^Um. Wow.
She does have a famous cooking blog. That count?
Trouble at home, Angry?
I have thick, luscious hair, but a kinda weird shaped head. So it wouldn't be good for me to go bald.
Rogaine can work for some, but others are right - it will lose effectiveness. For some it just makes really thin bunny fur. Transplants and plugs will work for a while - but they are also temporary and eventually fall out. Number 1 on the clippers and a Van Dyke for me. Also eliminates helmet hair.
Started losing my hair at 17 years of age. Have the same amount of hair now (age 52) as I did at 27. Do believe long haired bald guys look funny so I do keep mine short. Not too short or shaved because I do have some scars on the side of my head. Just barely long enough to comb. Never tried any of the products as my hair was too far gone for any of that stuff to work enough to matter. I am what I am and secure in that thought. In saying that I will admit, bald guys have hats. Keeps the head from sunburning and a peeling scalp is very irratating.
Mine started mentioning how my hair was really thin in places. I just mentioned how gray hers was getting..... problem solved.
Looking at my dad, I knew my hair was going to get thin and go away eventually. I remember lamenting this with my wife when we were still newlyweds. Her reaction was, "There are plenty of cool bald guys." I said, "Name one." And she said, "Micheal Jordon." I couldn't argure with that. "Name a white guy." "Sean Connery." Couldn't argue with that either. So I stopped worrying about it.
I've never ever understood the life threatening worry that seems to accompany the loosing of ones hair... I always had huge bushy amounts of very thick hair.. and as the yrs went by kept cutting it shorter and shorter... one day I saw a pic of me (in a group sitting around a campfire) from a ledge above... there was a nicely shaped monks circle on top... I had to laugh.. since then I've used the no.1 setting on a hair clipper and cut it down to > 1/16 ... do it every 4 - 6 wks
no more paying a barber ... no more hat hair ... sure is easy to take care of
ZOO wrote: I shave my head -- number one clipper guard for me, every seven to ten days. Easy.
ZOO wrote: Of course, I could grow a thick, out-of-control head of hair if I wished, so I can't offer any input about hair restoration products.
I used to be able to say that, but in recent years it's only thick in some places. I figure I've already impressed all the girls I need to (my wife) and have my fertility trophy (actually two of them, and they're growing up fast) so I'm pretty much OK with "taking it to the wood" every two weeks or so. Keeps me out of trouble, and I no longer need shampoo.
Bought a $17.99 set of clippers from the drugstore when I was 16. Haven't paid for a haircut since (16 years later.) I go no-gaurd once every 3 weeks or so. Plus, if you've still got some hair right now, you can go back to the wife and say "Happy now, (insert other 'b-word!?)"
Everyone is a bit different, but we're all a lot the same. If you're interested, here's how it works.
Balding is a complicated inheritance. It is autosomal dominant in men and autosomal recessive in the ladies. It is not a classic Mendallian pattern, like you were taught in the 4th grade. There's 2 genes: B and b. Yo momma has 2 and yo daddy has 2. You got one from each of them. Each of your parents could have any combination of B and b. That is, bb, bB, Bb, BB. For this illustration, B means Bald and b means Not bald.
If you're male, then if you are a bb, like me, you have nice hair your whole life. Anything else, you're bald. BB's can even bald sooner, but a Bb/bB will be bald by about 30. If you're female, any of these: bb, bB, Bb will have nice hair and a BB will have fine, thin hair. So, if you're a male and your momma had fine thin hair, you have at least one B and you're screwed, even if daddy still has hair. If your dad has hair and momma has "regular" hair, you have a chance at having hair, depending on if mom is a Bb or bb. That would be a 50-50 chance if mom's a Bb.
Other factors can come into play. Environmental exposures, general health, etc.
Patrick Stewart on embracing the baldness.
FWIW, I'm 28 and have been slowly going from a forehead to a fivehead (and beyond) for the last five or six years. It's to the point now where I keep it buzzed at a #2 all the time. I had considered the drugs, but Rogaine is apparently not very effective against a receding hairline, and Propecia has some serious-but-rare side effects (like permanent loss of sex drive) that aren't worth it IMHO.
I understand that thanks to patients undergoing chemo/radiation treatments for Cancer there are new theories about hair restoration. I'm not holding my breath, but it may happen.
ZOO wrote: I shave my head -- number one clipper guard for me, every seven to ten days. Easy. Of course, I could grow a thick, out-of-control head of hair if I wished, so I can't offer any input about hair restoration products.
This +2
Wahl clippers from wally world.
Clean hair
Bathroom so its easy to clean up.
It is DIY
psteav wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXOK-ZVJMaU Patrick Stewart on embracing the baldness. FWIW, I'm 28 and have been slowly going from a forehead to a fivehead (and beyond) for the last five or six years. It's to the point now where I keep it buzzed at a #2 all the time. I had considered the drugs, but Rogaine is apparently not very effective against a receding hairline, and Propecia has some serious-but-rare side effects (like permanent loss of sex drive) that aren't worth it IMHO.
IIRC, Rogaine even says on the back of the bottle that it only works on "male pattern baldness" (that starts in the back of the head and progresses outward from there), and admits that those of us losing hair from the forehead on back won't have any success with it. Props to them..their honesty kept me from wasting my time & money on it.
I'm not even looking at Propecia..I'm lucky enough that my dad had enough Native American tribal genes that I didn't start balding until I was 40yrs old, and if mine gets any worse, I'll just shave my head like the young folks do.
And thanks for the Patrick Stewart interview link..that was great!
Been shaving my head since I was about 23.
If someone told me tomorrow they could reverse baldness and give me a full head of hair for free, I'd tell them to keep it.
Its just plain easier being bald! Every other week I shear it down with the clippers, no gaurd and finish it off with a razor. No more shampoo, no combs or brushes, no barbers, no helmet/hat hair. I can wake up and be showered and out the door in 15 minutes or less.
Keep your hair, I dont want it. But dont forget the sunscreen.
Shaving cream and the razor in the shower once a week. Adds 10 minutes to the shower, but I do have to get up early enough to let the wife inspect it and make sure I didn't leave any stripes.
I have a rich thick luxurious mane. It greyed prematurely. I use a #1 guard on the sides fading to a 3 on the top.
John Brown wrote: I have a rich thick luxurious mane. It greyed prematurely. I use a #1 guard on the sides fading to a 3 on the top.
John Brown, rocking the high-top fade since Kid'n'Play.
I'm also a member of the aerodynamically inclined hairstyle club. Started getting "parking lots" in my early/mid 20s, where the hair receded at the corners in the front, leaving a thinning patch dead center. Shaved and never looked back, it's awesome, low upkeep, no barber visits, no shampoo or conditioner, no gel/combing/styling and less time spent getting ready. I shave with a fusion powered razor in the shower every 2 to 4 days, hot water, body wash then shaving cream and soap again after and then run under ice cold water, smooth and the ladies love it. Wanting to get into the straight blade/strop, fusion refills are expensive. My dad has all his hair still as does my mom.
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