novaderrik wrote:
Pete240Z wrote:
My company gets pissed when people want more money. "there's more to a job than just money".
Yes, I agree but.......
that's what they all say.. but i've flat out told a few of my bosses that if it wasn't for money, then i wouldn't be there at all.
No joke.
At my current place, during the interview, my boss asked "What motivates you?"
Money, pure and simple. I want to earn a decent wage so that I can enjoy life when I'm not at work.
Pete240Z wrote:
Business = profit.
Employee = wages.
No Employees = No Business
KATYB wrote:
well when i was at toyota they paid me 21 flat rate. and there was only enough work for 40 to 50 hours a week. when i left i went to an independant and immediatly got 32 flat rate and had enough work for 70 to 100 a week.
for comparison, I was getting $10 for "C" work and $11 for "a & B" at subaru
nissan pays one flat rate per tech, and the kid who just moved up started at $14. I hope to be getting $15 to start with.
Charlotte is (iirc) second in the nation for highest paid auto technicians(20k-6 figures), who knows if that includes all the NASCAR work that goes on around here though.
I'm giving it til June or July, and if I'm not making what I need in order to move (I'm commuting 55 miles one way right now) then I'm gone.
You just have to make yourself man up and leave when things aren't working as they were supposed to or you've been cheated out of money.
Like someone else said, money is the motivation. I need to provide for my wife and I, and pay for our car's, and move the hell out of her parent's apartment, so nothing is getting in the way of that.
Datsun1500 wrote:
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Pete240Z wrote:
Business = profit.
Employee = wages.
No Employees = No Business
No businessess = No jobs.
What is not so simple is the subtle mathmatics involved with hiring people at a decent wage so people have money to buy things.. but yet still allow the companies to make a decent profit
If you want to feel better about it, go work for yourself for a while.
Some months will be great, make sure to save some cash for the ramen noodle months.
4/24/12 12:04 a.m.
z31maniac wrote:
No joke.
At my current place, during the interview, my boss asked "What motivates you?"
Money, pure and simple. I want to earn a decent wage so that I can enjoy life when I'm not at work.
Did you really answer it that way??? If so, props for your honesty. 
mad_machine wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote:
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Pete240Z wrote:
Business = profit.
Employee = wages.
No Employees = No Business
No businessess = No jobs.
What is not so simple is the subtle mathmatics involved with hiring people at a decent wage so people have money to buy things.. but yet still allow the companies to make a decent profit
All I know is--in the non-professional, hourly realm, there is a greater and greater instance of the "working poor". Things really seem to have gone downhill over the past 5 years or so in that sense. 
In reply to N Sperlo:
Is it possible to move? I know in my area the city PD is hiring like crazy. Most guys use it as a way to get a foot in the door so they can either move to the better paying county PD's or the State Police.
Six years ago, the union decided to implement a step plan where I work. Guys with 15 or more years in got somewhere around a 60% raise. I had 4 years in and got 10%. I told anyone who would listen that this deal stunk to high heaven, and there would be no way in hell I could ever expect to make what the 15 year guys were making when I got to 15 years.
Almost six years later, and I was right. We took a 5% pay cut about two years ago, and that was after they froze pay four years ago. Guys with less years in than I had, some are working for LESS than what they signed on for. But the fat cats in the union sure set themselves up nicely for their "BEST 5 YEARS" when it comes to retirement for themselves. At least I'm in a Right to Work state, and I saw through their money grab that I've saved quite a bit by avoiding union dues...
mad_machine wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote:
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Pete240Z wrote:
Business = profit.
Employee = wages.
No Employees = No Business
No businessess = No jobs.
What is not so simple is the subtle mathmatics involved with hiring people at a decent wage so people have money to buy things.. but yet still allow the companies to make a decent profit
its not tough math...its simple: pay people a decent wage, people will break their backs working for you. Crap on them, and get out what you put in...crap in = crap out. The top execs here drive $90+k cars, the owner has a yacht, takes ski trips to the alps and fishing trips in the Caymans - several times a year each. The other execs are in the office 20 hrs a week tops...and the company only has 50 or so full timers (non temps). So all that profit goes straight up, while we have no 401k, no profit sharing, and the guys cashing the checks do none of the work...what the berk?!?!
Im being paid what my direct reports are being paid...thats right - the people I manage make what I make (I took a $4k TAKE HOME pay cut when I came here, because I just flat out needed a job)...its BS, but I have to put up with it until July when Im due for my better be a doozie, or Im hittin the bricks...I was looking for a job when I got this one.
Xceler8x wrote:
In reply to N Sperlo:
Is it possible to move? I know in my area the city PD is hiring like crazy. Most guys use it as a way to get a foot in the door so they can either move to the better paying county PD's or the State Police.
I refuse to move. Love my city too much.
4/24/12 12:32 p.m.
Business = profit
Employee = wages.
No Employees = No Business
No businessess = No jobs.
No jobs = no money = no consumer = lots of unhappy people willing to revolt against those with money/food/power.
A more equal distribution means a more happy society.
4cylndrfury wrote:
".......until July when Im due for my better be a doozie, or Im hittin the bricks...
Start lacing up those walking shoes.......
My employer did a wage audit the month I got promoted. The guys that were near the top were pissed because the new guys were brought up to their level of pay. I was fine with the situation, because I got about a dollar raise, but others were getting 3-4 bucks more because the deal.
Wow, you guys really have it bad.
My company set 2 production records back to back. We hadn't had a raise in 4 years till today.
It was 3%.
I am the highest paid engineer, and it just barely covered the cost of insurance they jacked up on it this year.
That means most of the employees are still negative. Absolute dog E36 M3 for management.
The reason is they do not understand how to run the business. I could go into it but it is very obvious to anyone who has walked by a business book much less studied it.
PHeller wrote:
Business = profit
Employee = wages.
No Employees = No Business
No businessess = No jobs.
No jobs = no money = no consumer = lots of unhappy people willing to revolt against those with money/food/power.
A more equal distribution means a more happy society.
Have you heard the one about the college professor...
fasted58 wrote:
I Am Keyser Söze wrote:
The reason is they do not care about changing how they run the business because theyre happy with the profits theyre already making.
If it was important to them, they would do it. The reason they dont change is because they dont care to change...
Shove it up the pee hole. It hurts more.
4cylndrfury wrote:
fasted58 wrote:
I Am Keyser Söze wrote:
The reason is they do not care about changing how they run the business because theyre happy with the profits theyre already making.
If it was important to them, they would do it. The reason they dont change is because they dont care to change...
I wish your edit was true. They get chewed out every year because they don't make profit margins. We never loose money, but we never make alot of profit either.
So they really just don't know how to run a business.
We do Logistics and Assembly really really well. Everything else well, we suck.
The bad part is, it is a culture thing.
yea.. that is the problem here too.. we have a culture of no change in the Casinos. Even with neighboring states opening up gambling halls all over the place and a brand new billion dollar casino set to open in a week.. the existing casinos here in Atlantic City are still stuck in a "they will come anyway" mentality.
Meanwhile the Casinos in Del, Philly, and NY are very steadily chipping away at profits as they slowly evolve from slot machine parlors into real casinos, and the new giant on the boardwalk is about to open.. nobody aside from the Borgata is even bothering to lift their heads to see what is going on.