilation of obscurities fitting a particular theme is posted as a free download, (most recently, 'space rock').
The FB group is also cool.
5/15/13 8:44 p.m.
In reply to MA$$hole:
Hey Ma$$hole, based on other things I've seen you post I think you might like this new band I'm in
Check out Youtube for Floater.
Local music to me (at one point "as local as it gets" when I lived in the apartment directly above the drummer) and always a killer live show.
Standout tracks: The Sad Ballad of Danny Boy, Weightless, Cinema, Peter the Destroyer, Snowblind, Waiting for the Sun (Doors cover), Mexican Bus
While checking youtube, also check out Slow Children's cover of Eleanor Rigby... freekin amazing redux.
5/16/13 7:40 p.m.
Bongzilla, Weedeater, Electric Wizard, High On Fire, Sleep, Kylesa, some Boris albums,Down is ok, Torche is tolerable, Kyuss is ok, Sons of Otis (but kind of predate the genre I guess), Harvey Milk, Sasquatch (more on the rock side), are all I can think of for the moment.
How strict do you want to be with the term stoner rock/metal? Clutch crosses over genres into a few different styles.
5/16/13 7:48 p.m.
In reply to Bumboclot:
Yeah not stoner, more like math metal/post metal but still good.