12/13/12 7:01 p.m.
Until I am no longer able to procreate. After a nasty accidental pregnancy that resulted in an adorable little boy, it was decided we needed a more permanent solution to the problem. So, next Wed, I have a date with a doctor, to get snipped. Not really afraid or worried, but the part that sucks is, I have a NASTY headache, and for whatever reason, I am not allowed to take any advil for a week prior to the procedure. Guess I have plenty of time to heal, what with having quit my job and all.
Good luck!
I have no personal experience other than it sounds painful.
Its not really a big deal (in my experience) follow their advice and sit on your ass for a couple of days and don't lift anything heavier than a drink. After that just pretend you're lazy for a week and don't do anything rougher than cooking. Yes, that's probably more taking it easy than you need, but when it comes to sitting on my ass, I always like to err on the side of caution.
12/13/12 7:13 p.m.
I have an exceedingly large back catalog of games for multiple systems that i have purchased and yet to play ( I tend to buy in bulk when sales happen, especially around the holidays) so sitting on my ass is the easy part. Now when the mini-me wants to use me as a jungle gym, that might be a problem.
Shoot I figured this had something to do with 2012
Frozen peas are your friend 
I got snipped in 2008. They graciously gave me 3 days off of work to heal. It took 2 weeks before I could walk without feeling like I got horse kicked in the family jewels. After my gracious 3 day healing period, I went back to the doctor to beg for more days off. He asked me if I drove a manual! Uhhh yeah I do... And yes it sucked LOL... I got 3 more days... Gotta love military medicine 
But the procedure was like 10 minutes. They gave me a cocktail of Valium and Percocet before they started. I didn't feel a thing. There was 8 people in the room though. The doctor, his assistant, 5 local med students and my wife. All staring at my neither region. I got shaved and taped. Hopefully your procedure will be a little more private.
12/13/12 7:55 p.m.
I just quit my job, so I have all the days off I want. I do drive a manual so that may be of concern.. As far as people staring at my tackle, I don't really care. I actually went for a massage after the consult, and remarked to the wife "This is the second time today, I've dropped trou in someone elses office, and I haven't even been home yet."
My uncle's swelled up the size of volleyballs. OK I exaggerate - but only a little. We compared them to navel oranges and they were almost the same size, but shaped weird.
That's what kept me from doing it, well that and the fact that all the studies I read said that there were more complications with the man being snipped than the woman so she had it done.
I take pride in knowing that if there's ever a cataclysmic war and I'm the only man left alive I will be able to "help" all the women. It'll be a tough job but I'm "up" to it. 
I avoid all but prescription meds anyway. Even if I have a headache or I'm sick, I just let my body take care of it. Usually passes pretty quick. Actually, the meds I'm on now have had me on the phone with the doc on and off all day. Now I gotta have a berkeleyin sleep study. 
Oh well. Your procedure is for the best, and you don't have a thing to worry about. I hope your headache is short-lived. Like the other guys say. Just do what the doctor says and don't try to cut any corners.
12/13/12 8:07 p.m.
Wow, guys. Had mine done on Monday afternoon (this week). I drove myself home (no valium, only novacaine). He insisted I take at least one hydrocodone, which I hated. I had a dose of Tylenol when it wore off. I dropped the kids off at school on my way to work the next day. My 3 year old needed to be lifted into/out of his car seat at both ends. The second day I had to carry the temper-tantrum having kid about 200 yards. Each day, including the night of, I lifted my 18 month old into and out of his high chair. On that second day I carried an extension ladder and then climbed on top to clean out my dryer vent.
It's been 3 days now and I walk normal. The worst part is stubble growing back.
The actual procedure sucked. The first person to handle me who's not my wife since diapers.
12/13/12 8:07 p.m.
I got my wife fixed when the girl (kiddo #2 - neither planned) was born.
I wouldn't be so sure you can't procreate after. My cousin got snipped right after his 3rd kid. all was well for a few years, and then BAM! a 4th kid. No, it didn't look like his best friend, it is 100% him. It can reverse itself more easily than if a woman gets snipped, but it's a far easier procedure.
12/13/12 9:04 p.m.
Given my wifes difficulties in getting pregnant in general, I imagine that even a reduction in possibility is enough. Doc seemed pretty confident in his abilities.
12/13/12 9:27 p.m.
mndsm wrote:
Given my wifes difficulties in getting pregnant in general, I imagine that even a reduction in possibility is enough. Doc seemed pretty confident in his abilities.
