In reply to Beer Baron:
I don't think the UK likes to admit wales is a part of them either.....
yamaha wrote: In reply to Beer Baron: I don't think the UK likes to admit wales is a part of them either.....
Some things just need to be tolerated, we all do our good deeds and looking after the sheep shaggers, err sorry Welsh is one of them
And as far as Scotland goes, don't forget the biggest private property owner in the world (guess who it is) owns a really big chunk of it, It's never going to be divorced fully from the United Kingdom (note that last bit, UK, not England)
Adrian_Thompson wrote: And as far as Scotland goes, don't forget the biggest private property owner in the world (guess who it is) owns a really big chunk of it, It's never going to be divorced fully from the United Kingdom (note that last bit, UK, not England)
Prolly has something to do with Scotch.
My fathers family reportedly came from Scotland, but I've also heard Ireland. Maybe we are Scots-Irish, but the timing doesn't jive. But our DNA is from Denmark, so we were part of the Viking raiders.
BoxheadTim wrote:93EXCivic wrote:You know where the oil is coming from, right? Pretty much all of the oil field servicing and oil extraction is done from Scotland, mostly Aberdeen. How much of a long term plan that is is debatable, given that the output seems to be at least stagnating.Javelin wrote: Yes, because England has a lot of exports of their own, like, er, um... Top Gear? I can't think of anything else made in the UK. If Nicaragua can survive as a country, why can't Scotland?Cars, oil, beer plus London is one of the financial capitals of the world.
Oh yeah. There has been some argument over who would control that though. Also given how much the coal industry has died in England, it is surprising how much mining equipment and stuff comes out of England still.\
Edit. Also Aberdeen equals one of the most dreadful towns I have ever spent time in.
93EXCivic wrote:BoxheadTim wrote: That's nothing new, they're trying that every decade or so... It did gain them a fair amount of self-governing already, so it is working for them.What he said. I still don't understand how their economy will survive on its own though.
They will use their natural resources; i.e. they will sell pictures of Karen nerdy fanboys like me
Beer Baron wrote: Hell, even Wales likes to deny they are a part of the UK.
It's easy to declare whatever you want when nobody can understand you.
"Rydym yn gadael!"
ransom wrote:Beer Baron wrote: Hell, even Wales likes to deny they are a part of the UK.It's easy to declare whatever you want when nobody can understand you. "Rydym yn gadael!"
Not that you can understand the Scottish much better. I know the Welsh don't always speak English but I sometimes wonder about the Scots.
In reply to 93EXCivic:
Go to parts of London, you'll need an effin translator.
I think percentage wise, more people in France speak proper English than the UK.
In reply to Zomby Woof:
Aha, it's all right there! Zomby. Woof. Z _ _ y W _f. Zywf. I bet z, y, w, adn f are the only letters in your actual name!
93EXCivic wrote:ransom wrote:Not that you can understand the Scottish much better. I know the Welsh don't always speak English but I sometimes wonder about the Scots.Beer Baron wrote: Hell, even Wales likes to deny they are a part of the UK.It's easy to declare whatever you want when nobody can understand you. "Rydym yn gadael!"
Berk is the only guaranteed translation. Everything else sounds like gibberish when a scot is talkin'.
Knurled wrote:carguy123 wrote: While I like it and think it's pretty in places, there's miles and miles of nothing but miles & miles. And the land's not even good for farming or anything, plus the weather sucks.And lo, the Escort was invented, and it was Good.
I thought that's what the sheep were for
yamaha wrote: In reply to 93EXCivic: Go to parts of London, you'll need an effin translator. I think percentage wise, more people in France speak proper English than the UK.
I can generally understand most of the slang/cockney (I am an English citizen). The Scots lose me though.
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