6/23/13 8:23 p.m.
LainfordExpress wrote:
Literally just today I was thinking "I should start a thread on GRM about this". Today I saw somebody throw a cigarette butt out the window, and this always pisses me off. Like the state of Ohio if your berkeleying ashtray or something.
If I see somebody do that in front of me, I will follow them, laying on the horn the entire time, until they turn off.
Honestly, I understand we have a Constitution, and it's good and all, but I just think this kind of thing is the perfect opportunity for corporal punishment. No judge, no jury, no court, and officer sees you do it, cites you, then cracks you across the ass with a nightstick or switch or whatever. But I guess someone would abuse it, and lawsuits, and blah blah blah.
I guess the alternative is to just call people out when you see them do it. Call them an ass and tell them to clean up after themselves. As a society we don't publicly shame people for poor behavior like we used to.
I really don't get trashing a campsite.
When I was a kid, the rule that was explained to me was "leave it better than you found it".
I still take home far more trash than I create.
I hauled probably two sheets worth of drywall out of a 4wd trail once, along with bags of trash and empties.
People need a good beating.
Maybe an enema, then a straightjacket.
Trans_Maro wrote:
Maybe an enema, then a straightjacket.
I would do it the other way around... just to make it more uncomfortible
Doesn't really work outside, but inside, you'd be surprised how many people can be fooled by using some epoxy putty to glue a $7 fake dome type security camera to the ceiling. Did this in some elevators at school once, berkeleying spotless overnight.
I work in the casinos here in AC.. the only places without cameras are the toilets... people still destroy the place
6/24/13 7:23 a.m.
This totally warms the cockles of my heart. I thought I was the only person left in the country that was teaching his children to put their trash in a trashcan or hold on to it until they can. The entire attitude of going out into public places and breaking E36 M3 and leaving trash all over is something I just don't get. I guess our mommas just raised us right.
I'm always torn, however, when I park somewhere and some d-bag has gone around putting fliers under windshield wipers. On the one hand, if everybody was dropping it on the ground, the property owner would have a complete mess to clean up and might do something to either revoke the permission or might watch their lot a little more closely. On the other hand, littering. So, the flyer winds up in the trashbag in my car and I wind up with all sorts of righteous indignation.
Moronism starts early in life and does not get better with age. I live two doors from a public school and as the kids walk to school they root in the lunch bag for the treat and toss the rest on the sidewalk. School policy is no outdoor garbage containers?!
I blame a lot of the Moronism on the DNA pool that puked out these kids. .
I was deep into land use issues for OHV down here and spent a lot of time in the forests. You'd be amazed how many piles of shingles are out there in the Francis Marion NF; the roofers are too damn lazy to take them to solid waste collection points.
The Forest Service complained about people on ATV's with snorkels going through the swamps (excuse me, wetlands) and it wasn't the play riders doing it. It was the locals on private inholdings, they'd go hunting or boozing etc and just tear stuff up for fun. Bastards.
And yeah, there's a whole bunch of people who just throw crap on the ground, too lazy to look for a trash can. I'd love to strangle them.
Curmudgeon wrote:
I was deep into land use issues for OHV down here and spent a lot of time in the forests. You'd be amazed how many piles of shingles are out there in the Francis Marion NF; the roofers are too damn lazy to take them to solid waste collection points.
I find tons of construction debris when on my Mountain Bike. The cops know about it, but they can't catch them. Once when I borrowed a truck from a friend, I pulled over onto a sandy shoulder near where a lot of dumping occurs. I was not there 5 minutes when a cop pulled up behind me with the lights on.
At least he went away after I showed him the bedroom furniture in the back was brandnew and that I had only stopped to make a phone call.
mad_machine wrote:
I blame the Chinese. Seriously, stay with me for a minute. Your Parent's generation had way less respect for the environment than we do, they lived before Earth Day and Save the Whales and all that. They dumped whatever they could into the ocean. BUT, their cans were made of tin and were worth money to a recycler, their camp chairs were from Sears and cost a lot and were worth keeping for 20 years, their food was packed in expensive Rubbermaid containers or other reusable containers.
Nowadays, everything is so cheaply made and so inexpensive, people just toss it aside and leave it behind. I see entire pop-up canopies with a set of 4 chairs abandoned on the beach all the time. People buy them for a week of vacation, and then just walk away and let them blow up the dunes.
Its ironic that my buddy from Belgium posted this on FB this morning and we have this particular thread going.
It's worth a watch, could be NSFW due to some dead animals.
6/24/13 8:33 a.m.
