So today I was heading back to work. I made a left turn onto a 4 lane road (two in each direction, no median). I had to be in the right lane for an upcoming turn, but noticed that it looked like this dude that was pulling out of a McDonalds up ahead was about to pull out in front of me, as his bumper was already in the road. I start to veer back into the left lane, and as I pass by him he sticks his head fully out of his window and yells "PICK A LANE!!!!!". His face was bright red, and it looked like he was seconds away from either having a complete break down and sobbing in the fetal position, or murdering everyone around him. It was really freakin' weird, especially since the only reason I hadn't committed to a lane was because he started to pull out in front of me. So, have any random asshats yelled at you because of their own berkeley ups lately?
it is the McDonalds.. that will do it to anybody.
Seriously though, if you live in an area like here, you probably made him turn into the near lane. For some reason, people around here in South Jersey can -not- turn into the closest lane to them on a 4 lane street. They will -always- swing wide and take the far lane. Which really sucks when you are in a 2 lane turning intersection and you are supposed to take the far lane the asshat next to you wants to swing wide to take it too
5/9/13 4:49 p.m.
Where was that thread about pointing windshield wiper fluid nozzles in creative directions? 
If you are crazy enough to eat @ McD's then, well it just proves you're crazy.
I've wanted to yell, all red-faced at someone just about every day.
Learn to merge people! The entrance ramp to an expressway is designed to allow you to get up to highway speeds by the end of the ramp. If a 1985 Dodge Reliant can do it, then your 300+HP SUV can. I hate, hate, hate, when somebody cruises along at 50 on the entrance ramp until the lane merges with the expressway.......then you see the back end squat down and they try to get to 70. That means the folks in the right lane doing 65-70 have to work to avoid you as you meander along, then squirt up to the proper speed. If there's no traffic it's not a big deal but in rush hour traffic it's a real PITA.
If my 20+ year old diesel mercedes can get up to the speed limit, so can you.
Sorry for the thread-jack. I've had a few people blow their tops and yell at me for something like what you're describing, just don't remember what it was.
5/9/13 5:29 p.m.
DrBoost wrote:
then you see the back end squat down and they try to get to 70. That means the folks in the right lane doing 65-70 have to work to avoid you as you meander along, then squirt up to the proper speed. If there's no traffic it's not a big deal but in rush hour traffic it's a real PITA.
Better that the back end squats down as they floor it to get to 70 than what I see most of the time. Amble down the on-ramp at 35 mph, watching cars stream by on their left, get to the end of the ramp and STOP. WTF people???
That 35 mph merge thing really bugs me. Even worse are the people that get up to about 50, but then hit their brakes when they see the other cars.
I was followed after going through an intersection last weekend. Apparently I went in front of him when he was expecting to turn. I thought he was going to try to assault me, but I remained calm (this is my new thing: less stress!) and told him his turn signal was burned out and I couldn't tell he wanted to turn (knowing full well that he was on his phone instead of signaling). He looked like he swallowed a firecracker, but I'll give him credit, he apologized for being an aggressive douchebag (my words, not his).
But then as he was driving out of the parking lot I stopped in (Trader Joe's), he did not signal.
Have I already mentioned my hatred of people who are too lazy to turn the steering wheel? I'm with mad_machine..the guy was pissed because he was going to pull directly out into the left lane until you decided not to remove his front bumper cover. I'll wager another two Euros that if you'd stayed in the right lane, he would have nailed the throttle trying to clear your path (whether he had the time to make it or not).
Lane discipline is dead. So is steering. People don't know how to "turn" anymore..they just want to "curve".
In reply to codrus:
I had to check to make sure you didn't live in St Joseph, MO. Same problem here.
5/9/13 7:05 p.m.
I was turning left onto a four lane road (45mph speed limit) on my way home from work the other day behind another car. He went into the right lane accelerating slowly so I went in the left lane past him and merged into the right lane well ahead of him. All of a sudden he flew past me in the left lane, swerved in front of me and slammed on his brakes to stop for a red light.
Sometimes I just don't get it.
16vCorey wrote:
I start to veer back into the left lane, and as I pass by him he sticks his head fully out of his window and yells "PICK A LANE!!!!!".
He was taking the racing line; didn't you know that? (LOL). For obvious reasons, the first rain and snow of the season brings out some very hazardous driving. Yesterday was our first major rain of the season here in 'Jersey (that's likely what you were experiencing) and I have a few stories to share, I should note that I haven't used my horn in over two weeks (here in North 'Jersey) but I used it around a dozen times yesterday over a 12minute drive that took about 25minutes!
1.) Hyundai minivan stopped in a parking lot (no hazard lights, no turn signal) in the middle of the road. I honked my horn twice and waited but they didn't budge so I squeezed between them and the curb (about 1" from the curb, 2" from the car's mirror).
2.) About oh, 300ft. down the road (two lanes each direction, I'm doing 30mph in a 35) I am in the left lane a Toyota Sienna pulls out from a side street into both lanes as I am about 30ft. away, I lay on my horn and brake hard (full abs) and he still didn't move back into the right lane but instead, switches over two lanes into the left turn lane (without a signal) about 75ft. away consuming two lanes at once. Better yet, the light turned red (he made me miss it) so I had to ignore his shouting, profanities and from what my passenger said, a barrage of 'Jersey salutes (I didn't look over). This was probably the closest to a collision.
3.) I am at a different light and about four oncoming cars and two oncoming school buses made a left across my lane after the turn arrow had turned off; a prolonged honk of the horn and flash of the high beams ensued.
4.) A car pulls out of an elementary school about 40ft. in front of me (25mph in a 25, (horn, full abs)) and then anher car follows it! (lots of horn, full abs, stop, high beams).
5.) I was doing 42mph in a 45mph when a Toyota Highland makes an illegal left out of a park around a blind corner (that's why it is illegal) about 40-50ft. in front of me and at first I resisted the horn because I didn't wan't to spook him and went with full abs and flashed my high beams. Still not aware of my presence he proceeded at 12mph for a few hundred feet until I honked my horn.
6.) I was behind a stopped school bus w/ the stop sign out (so I tuned on my hazard lights) and coming the opposite way is a landscaping truck with no sign of stopping so I lay on my horn; he doesn't even slow down and had he been about 2 seconds later, he likely would have ran over a kid running behind the bus.
7.) On a rather windy 45mph road, I was behind a Ford Explorer (first-gen) fluctuating between about 15 and 25mph for 8miles. In certain spots (where I knew there was a safe oppurtunity to move off the road) I tried to get him to pull over by flashing my high beams, honking my horn and quite literally pointing to the side of the road out of the driver's window. When we got to a 3/4mi. straightaway, there were cars behind us as far as I could see (and further), I would estimate there were well over 120 cars behind us, it looked like massive funeral procession! He was weaving all over the road, in retrospect I deinfately should have called the police.
Oh, the ABS acutator is still working just in case anyone was wondering. Rant over.
I want a really loud horn that sounds like this.