Day 10 of tonsillectomy hell, and all those people who said that’s the turnaround point nailed it: She woke up pretty okay. She talks, although she sounds just like Marlee Matlin in “Children of a Lesser God,” she eats, although it needs to be pretty soft, and she can do liquid Tylenol instead of Percocet. Total pounds lost: 15 (hers). Total years off a life: Probably also 15 (mine).
Of course, since the universe has a wicked sense of humor, one of the first things she said was, “No wonder my jaw has been so sore! My f-ing wisdom tooth is poking through the gum!”
That's a huge improvement, glad to hear she's on the mend!

My nephew this morning with his Dobhoff. He had open heart surgery Tuesday and is heading home now.
New Reader
4/21/18 8:58 p.m.
In reply to KyAllroad (Jeremy) :
Go Nephew! Live a very long life. Keep your tonsils forever.
Came on here to read my normal humor(read more than post) to find this saga unfolding.
I was in hospital earlier this week for a Strep infection that required IV fluids/meds. Doc had me seriously considering getting these puppies removed. Currently look like I have golf balls implanted in my neck from swelling. Oxycodone has been my savior. Finally been able to get back to solid food but sounds like no where near the special hell the removal surgery is. I think I'll keep em.....
I am 36 and I have never been more happy to eat a pop tart in my whole life.
Thank you for saving this soul and pair of tonsils.
PS: I survived on BodyArmor SuperDrink. Tends to be more nutritional than Powerade and Gatorade and for whatever reason burned way less going down. I think strawberry/melon and Berry were smoothest going down they had a coconut one I think with citric acid much lower on ingredient list. Lyte ones also tended to be easier to drink but harder to find. Publix carries them with the sports drinks.