Sounds like a movie title but it's just time to get rid of crap. I've had it with the clutter in my life. Even if I have something, I can't find it. It's all going away and I'll be starting from scratch.
This morning you couldn't see the far wall in this picture.

It all landed here.

So far I have hauled two trailer loads to the dump and refilled the trailer with scrap. By the end of the day it will all be gone.
9/22/18 12:30 p.m.
Yu can never have enough buckets I always say and BMX handlebars
9/22/18 2:59 p.m.
oh and card board for your oil drain pan....... I spy.....a boat fender?
It’s nice to see that you found your long lost son. How old was he when you last saw him?
No buckets nor handle bars were salvaged today. Everything has gone to the dump or is in the trailer for the scrap yard. I'm done with the crap.
9/22/18 4:34 p.m.
Damn, I could have used that canteen tomorrow, oh well. Nothing quite like having a clean space, hope it doesn't fill up too quickly. I usually make it about 2-3 months before I sense junk creep again.
I feel your pain, doing the same thing myself.
Purging stuff on eBay, if it doesn't sell on there it goes in the donation bin or in the trash.
Can't believe how many books I have. And how worthless paperbacks are nowadays.
Your crap is my treasure.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. I come from a long line of frugal hoarders. My wife is very good at throwing out/donating things she feels we do not need. Sometimes there is conflict, but I shudder to think of what the garage would look like if she was like me.
Toyman01 said:
No buckets nor handle bars were salvaged today. Everything has gone to the dump or is in the trailer for the scrap yard. I'm done with the crap.
I have this problem but everything is so log-jammed I don't know where to start.
Make a goal for yourself.
I've got a desire to own a brass era car before I die. I'll gladly get rid of a bunch of stuff to make that happen.
You didn't wait until the holiday mystery box exchange? You're Savage
In reply to captdownshift :
There may be a stash of bizarre objects set aside somewhere.
JamesMcD said:
I have this problem but everything is so log-jammed I don't know where to start.
Pick up the top item that is closest to you and throw it away. Don't look at it, don't think about it, don't wonder if you will need it tomorrow or next year, just throw it away.
That sets the tone for the day and when you aren't sorting, it moves pretty quickly.
Toyman01 said:
JamesMcD said:
I have this problem but everything is so log-jammed I don't know where to start.
Pick up the top item that is closest to you and throw it away. Don't look at it, don't think about it, don't wonder if you will need it tomorrow or next year, just throw it away.
That sets the tone for the day and when you aren't sorting, it moves pretty quickly.
Unless it’s a cassette. I threw away a bunch of cassettes a few years ago and am now regretting it.
EDIT: Don’t listen to me. Listen to Toyman. you have room for all new crap?
poopshovel again said:
Toyman01 said:
JamesMcD said:
I have this problem but everything is so log-jammed I don't know where to start.
Pick up the top item that is closest to you and throw it away. Don't look at it, don't think about it, don't wonder if you will need it tomorrow or next year, just throw it away.
That sets the tone for the day and when you aren't sorting, it moves pretty quickly.
Unless it’s a cassette. I threw away a bunch of cassettes a few years ago and am now regretting it.
EDIT: Don’t listen to me. Listen to Toyman.
If you hear a scream from coastal South Carolina, just ignore it. Regret never killed anyone.
9/22/18 11:07 p.m.
My stepson spent 20 years in the army - lots of moves were made. He has sorting strategy called The Five Second Rule. If you can't identify it, know you will use it at the next duty station, or sell it quick, it goes in the trash. And if you take longer than five seconds to to put it in a category, if goes in the trash.
Unfortunately, I have my dad's treasures, my FIL's treasures, and (of course) my treasures in the shop...
9/22/18 11:09 p.m.
Let me know if you're purging that Mazdaspeed banner. Mine is starting to tear because I nailed it to the wall in the summer and then the temperature dropped in the winter. I'd like to buy another to replace it.
Autocross was rained out again today. Purging the attic might be a good way to kill an hour.
The surest way to find a need for something you haven't used in 15 years is to throw it away. You will need it within a week.
9/23/18 10:22 a.m.
Toyman01 said:
JamesMcD said:
I have this problem but everything is so log-jammed I don't know where to start.
Pick up the top item that is closest to you and throw it away. Don't look at it, don't think about it, don't wonder if you will need it tomorrow or next year, just throw it away.
That sets the tone for the day and when you aren't sorting, it moves pretty quickly.
Nope I might need that one day