3M seam sealer. You should not get this on you anywhere. I'll likely be shaving my head today due to sitting up into the glop I had just slathered onto the bottom of the car.
I washed my hair with mineral spirits and turpentine to no avail. If this was my hootus... the outlook would be grave. "Permanently RIBBED for HER pleasure!".
I either have to shave my head... or add more seam sealer and go for the japanese anime look. DOH.
Post pics for suggestions!
be careful after handling Habanero Peppers....Ouch!
well.. at least you didn't sit -in- it
Pics or it didn't happen....no wait, ok I believe you. 
Acetone worked - sort of. The hair is still stiff and sticking straight up but the clumps seem to have dissolved a bit.
It seems funny to use rubber gloves while scrubbing solvent into your head with a stiff bristle brush. I probably have scalp cancer at this point... but I think I have averted a trip to the barber... which is good because my hairless egg is not flattering. I look like a mental patient cleaned up for shock therapy w/o a rug.
Note to self: Remember the ball cap next time.
3/21/14 8:36 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Acetone worked - sort of. The hair is still stiff and sticking straight up but the clumps seem to have dissolved a bit.
It seems funny to use rubber gloves while scrubbing solvent into your head with a stiff bristle brush. I probably have scalp cancer at this point... but I think I have averted a trip to the barber... which is good because my hairless egg is not flattering. I look like a mental patient cleaned up for shock therapy w/o a rug.
Note to self: Remember the ball cap next time.
Yeah, I think if I was going to use a product which required rubber gloves, I'd just go ahead and shave it instead.
If you really want to go for that mental patient look, only shave the spots where the solvent is, not your whole head. 
I suggest you get professional help!
Just buzz it and be done. You might like it. Think - No more bad hair days.
alstevens wrote:
Just buzz it and be done. You might like it. Think - No more bad hair days.
This!!!! Went that rout years back and it is SOOOOOOO much better.
I laugh in the face of all those hair products that use to taunt me in CVS.
3/21/14 4:24 p.m.
that's me … clippers without any attachments .. cut it off every 3 - 4 weeks … never gets long enough to have to comb, and since I'm not shaving it, I don't have to do it every day 
Last haircut I paid for was '96 or so. Clippers at home FTW.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Note to self: Remember the ball cap next time.
I use a welding beanie; it's lighter, cooler (as in less warm, not as in more stylish), and no brim to get in the way.

No that's not me.
Oh yeah, if you're weed whacking poison ivy out back and drinking beer, get the wife or somebody to help with 'necessities".
Don't ask, no photos either.
alstevens wrote:
Just buzz it and be done. You might like it. Think - No more bad hair days.
I keep it pretty short anyway... but there is a wife's opine to consider. She is no fan of my unshorn egg and frankly, having gone that route once before, neither is anyone else. I'm not blessed with one of those heads that can rock the Vin Diesel look.
3/21/14 8:30 p.m.
alex wrote:
Somebody called?
Yeah dude, just because someone offers you $100 doesn't mean you can go put stuff on your hootus all willy-nilly.
hehehe, I said willy.

I can rock the vin diesel look, but I still look like E36 M3.
Follow up the acetone with lots of hair conditioner (for oily or fine hair) to replace the natural oils in your scalp and hair that the acetone strips out.
Mineral spirits and turpentine are for painters in the 90s and 70s, respectively. You need to keep lacquer thinner and xylene around for stuff like this. Green can CRC Brakleen is close, Berkbile 2+2 Gun Cutter is crack in a can.
I would recommend not getting brake or carb cleaner anywhere near your nether region. An old co-worker thought it would be funny to spray that towards my junk and it went through my dickies and boxers. The burning sensation was similar to waking up after a night with a classy hooker.