Recently, a friend lent me the Blu-Ray for John Wick which I enjoyed except for the puppy scene
. So that got me thinking about Keanu's acting career that lot's of folks pan, but he's been in some pretty good flicks. And now I'm starting The Matrix for some entertainment until nappy time. Probably won't finish it tonight, but what the heck...I find it difficult to believe that this film is 18 years old.
Discuss amongst yourselves...
He was, is, and always be "Ted" Theodore Logan.
I read the original premise was to use the humans as a giant "crowd source" style computer but someone thought that was too difficult for the audience, so they went with the power/energy thing which of course is WILDLY absurd.
I think a better premise would be to just go with the idea that the computers purpose is to protect humans and the only way they could truly do that was not let them actually interact physically since they can never be trusted not to hurt each other.
A great movie otherwise.
7/14/17 11:51 p.m.
Probably singly the most inspirational movie to me. Deeply philosophical.
I have nothing to add other than in late 94 I stood in a fairly long line at what memory serves was the dollar cinema just south of LSU off of Highland right by the Irish bar near the Superfresh to watch 'Speed' and I enjoyed it immensely. 
aircooled wrote:
I read the original premise was to use the humans as a giant "crowd source" style computer but someone thought that was too difficult for the audience, so they went with the power/energy thing which of course is WILDLY absurd.
I think a better premise would be to just go with the idea that the computers purpose is to protect humans and the only way they could truly do that was not let them actually interact physically since they can never be trusted not to hurt each other.
A great movie otherwise.
No more absurd than using burnt off body fat to heat a swimming pool.
7/15/17 6:38 a.m.
The Martix blew my mind. It helps that it was the first time I watched a DVD and with 5.1 surround.
Keanu is Ted for me too, but it doesnt detract my enjoyment of other movies.
I know nothing about the Matrix of which you speak, but had a former co-worker who breathed and lived it.
There is no spoon. 
Be excellent to each other.
The line in Point Break, "I-AM-AN-F-B-I-AGENT!," always had me going, bullE36 M3, you're Ted. 
Loved him as the dufus boyfriend in Parenthood.
My friend Dave went to see the matrix for the first time, in the theater....... on two hits of acid.
sesto elemento wrote:
My friend Dave went to see the matrix for the first time, in the theater....... on two hits of acid.
Because one just wasn't enough?
aircooled wrote:
I read the original premise was to use the humans as a giant "crowd source" style computer but someone thought that was too difficult for the audience, so they went with the power/energy thing which of course is WILDLY absurd.
I agree that the original premise would have made a lot more sense, especially given the position of The One defined in the sequels, but the premise they went for gets misinterpreted by a lot of people, I think.
Morpheus didn't say people got turned into an energy SOURCE. He held up a BATTERY (a "coppertop" Duracell). Batteries aren't energy sources, they are chemical energy storage. "Combined with a form of fusion..."
Knurled wrote:
....Morpheus didn't say people got turned into an energy SOURCE. He held up a BATTERY (a "coppertop" Duracell). Batteries aren't energy sources, they are chemical energy storage. "Combined with a form of fusion..."
I suspect that is an even less effective solution than the idea of a power source.
Converting electrical/heat/solar energy into some form of biomass food then back into heat in a human then convert that heat to electricity(?) seems REALLY inefficient.
Appleseed wrote:
...Loved him as the dufus boyfriend in Parenthood.
He had one of the best lines in any movie:
"You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog, or drive a car. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish! But they'll let any butt-reaming a##hole be a father."
7/15/17 1:13 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
...any butt-reaming a##hole be a father."
I could be wrong, but I don't think biology works that way. 
The Matrix was entertaining, I didn't really give it much thought beyond that at the time. The freeway chase scene in part 2 was pretty good, until I really started to notice all the bad CGI work...
If you cut all scenes with Zion out of it, the sequels are far more watchable.
The Matrix was the first DVD for a bunch of people if I remember correctly. Seems like they gave you a free copy when you bought a DVD player.
I think Keanu is an underrated actor. He's not a great actor with dedication to advancing the craft or anything like that. But he's definitely a hard working actor who shows up and puts in the overtime to see what needs to be done through to the end. Frequently that's the most valuable thing you can find.
Edit: He doesn't try to bring a lot of his own vision and direction to characters. He doesn't try to be the artist and make the roles about his own vision. Rather he leaves it more up to the directors and their vision to define the characters he portrays. He allows himself to be a tool or vessel for his directors to use.
I would have loved to be there, with a chair facing the audience. 
sesto elemento wrote:
My friend Dave went to see the matrix for the first time, in the theater....... on two hits of acid.
Donebrokeit wrote:
I would have loved to be there, with a chair facing the audience.
sesto elemento wrote:
My friend Dave went to see the matrix for the first time, in the theater....... on two hits of acid.
He was always like that, acid and roller coasters, acid and vegas, E36 M3 like that. Stuff that would've melted the mind of a normal person. Actually a pretty reserved, together person in regular life though. Family man with a construction business now, I bet he hasn't tripped in 20years. He has a sick itr project car 
I have heard talk of a Matrix reboot. Just affirms my belief that there are no new ideas in hollywood