11/26/17 8:23 a.m.
Anyone seen this guys videos? Guy is fishing off docks with full off-shore gear and pulling in monster Goliath grouper, sharks and tarpon that just about haul him into the water. Seems to strictly catch and release. His bait is bigger than what I normally catch and eat.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
There used to be a way to embed videos that does not seem to work anymore, so here is the link to youtube
I was driving by a spot not far from the house where I caught a decent flathead catfish and posted it a few years back. I had a bit of gear in the car, so I made a fast stop. Guess what happened?

7/26/18 9:53 p.m.
last year my FIL, BIL, and wife and I got a guide for Walleye:

Wife had left by that picture, but here she was with a pike from earlier that day

We are headed back out with the same guide in about a month. Pretty excited.
A few days prior, I took my BIL out for his first time in probably 15 years. He’d never caught a pike before, so we took a picture

Later in the season, I caught one in a spot my brother swore we’d never catch any fish. So again, picture even though it was a little guy. I’ve caufht more pike in the past 3 years than I have in the prior 10 combined. Slimy toothy bastards.

This year was all pike bass, and no pictures. Hoping August gives a bunch of Walleye.
Since i came across the photo, this is my brother probably 10 years ago with the largest Sheepshead I’ve ever seen. We thought it was a Sturgeon until it Came to the surface. 
NOHOME said:
Anyone seen this guys videos? Guy is fishing off docks with full off-shore gear and pulling in monster Goliath grouper, sharks and tarpon that just about haul him into the water. Seems to strictly catch and release. His bait is bigger than what I normally catch and eat.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
There used to be a way to embed videos that does not seem to work anymore, so here is the link to youtube
That’s fun to watch. “You could feed half of Haiti” lol. But without a small crane no way they are getting that pig out of the water.
7/27/18 9:19 a.m.
Went pickerel fishing for the first time at the entrance to the St Clair River. This is at the point where lake Huron empties into the St Clair river. It is a drift fishing method where you let the current take you into the river while bouncing work rigs off the bottom. You then fire up the engine, loop back out into the lake and do it again. Kind interesting in that it is in a somewhat urban setting with lots of large freighter traffic right up close.
Not bad for a first effort at a new place with tackle we have never used.

We started with half a dozen bottom bouncers and lost all of them in two hours. Others did not seem to be having this issue?!
drainoil said:
NOHOME said:
Anyone seen this guys videos? Guy is fishing off docks with full off-shore gear and pulling in monster Goliath grouper, sharks and tarpon that just about haul him into the water. Seems to strictly catch and release. His bait is bigger than what I normally catch and eat.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
There used to be a way to embed videos that does not seem to work anymore, so here is the link to youtube
That’s fun to watch. “You could feed half of Haiti” lol. But without a small crane no way they are getting that pig out of the water.
Uuuuuuuuuugh. The “couch potato of the sea” has almost reached “invasive” status. FL needs to get their heads out of their asses, and put these fat berkeleys back on the menu.
Spent a week fishing in Minnesota. the first several days were tough fishing, but in the last 48 hours the weather turned rainy and the fish started biting. Had 3 northern pikes, and on the way back to where we stay - stopped and fished a rock point. Pulled out a 35" muskie!
2nd Muskie ever, it was awesome to catch on 10lb spinning gear and a white spinner!
First and only of the trip, although we did see several others earlier in the week.

Muskies are mean fish ,well played on a 10 lb line
7/28/18 10:22 p.m.
This summer was the first time i've ever seriously fished. I set a goal of catching one of each of the common fish from South Dakota, but haven't been super successful. Still not sure how I haven't caught a walleye. Went out with some buddies and they limited out and I didn't get one. Will be heading out to the river this next week so hopefully that will change.

Heading across to the Gulf coast with the family tomorrow morning for a couple of days of scalloping, maybe some fishing too.
I used to fish a lot, even built and sold custom rods back when I was a horse trainer. Started autocross this year, not much fishing any more.
Took my kids 8 and 4 to a little farm pond last week and the owner wanted all the bass "gone". We only managed to get 2 but both were like this. We will be going back someday.

