In reply to wcelliot:
I am on board with that plan.
the CFL bulbs i have around my house seem to vary the quality of light output based a lot on the ambient temp at the time. i have one indoor flood light that has trouble putting out much light at all when the temp is below like 66 degrees. a slow-start one in the bedroom that was there when i bought the place has similar issues, but once they warm up its fine.
i added a programmable thermostat that works with my alarm system, and as a promo, i got 8 cfl 60w equivalent bulbs when i had it installed.
god you guys are sad.
You purchase "Heat Balls" in the EU if you want an incandescent lamp..
Don't you know ANYTHING!
even though the lcd's are still quite expensive we are starting to switch over gradually . I can dig not having to replace a bulb for over 10+ yrs. Not ot mention the enrgy savings. We've been waiting for something to replace those cfl's they give me headaches for some unknown reason.
I have CFLs in everything but my reading lights. They work fine for general lighting, but for reading I prefer the incandescent. LED prices are going to have to come down a bunch before I try them. I also have problems with what they do to colors.
I've had CFL's in my house for 10 years, and replace the fluorescent tubes in my shop with a simple light fixture, and CFL as soon as the ballast goes.
I LOVE the bright white light from the daylight ones, and you can get some huge CFL's now equivalent to a 300W incandescent.
EastCoast, get your hands on a 250W metal halide. You'll be amazed at how your stuff grows.
I have tried CFL's and LED's for my porch lights and they both suck. I'm one of these people that like to have my porch lights on all night long and have installed dimmable motion sensor lights. The LED's threw off barely any light even though they were supposed to be equivalent to a 60 watt bulb. The CFL's get really wonky when cold and won't turn on or will stay super dim when it gets under 20 degrees.
Back to incandescents for me.
EastCoastMojo wrote: The only think I like CFLs for is my grow lights for (legal) plants. I usually get the ones marked "Daylight" 100W equiv. ~ 6500K. Plants seem to like 'em!
I have tomatoes, basil and some random pepper plants growing in the terrariums right now! The really high quality ones can get expensive ~ $20 per bulb!
which CFL do you use for your illegal plants... ??? and are willing to share>>????
Has anyone found a dimmable CFL they've had good luck with? I'm all for saving the world, but I've been beyond disappointed so far. Can I change out my dimmers or something to make them work? Really, I don't mind spending extra money for it, I just haven't been able to find any that work. The one LED I bought didn't work well either and no way I could afford to do the whole house anyway.
I bought an LED floodlamp and tried it out in one of my recessed kitchen fixtures. It lasted like a month. I took it back to Sam's Club for a refund. I realize that the LED's will last a really long time, but when the Chinese-built power supplies for these $15. light bulbs aren't worth a E36 M3, the whole thing isn't worth a E36 M3. I've got maybe half of my bulbs changed over to CFL's now, and they're okay. I really don't think it's all roses though. The mercury in those things is going to bite us in the butt one day.
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