I just wanted to announce (because I'm so happy about it) that I will no longer be using the GI designator in my name. Because as of the 24 of July 2010, I'm out of the Army! Well, I suppose to be technical, I'm still in the Army but on terminal leave. And I will be in the Guard for 13 months (maybe more). But After 5 years 1 month on Active Duty, I'm done!!! Here's to the hard working men and women of our armed forces (but not the DOD Civilians, most of them suck)!
Drew said: (but not the DOD Civilians, most of them suck)!
Easy cowboy, maybe you had a bad experience or two but lets not stereotype.
4 years military, 34 years DOD civilian. I made the guns you shot if they were over 60mm.
No purple hearts, no conspicuous scars= good. Enjoy, and thank you! I owe you a few beers. Come to Ft. Lauderdale and collect!!
914Driver wrote:Drew said: (but not the DOD Civilians, most of them suck)!Easy cowboy, maybe you had a bad experience or two but lets not stereotype. 4 years military, 34 years DOD civilian. I made the guns you shot if they were over 60mm. Dan
I'll change my statement to most DOD Civilians at Ft. Bliss suck. I worked primarily in my companies training room so I had to work with DOD Civilians a lot for admin, legal, and supply issues. I will say this, the good ones where absolutely amazing and super helpful. However the majority of them where rude, lazy, and either bad at their jobs, or thought they where too good to do it. I got a lot of respect for anyone who serves, but the Civilian staff at Ft. Bliss has left a bad taste in mouth (I've heard from many senior Soldiers Ft. Bliss civilians are damn near the worst in the Army).
Thanks for all you do, Drew. Understood.
I've had to to do PR cleanup after someone torqued off the residents. You can't walk into an arena or post where you are the odd man, you dress different, you're not 24/7 and you're telling the soldier he's wrong? NFG.
There are things amiss with Contractors' like not letting soldiers do work because it's "in their contract" but the contract's not signed yet, so it sits in the yard? These guys are shipping out to Iraq in a week.
My job is to resolve problems before they are problematic. My job is to get the man in the field what he needs and to be safe. If a gun fails in the field any where in the world I find out why. Think CSI metalllography.
I'm sorry you had bad experiences with Contractors but that's how the Gubbymint rolls, I'm trying to fix that.
If you have contacts or information that can help the cause, please shoot me a PM.
Bliss, Carson, Hood, Yuma, APG, Anniston, Dix, Lejune, Hattiesburgh in the last 20 months. You guys work for us, there's no need for politics & nonsense.
Drewsifer wrote:914Driver wrote:I'll change my statement to most DOD Civilians at Ft. Bliss suck. I worked primarily in my companies training room so I had to work with DOD Civilians a lot for admin, legal, and supply issues. I will say this, the good ones where absolutely amazing and super helpful. However the majority of them where rude, lazy, and either bad at their jobs, or thought they where too good to do it. I got a lot of respect for anyone who serves, but the Civilian staff at Ft. Bliss has left a bad taste in mouth (I've heard from many senior Soldiers Ft. Bliss civilians are damn near the worst in the Army).Drew said: (but not the DOD Civilians, most of them suck)!Easy cowboy, maybe you had a bad experience or two but lets not stereotype. 4 years military, 34 years DOD civilian. I made the guns you shot if they were over 60mm. Dan
That's better. I'm a double-dipper. 20 years army then retired, 7 years as a contractor and currently a DA civilian. Work supporting the troops and helicopters in the aviation command. My current title is field support and logistics which basically means I get them what they need, when they need it regardless of rules. Talk with troops daily and on excellent repoire with them. Some even call just to chat and blow off steam. My whole office is made of retirees, both warrant officer and enlisted (I was enlisted). So please don't classify all of us like that. We have a few of those around here that pisses us of too and we find ways around them. They do get their cumupance though, I've been promoted twice ahead of them. If you rode on CH-47 Chinooks I had something to do with it.
Good luck and thanks for your service. And let me suggest if you don't have much job prospects lined up to help those of us that are trying to fix the problems. The pay ain't bad, benefit are OK, job security is there and the job satisfaction you get when you successfully help a soldier to do his/her job.
914Driver wrote: Thanks for all you do, Drew. Understood. I've had to to do PR cleanup after someone torqued off the residents. You can't walk into an arena or post where you are the odd man, you dress different, you're not 24/7 and you're telling the soldier he's wrong? NFG. There are things amiss with Contractors' like not letting soldiers do work because it's "in their contract" but the contract's not signed yet, so it sits in the yard? These guys are shipping out to Iraq in a week. BS. My job is to resolve problems before they are problematic. My job is to get the man in the field what he needs and to be safe. If a gun fails in the field any where in the world I find out why. Think CSI metalllography. I'm sorry you had bad experiences with Contractors but that's how the Gubbymint rolls, I'm trying to fix that. If you have contacts or information that can help the cause, please shoot me a PM. Bliss, Carson, Hood, Yuma, APG, Anniston, Dix, Lejune, Hattiesburgh in the last 20 months. You guys work for us, there's no need for politics & nonsense. Dan
Thank you for what you do Dan. You're one of the good ones. The civilians I worked with doing weapons and equipment reset where good ones too. Helped me and the one armorer turn around 300+ weapons in two days. Maybe it's just the Admin weenies that suck?
It's been said before but, congrats. Thank you for your service. I hope you're enjoying a cold beverage of your preference!
Oh, admin. That's a horse of a different color.
Tobyhanna C3/AV AirNav "Death From a Bench!"
Congrats and thanks Drew.
Not all of us that were Admin were bad. I was Chairborne and I did my best when I was in. I never went the civvie route. However, I will admit that we had our share of lazy butt rejects that I couldn't deal with well.
Thanks for your service Drew.
Im jealous of you who have served. I cant enlist - a medical condition prevented it. I wanted to, and even tried to lie, but large abdominal scars are hard to hide. I am thankful everyday to anyone who does what you all do. When I see a soldier in their fatigues on the street, I try to make a point to stop and thank them for their service and shake their hand. Id do the same if you were here.
Also, if you ever rode in an up-armored Humvee, my Dad helped make sure the armor would do its job when the time came. Not all civs are lazy (only some of us ), the rest are honored by your service!
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