So we're getting ready to go from 24 hours, 5 Days/week production to 24/7. The plan is four crews each working three 12 hour shift and one 6 hour shift. Supposedly this will last until we get some new equipment around November, but they apparently haven't ordered it yet, so I'm not holding my breath.
Got to thinking about the proposed schedule, and my team and I are getting completely boned. The higher ups were thinking, "This schedule gives each team either Saturday or Sunday off." They did not stop and realize that those of us working 6pm-6am night shift are getting shafted if we get "Sunday" off. That means we would actually be working until 6am on Sunday. berkeley going out and doing anything after that.
So, I proposed an alternative to the schedule. The day crews would stay exactly the same. The night crews would just shift their schedules 24 hours earlier. So, one crew would work Friday night and have off Saturday night and all of Sunday. The other crew would work Saturday night, and have off all of Friday and be able to enjoy a good chunk of Saturday.
My crew that this would make life better for likes the idea. Hooray! We get at least some time off on the weekend. The other crew... not so much. One guy is on board. He's not excited, but he's sympathetic to how badly the current plan would screw us over. The supervisor is really unhappy. He wants to be able to have Sundays to play soccer. The other days, his girlfriend just arranged her work schedule to be able to have her days off coincide with his.
I feel for him but... I want a day off - just one day free - that I can spend with my fiancee. I'd love to be able to also go out and auto-x or go out dancing some evenings, but I will settle to at least have a full 24 hour leisure period with my fiancee. I don't think him getting the couple of things he wants completely outweighs three people getting any of the things they wanted.
Now, with the one guy from the other shift on board, that gives us a 2/3 majority to go to our bosses with. I don't want to step on toes and completely screw up the plans of the guys on the other shift. I just don't want to get completely screwed over. I've offered to let him pick which schedule block he would prefer. Yeah, it means he will either have to give up time playing soccer or some time with his girlfriend, but I don't think three other people should have to sacrifice any hope of doing anything on the weekend for the sake of one person.
Just trying to figure out how to make my life and the lives of the two other guys who will be on my crew suck less while engendering the least bad blood. Maybe I should also mention that I am currently training the guy who wants these concessions so he will be able to take over the supervisor role.