Putting out a call to the SW Ohio(And NKY and SE Indiana) GRMer's. I'm selling a car to Wheels, and he's planning on picking it up on the evening of Nov 3rd. Normally, this wouldn't require assistance, but since the car is dissassembled, and someone isn't allowed to lift much weight right now
, we could use two or three people to help load everything up.
So, if you'd be able to help, it would be greatly appreciated. I'll provide pizza, soda, and snacks, and if we get done early, y'all are welcome to hang out and BS afterwards. If you can make it, let me know, and I'll plan food accordingly.
10/17/10 2:41 p.m.
I'm off of work at 6:30, is that too late?
where exactly are you located
In reply to cxhb:
Probably not a problem. It'll take some time to load everything up. I can be a bit more certain once I hear from Andy when he'll be getting here.
In reply to CarKid1989:
I'm in Eastgate, a little east of the Cincinnati loop.
I'd come help but I'll be in Chicago on the 3rd.
10/18/10 7:52 a.m.
I get off 4-ish and should be able to be there around 5:00 or so depending on traffic. (just let me know where).
I could be there around 8pm-ish
Unfortunately Wednesday evenings are the one evening of the week I can't help out. Sorry.
8 pm may be a late-ish, but I will get back to you on that.
Stan - I'll PM you address and contact info in the next couple of days. I just checked with Andy to see when he thinks he'll be getting into town, and will figure things from there.
Chris and fastEddie, bummer you can't make it.
Just talked to Andy - schedule has been changed to either next week or early December - will fill you in as I get new info.
Hey guys, the new tentative date is Dec 1st, anyone able to make it then? Also, does anyone have an engine hoist? I probably just need the hydraulic ram, mine appears to be leaking badly.