"We, in Ireland, can't figure out why you people are even bothering to hold the election in the United States.
On one side, you had a female lawyer, wearing pants, married to another lawyer who can't seem to keep his pants on, who just lost a long and heated primary against a lawyer, who goes to the wrong church, and is married to yet another lawyer, who doesn't even like the country her husband wants to run!
Now... On the other side, you have a nice old war hero whose name starts with the appropriate 'Mc' prefix, married to a good looking younger woman who owns a beer distributorship!!!
What in God's name are ya lads thinkin' over there!?!"
I though the good reason to vote for McCain from the Irish was whiskey. Lots and lots of whiskey.
New Reader
10/30/08 6:27 a.m.
O'bama...isn't that name irish, too? 
carzan wrote:
O'bama...isn't that name irish, too?
If you are Irish and from AlaBAMA......
Please don't insult the whole state that way.
Both candidates give me good reason to drink heavily either way.
I love how all the idiots think Obama sounds furrin', and McCain doesn't.
Not that either of them don't sound foreign, for that matter.
10/31/08 1:19 a.m.
joey48442 wrote:
Not that either of them don't sound foreign, for that matter.
Any name in the U.S. sounds foreign. But Barack is not a usual name, and Obama doesn't sound all that familiar, whereas I know at least 15 John's personally, and at least 4 McSomethin's on my dorm floor.
10/31/08 1:27 a.m.
Barry O'Bama probably would have put the muslim rumors to rest but it wouldn't help with people like me who won't vote for an Irishman.
I think instead of term limits we should make the UCMJ apply to all elected officials.
-Cheat on your wife,spend time in Leavenworth.
-Waste taxpayer funds, bread and water for two weeks.
Easy solution.
I think the media giving more third parties exposure would be an awesome solution to what most people think of as a "two party election." And what's wrong with an Irishman?
GregTivo wrote:
Both candidates give me good reason to drink heavily either way.
you guys need reasons to drink heavily? pffffft. 
Wally wrote:
Barry O'Bama probably would have put the muslim rumors to rest but it wouldn't help with people like me who won't vote for an Irishman.
You don't get out much do you? The Muslim aspect is much more than just a rumor.
You don't get out much do you? The Muslim aspect is much more than just a rumor.
I hear that John McCain hunts kittens and uses them for fishing bait!
That's Palin. McCain kicks puppies. That's what I heard anyway. If it's on the internets it must be true.
Kittens don't make good fish bait. Small parakeets or hamsters would be a better choice. Kittens work better for target practice. Palin, being an outdoorsy type, would know that. So again teh int3rwebs is wrong.
Seriously. I don't know how they do these things, but he was raised Muslim then at some uncertain age (depends upon which version he puts out) he converted and has hit a couple of different religions/churches. One was a, for lack of a better word, militant black supremacy church, but the latest and longest was a more politically correct church. Coincidentally that is about the time he got into politics
So it all comes down to the Irish against the Scotts. Again.
I'm hoping the Welsh will intervene, at which point the Brits will come in and "buy" out the whole wretched mess.
Didn't we settle this thing a while back?
carguy123 wrote:
Seriously. I don't know how they do these things, but he was raised Muslim then at some uncertain age (depends upon which version he puts out) he converted and has hit a couple of different religions/churches. One was a, for lack of a better word, militant black supremacy church, but the latest and longest was a more politically correct church. Coincidentally that is about the time he got into politics
Well, either way, I don't think I mind, as I'm not prejudiced against Muslims. Terrorists, yes, Muslims, no.
I'm not so sure I believe it, though.
carguy123 wrote:
Seriously. I don't know how they do these things, but he was raised Muslim then at some uncertain age (depends upon which version he puts out) he converted and has hit a couple of different religions/churches. One was a, for lack of a better word, militant black supremacy church, but the latest and longest was a more politically correct church. Coincidentally that is about the time he got into politics
Somebody's been into the Kool-Aid...
10/31/08 11:47 a.m.
Kool-Aid with extra sugar.
I say it isn't so:
Snopes link on Obama's religion
That's a pretty extensive article, which pretty much puts to rest any of the "Obama is a Muslim" claims.
Until you can provide some other credible evidence, I'll stick with Snopes.
10/31/08 11:53 a.m.
Wally wrote:
Barry O'Bama probably would have put the muslim rumors to rest but it wouldn't help with people like me who won't vote for an Irishman.
[Blazing Saddles]
Olson Johnson: All right, we'll give some land to the niggers and the chinks, but we DON'T WANT THE IRISH.
[/Blazing Saddles]