Ga. Sheriff: Ford vs. Chevy Argument Leads To Stabbing
CALHOUN, Ga. -- Sheriff's officials said a northwest Georgia man was stabbed after an argument with another man over which vehicles are better: Ford or Chevrolet.
Several people were driving off-road vehicles in a field when an argument escalated into a fist fight around 1 a.m. Saturday, according to the Calhoun Times and Rome News-Tribune.
Gordon County sheriff's officials said in a statement the fight ended when one man pulled a knife and stabbed the other one.
Sheriff's detectives said witnesses told them the assault stemmed from a disagreement over the superiority of Ford vehicles versus Chevrolet vehicles.
Authorities said 21-year-old Zachary Woody, of Calhoun, has been charged with aggravated assault. It was not known Monday whether Woody has an attorney in the case.
The man who was stabbed was hospitalized with serious injuries, authorities said.
5/17/11 7:49 a.m.
I bet the Ford guy was winning the arguement but then the Chevy guy got a bailout (a knife) and stabbed the guy...Chevy low-lifes always stabbing good honest workin' folk...
Naw, it was the Dodge guy on the sidelines who egged them on.
I've been to calhoun ga.. no way this was the first time this has happened there.
I lived there for a little less than year back around 1968. The people were a little different, but I loved living there.
5/17/11 10:03 a.m.
Makes one proud to live in Georgia - NOT.
The accused:

The state just gained a step on Florida in a race to the bottom.
You can laugh, but if you don't stand for something, you stand for nothing. Some things are worth dying for.
May have a leg up on Mississippi, too.
I can't believe they call Budweiser the KING of beers...Coors is so much better.
...runs for door snickering
He was representing the Ford owner's of the world against the evil Chevy owner
5/17/11 10:56 a.m.
carguy123 wrote:
Naw, it was the Dodge guy on the sidelines who egged them on.
Yes it was.
And afterwards he drove in his neon looking to start a fight between nissan/toyota fans.
5/17/11 11:01 a.m.
That article is actually a stock piece and when this sort of thing happens, they just have to fill in the specifics.
This is The Civil War, Version 2.0....
Wow, I just said in another thread that I was PROUD of this state. Dammit.
But i"m not real surprised, either.
Be that as it may, I still really like GA. Its ten steps up the ladder from the Bosnia-esque hell hole that is the Mitten state. Detroit is now 54% functionally illiterate...
dogbreath wrote:
I just busted out laughing in the middle of work at this. LOL
You damn people are going to get me in trouble!
How embarassing. "What you in for man?
"I stabs a mofugga 'cause he sayz bad tings 'bout Chebies".
Hold that thought for 10 to 14.
Get neutered.
5/17/11 11:54 a.m.
Shouldn't that be a broken Perrier bottle?
I do have to say that people's reaction to me buying a Dodge have been completely different from any other vehicle. With the Dodge, everyone seems obliged to tell me how much trouble they've had with one and how much better the Ford/Chevy is. Either that or they give praise to the god of Cummins. That just doesn't happen with the other makes - although I have discovered that nobody can figure out what year a Cadillac is.
RX Reven' wrote:
I can't believe they call Budweiser the KING of beers...Coors is so much better.
...runs for door snickering
But High Life is the champagne of beers. And personally, I'd rather drink champagne than drink a king.
5/17/11 1:02 p.m.
Doesn't surprise me in the least. You guys ever visit a truck forum? Yikes.
5/17/11 1:15 p.m.
dogbreath wrote:
So say a couple of Mercedes drivers: