I could believe my eyes, but this morning I was passed by an Isuzu VehiCross. What is really wild tho, is that it's the 2nd one I've run across this week. A local used car dealer has one for sale. And they are NOT the same vehicle as one is yellow and one is...greyish?
Also found a Suzuki X90 locally...tho is that really an SUV?
11/27/11 1:33 p.m.
I was expecting LaForzas and AROs.
11/27/11 1:47 p.m.
There was an Isuzu VehiCross in the neighborhood I lived in last year. As well as a daily driven Land Rover Defender. I wanted both.
I actually really like those Vehicross's...it's a neat look.

11/27/11 1:58 p.m.
There are 2 VehiCrosses in my smallish college town of 30,000 or so. Been a while since I saw an X90, though - thank goodness.
I see both fairly often. Every time I see an X90, I just wonder why...
Damn you! Now I want a Vehicross. Apparently there's a decent aftermarket for them and supposedly decent offroad.
Just what my house needs, another wierd car in the driveway.
I was behind a mint X-90 on the highway the other day (not for long of course, top speed is like 65).
vehicross is a sweet vehicle but i would think you could get a reletively small suv thing to get better mpg. just feel like that helped kill it.
I've seen a lot more X-90s than Vehicrosss.
11/27/11 4:35 p.m.
Funny, I walked by a street-parked Vehicross here in NYC the other day, about a block from my apartment. Definitely an odd car, definitely odd to see it street parked here (though I did once see a street parked 356 in the Village).
There was a mint X-90 in the parking garage at my former workplace. I don't think I knew those existed the first time I saw it. Still not sure why though...
I like Vehicrosses. Make mine silver or yellow, please.
3.5 liter Trooper engine and drivetrain, Rodeo Sport/Amigo chassis and its own very unique body. They get kinda poopy mileage because they are toting around 4wd all the time and some had TOD (Torque On Demand), which is full time AWD. The only thing I ever saw fail on them was window regulators.

I've seen 4 or 5 X90's recently. Dunno why. That is one funky lookin' little rig.
I know of one white Vehicross run that is running around my neck of the woods. Neat looking beast, wouldn't mind having one myself.
I like the Vehicross. Had a few close calls around 2003, but never managed to seal the deal. I'd still love one.
11/27/11 9:32 p.m.
I work in a part of town that's partially industrial. As such, you see a lot of odd "older" vehicles. There is a purple X-90 I see every so often, and a yellow Vehicross has gone down the street a time or two in the last year.
Funny, I saw a Laforza on the fwy a few months back, coming home from the junkyard. 405 freeway maybe. Had to google it on my phone to finger out what it was.
i have a freind that has a x-90 and he has been modding the heck out of it for the past few years...last time i talked to him he was running 3 or 4 one barrel carbs.....and a locker and putting anew trans in since the other 5 speed has been a bit roached...over the years
There's a yellow Vehicross in my neighborhood. I enviously gaze at it almost daily.
11/28/11 3:06 p.m.
One of the guys at the place I work has an X90, so I see it almost every day.
Should have called it a Vehicrosseyed.