so I'm thinking about a new computer build, this computer is a few years old and wasn't very high spec when I built it... sure I could upgrade the processor and few other bits but for the $$$ I think I just want to build something new and am wanting it to last for a good 3+ years.
for use it's mostly mundane office stuff and web surfing/videos with some photo editing and occasional video editing tossed in... my current computer struggles with the RAW files and pretty slow with adobe premier pro CC (my laptop is faster than the desktop even with the "1.6ghz" dual core i5... games get played on my xbox...
after some research and based on what I primarily do I am leaning towards the newer intel processors with the HD4600 graphics, the hd4000 out benchmarks my current video card by a significant margin and based on my reading the only place a better graphics card would be really helpful is in video editing which is fairly infrequent at the moment (and a decent card is easy to add later on)
I'm thinking about a budget of about $500, I have a good copy of win7 so that's "free" and I have 8gb of ddr3 1333 ram in this computer that I could donate to the build for the cost of a 4gb stick (just enough to keep this thing running) until the price of ram comes back down. my peripherals and monitors (2 1080 screens) will stay.
the only thing I'm truly set on for the build is to have a decent sized SSD to run the OS from (thinking 120gb), I've got a few 7200 1tb+ drives for data, I also need an internal card reader for CF and SD cards
as it stands my theoretical build looks like this at the moment
processor - intel core I5-4690k motherboard MSI z97 pc mate ($319.98 combo price with $10 rebate) HDD - samsung 840 evo mz-7te120bw $89.99 case - raidmax atlas atx-295wbp (includes 500w power supply) $59.99 card reader rosewill rcr-IC001 $14.99 with $7 discount so $7.99 Ram - crucial 4g ddr3 1600 $39.99 (will be traded out for the 8gb 1333 that is in this computer)
so what say the GRM collective? after shipping we're right at $525.93 on newegg with this theoretical build, down the road I can add ram and a decent video card.
note that because I am in TX I have to pay tax at tigerdirect so take that into account :-/
so given the budget how would you build?