Another buddy asked if my 8 year old wanted to learn to fly fish. That is the new fascination for both of us.
NBraun said:
This summer was the first time i've ever seriously fished. I set a goal of catching one of each of the common fish from South Dakota, but haven't been super successful.
Keep us posted on your progress!
Floating Doc said:
Heading across to the Gulf coast with the family tomorrow morning for a couple of days of scalloping, maybe some fishing too.
I used to fish a lot, even built and sold custom rods back when I was a horse trainer. Started autocross this year, not much fishing any more.
A limit of scallops would have been eight gallons in the shell (two per person or maximum of ten per boat, whichever is less).
We got one. Not one gallon. One scallop. 
Still had lots of fun, but the weather was not at all cooperative. Reports were that they could be found in 12-15 feet of water. Wind and current were so strong that I couldn't anchor in eight feet. Didn't help that the rental boat only had about 30 feet of anchor rode, needed at least twice that just to start.
Running back into the river ahead of the storm, something we did three times in two days.

I've been reading reports of scallop season in that area on The Hull Truth. Sounds like if you weren't out the first weekend then there's nothing left above 15-20 feet. At least it was fun anyway.
8/3/18 6:40 a.m.
We're heading to Ocean Isle Beach, NC today for the coming week. Will be staying at a relatives place w/ a flats boat available for use. I'm bringing all my gear of course. Anyone nearby who's got recommendations on where to target? Reading some of the local reports, the recent inshore seems pretty bad w/ all the rain and runoff.
I fish that area, Bluej. Since they should rename us North Carainforest at the moment, the fishing is going to be tough. Fish the rising and falling tides if you're staying in the Intercoastal and creeks.
The Little River jetty on the SC side is usually good.
Saucepan Creek and Shallotte River are usually good.
Depending on your boat and how rough the seas are, targeting near shore near the inlets on either side of the island might be your best bet at the moment.
Good luck. You'll probably need it. Also, be aware that a push of fresh water will get the alligators moving all over the place. I saw this guy down there about a month ago, not far from the beach.
Excuse the poor photo quality and the fact it is turned on its side. I was in a kayak and took this while paddling backwards with one hand.

ultraclyde said:
I've been reading reports of scallop season in that area on The Hull Truth. Sounds like if you weren't out the first weekend then there's nothing left above 15-20 feet. At least it was fun anyway.
Definitely fun! Usually if the scallops are in, they're pretty widespread. I suspect that there may have been an issue with the salinity of the water keeping them further offshore. It's been raining a lot.
I've been getting back into fishing a bit. Got my PA license and went trout fishing for the first time in many years, and for once I'm actually having some success at it. I've caught 6 trout now in about as many outings, including one of each of the three local species - brown, brook, and rainbow. This little guy i caught tonight:

I'll be really happy if I can catch something in the surf this year, as I have had exactly zero success to date fishing off the beach. We leave for the Outer Banks with SWMBO's family in 3 weeks and I am bound and determined to get something this year, damnit!

My kids catch bigger fish than me.... but this is my first on a fly rod, and it is a native brook trout in the GSMNP, which I'm told is a challenging place to fish.
@Furious_E, looks like I need to come fish PA for trout! Nice fish.
In reply to octavious :
What a beautiful fish. You'll always remember it. I remember my first brookie, over 40 years ago.
In reply to octavious :
Thanks, but I was just very careful not to include anything for scale in the pic
. You've got a very nice looking fish there as well.
That little guy was just bigger than my hand, guessing maybe 8" or so, which is right around the size most of my fish this year have been, if not a bit smaller even. The Brookie I caught a few months back, also my first, was about the same size as yours and I suspect it may have been native as well, though I can't say for sure.
8/6/18 12:46 p.m.
In reply to bluej :
As Brett said above, we have been getting so much rain that the fishing won't be easy. I heard that a lot of the surf/pier fish have moved 15-20 miles offshore for the most part because the water is so dirty from all the rain. The ICW looks like iced tea. I think we've gotten 15-20" of rain in the past 2 weeks, but the weatherman says things should finally clear up and we should get some typical summer weather soon. EDIT: OIB is a farther from the Cape Fear, so it may also have clearer water. I live on Oak Island.