I nicked a clapped out Caddy in a Target lot once. I had absolutely no money. The devil on my shoulder is screaming "Go. Just go, you bastard." But I didn't. Had the store make a page about a Cadillac with its lights on. Dude came out and I explained what happened. I asked if he wanted to call the cops and if he wanted my info. He said that he was "gunna fix that thang UP, so dats OK."
I would have felt like crap for a very long time if I ran.
patgizz wrote:
one time my sister drove my truck to the store. she parked next to a red dump truck. when she came out there was a 4 foot long gash down the bed, through the metal, covered in red paint. no note or anything.
Now this I've had similar happen. Not a dump truck though. Park the car in a store parking lot next to other cars, shop and come out to a damaged car. No note or anything. Daughter got rear ended once on the street pulling into a parking lot. Stopped, talked to the lady SUV driver and decided the middle of the street isn't the place for this and pull into the parking lot to finish. Lady pulled into the parking lot and kept on going out the other side, to quick to get the license plate number.
Will admit I purposely caved in an large SUV passenger door. I parked towards the rear of the parking lot where no one else was, came out to this Yukon across the line into my space. I couldn't even get in my car. Going in through the passenger door ain't happening for someone over 50 (like me, not as flexible as I used to be) in an RX8. Caved the door of the 4-door Yukon w/my knee just enough to squeeze in my car. Didn't occur to me to put the car in neutral, release parking brake and push it out to get in.
Wasn't the point.
Besides, it was January and it was cold! I thought about going back into the store to look for the owner but remembered all that was in there were overweight, loud, bitching soccer moms yelling at store staff.
wlkelley3 wrote:
I parked towards the rear of the parking lot where no one else was, came out to this Yukon across the line into my space. I couldn't even get in my car. Going in through the passenger door ain't happening for someone over 50 (like me, not as flexible as I used to be) in an RX8. Caved the door of the 4-door Yukon w/my knee just enough to squeeze in my car. Didn't occur to me to put the car in neutral, release parking brake and push it out to get in.
Wasn't the point.
I had something similar happen once...I had to stop in at the grocery store to pick up a couple small items on the way out for a weekend camping trip, I was driving a conversion van, parked a little further out so I could make a quick exit. I come out to a landscaping truck parked less than a foot from my drivers side. He didn't hit me at all but it was literally inches from my van.
If he was going to park out further just like me, why does he have to get all up on my E36 M3? I made my way in through the passenger doors, and on my way out hocked up a nice little gift on his drivers side window.
patgizz wrote:
one time my sister drove my truck to the store. she parked next to a red dump truck. when she came out there was a 4 foot long gash down the bed, through the metal, covered in red paint. no note or anything.
Pretty much the same thing happened to my mom's bugeye Impreza (it got the whole side crushed in and swirlied from the dump truck's wheel), but luckily someone else at the gas station got the plate number on the dump truck.
4/27/14 3:09 p.m.
For a while my only car was an International flatbed. Whenever I went our I would have to park in the outer reaches of civilization. One night the future wife and I came out of the mall and for some reason there was a Civic next to us with the right front corner between the toolbox and rear wheel. We through the GoJacs on it to move it away from the truck and rolled sideways neatly between a curb and a lightpost.
4/27/14 10:43 p.m.
once in the early 80's when i was driving the big rigs, i was in downtown Chicago and caught a little car with the trailer tire and did a little damage which would have gotten worse if i moved the truck, the car alarm was screaming and these two big cops come up and i am thinking oh boy here we go....they told me to grab the bumper of the car which i did and they did the same we picked up the ass end of that little car and sat it up on the sidewalk, i asked them what do i do now, one them asked me if i knew who owned the car and i said no sir, he looked at his pard and said do you know who owns this car his pard said no i do not.......the big one said "let's role" so we rolled.......
Well I still haven't been contacted so who knows.
I door dinged a car over the weekend. I'm normally very careful. Wasn't much of a ding, but when I looked, there was a huge dent on the fender of the car I hit near the contact spot. Of course, it was already there, but for a second...
You all must not drive in Boston. Scuffs and scraps are an everyday thing.
I had a HC van back in to my Porsche with me standing in the parking lot watching. Guy gets out and is like WTF. I Look at the header panel and it is caved in by extende metal bumper. He is all kinds of pissed off and started to say it is my fault for driving such a small car. I ignore him and politely ask the guy for his insurance information and he sais he will be rite back. I start taking a couple photos of the situation. Instead of coming back he then just drives off. I got the plate and the name of he car service and I had photos of his van crunching my car (he did not pull forward after he hit me).
Instead of calling the car service and taking it up with them I decided to call the cops and report a hit and run. Cops show up and I give them all the information and show them the photos on my phone and the parking lot attendant (that I take care of at Xmass every year) also confirmed my story.
The car service company called me later that day after there guy had been pulled over and arrested for leaving the scene of an accident and their van was impounded. The nice guy on the phone implied that if I changed my story they would take care of me. I thanked him and told him he can take that up with my insurance agent.
I had a replacement header panel in my parts pile so it was a quick scuff and paint and then just bolted it on. Insurance gave me $1,200 +/- and it did not go on my record as I was not at fault. I was actually worried that they would total the car.
5/1/14 7:19 a.m.
Noticed that some dick hole that can't park ran across the rear corner of my car last night. No note, no nothing.
We need more OP's in this world.
My minivan, while a total pain to
Park on the street in the city, saves my bacon with its sliding doors.