4/1/12 8:24 p.m.
Since I am now of age to be considered "independent" for financial aid purposes, the federal government has determined they can actually give me some of your money to pay for my tuition.
So, I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for being forced by the man to help me go to school!
When I am actually making some decent money, I hope I can be forced to help your children go to school as well!
Sounds snarky, but I'm serious. Thanks.
You had better make good grades or I am cutting you off!
Seriously though, make good grades and make lots of money being a productive member of society so all of us will feel like the scholarship/grant programs are worthwhile.
4/1/12 8:29 p.m.
Yeah quit goofing off on the internet and do some homework
4/1/12 8:38 p.m.
It ain't my money. I didn't make enough to owe taxes. It's borrowed from the Chinese.
Does your school accept payments in Yuan, or would they rather sell sweatshop hoodies with the school mascot in the bookstore? 
I'm just glad to know it's going to someone worthy of the investment. Just make sure it pays off in the long run, please.
You can pay me back by going to look at this car for me:
I am interested to see how rusty it is =)