7/4/09 8:10 p.m.
Teens interrupt amorous
couple, beat man
Updated: Thursday, 02 Jul 2009, 2:36 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 02 Jul 2009, 11:05 AM EDT
Torrington (AP) - Police in Connecticut say they arrested four teenagers who misunderstood a woman's screams and beat a 25-year-old man after he had sex with her in her bedroom.
The teens were arraigned Wednesday in Bantam Superior Court on assault and conspiracy charges in the June 6 beating in Torrington. They were arrested Tuesday.
Police say a 16-year-old girl who lives in the home overheard the man and the 34-year-old woman, and got four friends to stop what she thought was an attack.
Authorities say the teens beat the man with a baseball bat and punched him.
The man, Roger Swanson of Torrington, says he sustained a black eye and several bruises.
The woman, Melanie Arnold, denies there was screaming. She says the 16-year-old girl heard a slap and thought it was an assault.
oops? Honestly, we need more people like those kids. I hope the charges get dropped
Woody wrote:
Authorities say the teens beat the man with a baseball bat and punched him.
The man, Roger Swanson of Torrington, says he sustained a black eye and several bruises.
Thats it? Apparently someone needs to teach those teens how to properly throw a punch and swing a bat.
mad_machine wrote:
oops? Honestly, we need more people like those kids. I hope the charges get dropped
I understand where you're coming from, but think about the unlucky dude who took a bat to the face for apparently giving a decent performance...
I'm just sayin'. 
7/5/09 6:48 a.m.
You'd have thought the "victim" could have explained that she wasn't being attacked (against her will, anyway).
how did wally miss this one?
The world would end up with more dead kids. My wife s quite a shot, and I'm pretty sure she would waste a few of them if they interupted us at the right moment. Especially if they were beating me with baseball bats. Then she would probably smoke the girl, too, just for encouraging the little bastards.
mad_machine wrote:
oops? Honestly, we need more people like those kids. I hope the charges get dropped
Right, we need more people to attack, and beat innocent people because a 16 yr old girl told them to.
Sounds to me like they were just looking for somebody to beat on.
It turns out the woman is the mother of the 16 year old girl.
joey48442 wrote:
The world would end up with more dead kids. My wife s quite a shot, and I'm pretty sure she would waste a few of them if they interupted us at the right moment. Especially if they were beating me with baseball bats. Then she would probably smoke the girl, too, just for encouraging the little bastards.
I don't know whether to make a joke about what kind of erotic gunplay you're into, or point out the double-entendres you left all over the place 
How much do you want to bet that the guy will have some sort of performance anxiety next time?????
7/6/09 10:41 a.m.
JFX001 wrote:
How much do you want to bet that the guy will have some sort of performance anxiety next time?????
Either that or a ball gag for his partner. I'm just sayin'.
I am just saying that too many have a "I see nothing, I hear nothing" attitude. Yes, the kids should not have done that, they should have just called 911. Too many do not even do that
7/6/09 10:44 p.m.
neon4891 wrote:
how did wally miss this one?
Sorry, I was babysitting. But I do bring a follow up. Yep, we need more kids like these.
TORRINGTON — The victim of an assault by four youths said Friday he was led into a trap.
“I don’t want to blame anyone, but this whole thing does smell like a set-up,” Roger Swanson, 25, said.
Swanson was pummeled with fists and struck several times in the head, back and ankles with an aluminium bat June 6 when he went to visit his then-girlfriend, Melanie Arnold, 34, at her second-floor apartment at 26 Maud St., Torrington.
The four youths, including Arnold’s daughter and three young men, were arraigned on assault, conspiracy and weapons charges on Wednesday in sealed proceedings in Bantam Superior Court. They reportedly told police Arnold’s 16-year-old daughter heard her mother’s screams and mistakenly believed she was being harmed by Swanson.
Swanson said he and Arnold were having sex and Arnold wasn’t screaming loudly, but moaning. “I received a text message to come over and I didn’t know who sent it. I thought it was Melanie and I went over. She was surprised to see me,” Swanson said. It was in the evening and Arnold was enjoying some drinks because her birthday was the next day, Swanson said.
Arnold’s daughter and friends didn’t like Swanson and let him know on previous occasions, he said. Swanson, an avid NASCAR fan, was raised on a farm and works as a farm hand in the Washington, Conn. area. “I guess it’s because I’m a bit of a redneck. Maybe they didn’t like the way I acted or spoke or because I grew up in New Preston,” Swanson explained. A week before the incident the youth chased him out of Arnold’s house.
“When I saw them come in Melanie’s bedroom I thought, ‘Uh-oh, here we go’ and one of them pointed at me and said ‘We got you’,” he said.
Swanson ran for the door. “It sounded like hail on a car windshield. They were hitting me so much,” Swanson said. It’s been a month, and he said he still feels pain in his back.
Days after the beating, he confronted the young men about what they did and they appeared remorseful, he said. “I wanted them to see the bruises and let them know how close they came to making my kids have no father,” he said.
Swanson and Arnold are not dating any longer. Arnold has asked him to do what he could to drop the charges, he said, but Swanson hopes the case is a “wake up call” for his attackers.
“I pray to God they ‘get it’ and don’t spend the rest of their lives in jail,” Swanson said. “You just can’t act like this — with violence — this extreme when they don’t like something.”
Phone calls made to Arnold were not returned.
The cases against the four youths are still pending and another chapter in the story will take shape Monday when three more parties are scheduled to appear in court. Arnold, her daughter, Swanson’s ex-wife, Tanya Arnold, and her 54-year-old mother, Deborah Kohn Morey, will answer charges relating to a dispute between the women on June 22.
The incident stems from an argument Morey and Arnold had because Arnold reportedly went to Swanson’s ex-wife’s home looking for Swanson.
In hindsight, my post looks pretty smart.
That doesn't happen too often.
Whiney Bob Costas said:
I wanted them to see the bruises and let them know how close they came to making my kids have no father
I think he is a bit of a drama queen. Either that, or he wanted them to know that they came nowhere near killing him.
I have no problem with what the boys did, it sounds like the girl is headed toward a life as a criminal mastermind.
maroon92 wrote:
Whiney Bob Costas said:
I wanted them to see the bruises and let them know how close they came to making my kids have no father
I think he is a bit of a drama queen. Either that, or he wanted them to know that they came nowhere near killing him.
I have no problem with what the boys did, it sounds like the girl is headed toward a life as a criminal mastermind.
I have a problem with it. Mindless followers who beat someone with a bat because some girl told them to...I have a problem with that.
How did they beat him up in the 3 minutes from start to finish?
She couldn't have been yelling that long....
I actually saw this in the paper the day after, we had a discussion about it at work.
The general consensus was the 16 yr old (daughter) either had a crush on or was dating the 25 year old, and the 35 (or so) year old mother either played on the jealousy or seduced the 16yr old's boyfriend.
I really doubt the story told was true. As much as we would like to believe, 16 year old girls are not so innocent as to be this clueless.
I do feel bad for the press they received, this is not a pleasant thing to be known for.
maroon92 wrote:
I have no problem with what the boys did, it sounds like the girl is headed toward a life as a criminal mastermind.
Hope it's not because you're as stupid and violent as those boys are.
Would YOU go and start clubbing someone just because some girl told you to? Are you that brain dead?
There already was a track record with these boys and the girl and the guy.