4/30/13 9:23 p.m.
I was on the bus coming home today when a woman was talking very loudly on her phone. She had just come from the doctor and was going into great detail about the hideous discharges and foul odors emanating from her lady bits. After a couple minutes of this guided tour of her innards a little old many swatted at her with his paper and said "Damn it woman, ain't nobody here wants to hear about your nasty ol' Bob Costas" . This woman and her festering ailments shut right up and got off at the next stop.
Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!
4/30/13 9:33 p.m.
So when can we expect the bus cam upload?
I'll thank him too and hope his "paying it forward" spreads!
Heroes come in all kinds.
Hey, what can I say. We have our moments.
Yuck, I pity the person who took that seat next
Gotta love teh old people. At some point you realize your time is too short to bother with being diplomatic.
I would've thrown "Stanky ole' herp infested" in there, but I probably wouldn't have swatted her. Props, Grandpa.
Reason #4395 I avoid public transit like the plague....
Good show on grandpas part though