Obama can't help who his parents were any more than the rest of us can so for me that's a non issue as is his race. Tim Scott down here is a black Republican, I don't agree with him 100% but I like a lot of his stances on issues. Of course the Rev Darby, who writes the occasional column for the Post and Courier, has in a roundabout way accused Scott of being an Uncle Tom and a traitor to his race for daring to not go Democrat.
But Obama hanging out with Bill Ayer (and that is incontrovertible fact)? Yes that was within his power but he did so anyway. That is one of the things that gives me deep concern about him and his policies. Oh, let's not forget his preacher buddy Wright who got dropped like he was on fire when he became a political liability.
His 'typical white person' comment also bugs me. If (insert white candidate here) said 'typical black person' in the same context then out comes the rail, tar and feathers.
OTOH, The O has kept Guantanamo open when he said during the campaigns he would close it and made the call to have OBL taken out. So maybe, just maybe, he has enough sense to listen to at least some of what his advisors say.
Gingrich is as big a crook as any of them. $1.6 million from Fannie Mae for work as a 'historian'? Oh, please. A $300,000.00 ethics violation fine? Ethics reprimand? Well, that came from Congress which is, if you think about it, laughable.
There are allegations that the 'government shutdown' was triggered by his having to ride in the back of the plane coming back from Rabin's funeral. He resigned as Speaker of the House after the 'Republican Revolution'. What's he gonna do, throw a tantrum and resign as President if things don't go exactly his way?
His divorces? Well, as a divorcee myself I can't say much. But his extramarital affairs bug me. That is just not good. Character is one of those things that can't be compartmentalized, i.e. you believe it's OK to screw around but not OK to steal. Hmmm. Wouldn't THAT be great to have in the White House again? Particularly in light of the fact that Gingrich was leading the charge to get rid of Clinton on the basis of the exact same thing he was guilty of but just hadn't been caught at yet. Hypocrite, anyone? He also claims that his infidelity was driven by how hard he was working for the country. (Where is a rolleyes emoticon when it's needed?)
Not to mention his second and third wives had NO problem stealing another woman's husband. Now isn't that nice. He hangs out with some really moral folks, doesn't he?
No, I don't like him. As I said, he's just another damn crook.