Good to hear you guys have the same mindset as I do. The amount of trash I pick up when diving or on the trails or on the boat is disturbing. People look at me funny when I start picking all that stuff up but it actually seems to help quite a bit because they realize the trash everywhere and sometimes people will start picking some stuff up as well. A also pay the neighborhood kids to pickup the garbage around my neighborhood (the stuff I miss). My favorite volunteer work are these beach/dive cleanups that local dive shops or surf rider foundation will organize.
On a side note, I once picked up this magnetic sign thing off the ocean floor and there was a $20 bill underneath!
In reply to pinchvalve:
You are exactly correct. Stuff like those chairs is so cheap that to the obliviots it's easier to just leave the stuff behind.
I saw a documentary about those cheap plastic chairs, it seems they are so inexpensive that even in the poorest places on the planet like Bangladesh they are routinely discarded even though they are perfectly serviceable and if broken are recyclable. Me, I'd like to see a deposit on them and other stuff like it. You used to NEVER see bottles and cans on the side of the road when I was a kid, everybody saved them for the 2 or 5 cents each was worth. Now they litter the landscape.
I pick up trash while I am out on my mtn bike all teh time. Who are these shiny happy people?
Btw, I am pretty sure I got my current job because I picked up some trash.
I was on a tour of the facility I now work in with my (future) boss. There was some packing tape rolled in a ball on teh shop floor. Without even thinking about it, I picked it up and placed it in teh trash can that was 2 feet away.
My boss asked why I did that (I thought he was pissed). I just said something about it obviously being garbage. I got a job offer the next day.
He and I are the only people I see picking up trash in the plant.
Rob R.
I'm a big fan of Les Stroud and his "Survivorman" TV show. No matter how desolate the area he travels to......he always finds human garbage. It's crappy.
You don't have to be a tree-hugging hippy to respect the environment. I get trash thrown into my yard all the time.....pisses me right off.
I was once island camping near Sebastian inlet here in FL. We were alone on the island for 4 days...it was bliss. On the 5th day a family arrived on the island....set up their tents upon ours (less than 5ft away) and then fired up their generator so they could watch TV! 
While camping!
I'd imagine these inconsiderate asshats also left behind a big pile of refuse. We left the island to avoid the inevitable manslaughter charges we would have been charged with. Sometimes people suck.
6/24/13 10:35 a.m.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
Those bottles and cans still litter the landscape even in those states which accept them for 5-10 cents.....
In reply to Joe Gearin:
You just have to make sure to destroy the evidence......load the boat up and go sink it.
I spent the weekend camping/hiking in a really remote corner of Bradford Co. PA.
5 miles up a mountain trail you need a machete to clear thorn bushes in front of you to walk... chip bags, beer cans and candy wrappers around an old camp fire site. It wasn't all that hard for me to carry their garbage out. berkeleying shiny happy people.
Yep, pisses me off to no end.
There's a few places out in the middle of nowhere by the river that some friends and I go out shooting from time to time. We stopped bringing targets, and instead we just bring a trash bag. We can always find enough bottles and cans laying around to shoot at, and when we're done we pack it all up in the trash bag before heading out.
Joe Gearin wrote:
You don't have to be a tree-hugging hippy to respect the environment. I get trash thrown into my yard all the time.....pisses me right off.
My father-in-law has the last farm that is in the middle of a subdivision. So there are houses butted up against his fields on at least two sides. Drives the homeowners nuts when they learn that he has every right to keep chickens, pigs and cows.
Anyhow, he has occasional trouble with people throwing trash over their fence. The best was a homeowner who used to throw his dog crap over the fence even when asked to stop. Bad call when the guy on the other side of the fence has pigs and owns a big tractor with a bucket.
I also pick up garbage all the time while biking (I'm in Illinois so I hesitate to call it mountain biking, but it's off road trails in forest preserves). I've found more than one burned up car on the trails. But the worst for me is the back-in boys that leave their used condoms all over. I avoid their areas totally now. It's not something I want to ride over ever again.
If the hippies weren't so damned annoying, they'd get a lot more credit. They were right about a lot of things, including the idea that taking a giant dump on the only planet we've got might be a bad idea. And at the very least, makes you a bit of a dirtbag.
Of course, judging by the aftermath of every hippy music fest, they don't necessarily follow their own advice, either.
I routinely pick up and discard fishing line when I am out at the lakes. That crap is dangerous.
I'll also pick up other trash if I can. like others, I have sometimes had to walk no more than 25 feet to put the trash into a proper bin that is emptied every day.
6/24/13 10:41 p.m.
Brett_Murphy wrote:
I routinely pick up and discard fishing line when I am out at the lakes. That crap is dangerous.
Yeah, very bad stuff to get tangled in