Just be diligent. There is usually a follow up apt, where you get your... jars. Then, after 5-6, times, and about as many weeks, you fill up the jars... and bring them in... and they can tell what's going on with a pretty reasonable certainty.
You'll be fine.
Oh, and the aforementioned bag o' peas works wonders, 20 min on, 20 min off, but careful not to let them thaw, I had a pea stain (way better than a pee stain) on my crotch at work.
12/13/12 9:38 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
mndsm wrote:
Given my wifes difficulties in getting pregnant in general, I imagine that even a reduction in possibility is enough. Doc seemed pretty confident in his abilities.
Just be diligent. There is usually a follow up apt, where you get your... jars. Then, after 5-6, times, and about as many weeks, you fill up the jars... and bring them in... and they can tell what's going on with a pretty reasonable certainty.
You'll be fine.
Oh, and the aforementioned bag o' peas works wonders, 20 min on, 20 min off, but careful not to let them thaw, I had a pea stain (way better than a pee stain) on my crotch at work.
Heh, worst that's gonna happen is I will further stain my already stained jeans, because I just can't have nice things.
12/13/12 9:47 p.m.
I had it done. 20 min, out-patient, a couple hundred bucks. I walked home, and left the next morning for 2 years of service in rural Guatemala.
That part was simple.
I wasn't expecting to ever look back.
But both my wife and I later regretted it. We had made some very permanent choices for very selfish reasons, and our relationship suffered for it.
10 years later I had a reversal. THAT was MUCH harder (it's typically in-patient in a hospital under general anesthetic, costs over $25K, and is never covered by insurance, since it is always considered elective). Bedridden for 1 week. Doctor told me the odds were very slim it would work.
3 more kids since the surgery. Some of you have met them. Don't know what I'd do without them. My only regret is that I wasted those 10 years. Life is much better now (and the sex is better too). 
12/14/12 1:19 a.m.
In reply to mndsm:
SVREX speaks wisdom here. After #4, I looked at everyone in the van, and thought to myself, yes, this is my completed family. It's a good feeling.
Rufledt wrote:
I wouldn't be so sure you can't procreate after. My cousin got snipped right after his 3rd kid. all was well for a few years, and then BAM! a 4th kid. No, it didn't look like his best friend, it is 100% him. It can reverse itself more easily than if a woman gets snipped, but it's a far easier procedure.
Happened to me as well. got snipped 6 years ago and now have a 3 month old. do the yearly checks.
this time she got snipped during the c-section.
New Reader
12/14/12 8:33 a.m.
The procedure is not so bad. I drove myself home with a manual transmission and i found operating the clutch to be unpleasant. So if you ahve an automatic I would drive it or get a ride home.
12/14/12 8:40 a.m.
had mine done in '79 .... never regretted it ... as for reversibility, it depends on the method of "snip snip"
mine was the so-called non-reversible ... section cut out and cauterized on both ends ( both tubes ), pretty hard to un-do .... lots of changes since then ... I've been told about a procedure where a "valve" is put in ... can be switched on/off fairly easily
as others have said ... ice packs ARE YOUR FRIEND I had no swelling, very little pain, back at work ( bartender ) the following week ... missed 2 days then my 3 days off, then .. no problems .. was jogging later that wk ... good luck
12/14/12 9:01 a.m.
wbjones wrote:
had mine done in '79 .... never regretted it ... as for reversibility, it depends on the method of "snip snip"
mine was the so-called non-reversible ... section cut out and cauterized on both ends ( both tubes ), pretty hard to un-do .... lots of changes since then ... I've been told about a procedure where a "valve" is put in ... can be switched on/off fairly easily
as others have said ... ice packs ARE YOUR FRIEND I had no swelling, very little pain, back at work ( bartender ) the following week ... missed 2 days then my 3 days off, then .. no problems .. was jogging later that wk ... good luck
Yeah, we're going with the non reversible. As far as additional family, we're good. I can't begin to describe the trainwreck that was my wifes pregnancy. 3 months of bedrest, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, pair of week long hospital stays, 12 "we're having the baby now" runs, and ended up getting induced followed by an emergency C-section when his heart rate dropped to the floor. We're not doing that again. We both agreed that even if we wanted more (which neither of us do, one is more than enough for us) it wasn't safe from a health standpoint. So... off we go.
My brother played 18 holes of golf the day following his cut. He was slightly sore.