6/12/16 11:13 a.m.
I have 3 Win 7 Pro laptops I use to run T&S. I tend to only fire them up a couple times a month, for events and to try and update them, like today.
At least 2 out of the 3 say they have a moderately long list of updates - like 50. But when they go to update, they sit at 0% download progress forever. They are on our network and have reasonably quick internet access. I bought them used from a well-recommended eBay vendor and they supposedly have legit copies of 7 Pro installed.
How do I break the logjam? Thanks.
In reply to Duke:
It sounds like they're trying to d/l the Win 10 updater. It takes forever since it's yuge. I don't remember the # offhand, but you can google it, then go to manually select updates and de-select it.
6/12/16 11:45 a.m.
Microsoft just released a "convenience rollup" for 7 SP1 that you can download and install to bring any 7 SP1 up to last month in patches. I'd manually install that before troubleshooting further.
Windows 7 updates have been really slow recently. I have a dual boot Win10/Win7 system here and the Win7 updates are taking forever even after manually making sure that it's not also downloading Win10.
6/13/16 6:45 a.m.
Mike wrote:
Microsoft just released a "convenience rollup" for 7 SP1 that you can download and install to bring any 7 SP1 up to last month in patches. I'd manually install that before troubleshooting further.
Thank you for that information and link. It worked on 1 machine, but a bunch of the updates failed anyway, despite manual imstallation. On the other machine it didn't work at all. That machine apparently needs a predecessor update, which I downloaded, but it wouldn't install either (KB3020369). I can't figure out what predecessor that needs. I may have to reinstall SP1, I guess.
Rumour has it that a Raspberry Pi running DosBox will run Windows 3.11!