Jensenman wrote:
Jesus on a dinosaur, Nazis, Stalin, Chuck Norris, man/man love, religious progression (or regression if you prefer) and now Mr. Hankey. Epic thread, say I!
is this now the crazy picture thread, if so, could some one help me by putting up the picture I linked to above
Jensenman wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
ignorant wrote:
nazi's and Stalin!!!!!
Could this thread get any better?
I'm still waiting on the hot christian teens with firearms action I was promised.
You mean 'Teens with donkeys!' inbox SPAM doesn't do it for you any more?
Can i PLEASE have the Google Adserver window back on the left of the screen?
Where the berkeley can I find this coloring book? Just imagine what else it has. 
New Reader
7/21/08 10:46 a.m.
Dunno on the coloring book, but "D is for dinosaur" is always a good read. This picture really irked me. Were you there, either?

sad part is that the owl is more inteligent than bill
"and we have a letter from Jack Mehoffer from..."