Was driving the kids to Aikido class as is the norm for Tuesday evening, and ran over a hex head, self-tapping screw about 1.5 inches long. I stopped to check it out as soon as I could pull over, but it was buried to the hilt. I figured the best course of action was to limp back home, since changing a flat on a narrow city street in a not-so-great part of town after dark with young children was not so very wise. I could hear and feel the dang thing bump-bump-bumping all the way home. Pulled it into the garage and got out to the sound of hissing air.
Called the wifey to let her know that we were home and not at Aikido class, and she tells me she's almost home, but has a wicked bad migraine headache.
So for Valentine's I get a flat tire and a wife with a headache. You guys faring any better? 
2/14/12 6:14 p.m.
So your tire got screwed but....

Sorry. Hope things get a little better.
well.. at least something got screwed...
sorry to hear about your bad luck...
2/14/12 6:39 p.m.
yeah i pulled a 1.5" long button head torx drive screw out of my tire today and plugged it in the customer's driveway.
Was it a screw or a bolt??
Pretty good for me. Watching her get ready for our 8:15 seating at our favorite sushi/hibatchi place. When she got home from work she told me my gift was a choice of a day with Bertil Roos in a Formula 2000 at Pocono or NJMP or a day at a rally driving school in Florida!!! 
2/14/12 8:27 p.m.
In reply to Hocrest:
You win Valentine's Day. I got a card and a sweater.
I got zip, zero, nada.
But she's not home from work, yet...
My stepbrother was in a head on collision this morning, got tore up pretty bad and it will be another day before the docs can hazard a guess as to his survival chances. So I guess my Valentine's Day was a helluva lot better than his.
Oh man, I am so sorry to hear that Curmudgeon. My thoughts are certainly with you and your family tonight. I hope he pulls through.
I polished off the honey-do list and took the wife out to a new restaurant that turned out to be really good and really cheap. I also re-wired the third floor with 3-prong outlets and GFI in the bathroom, added a 240v circuit for the new dryer, and set up the new wireless router and Magic Jack.
Productive day, happy wife... but so far no one has gotten screwed. Hope she fell asleep on her stomach. I'm just sayin'
Speeding ticket.
With the wife in the car.
I'm single, normal day at work, going home maybe gonna hit the hottub at the apartment complex.
Worked, then tax prep, then .... aw crap, another headache story
Got home, took a nap, then nap nap. Then grilled steaks, cooked rice and made a salad. About to turn out the light and snuggle. Great day, even though we didn't do anything out of the norm.
No mun, no fun for my hun.
Started the day with a 5:30am trip to emergency to find out why my throat was swelling shut, I couldn't swallow, and was having difficulty breathing. Steroid shot in the bum and they sent me home.
This adventure had followed a trip to the Doctor's yesterday morning to get medication for Thrush.
Which was a result of being on Prednisone (combined with cortico-steroid inhalant for asthma) as a result of a nasty full-body rash.
Which was a result of being given Amoxycillin for what was supposed to be Strep, but more convincingly Mono (which I'd think I would have noticed).
So yeah, it's all good. I'll cook the Happy Valentine's stir fry for my sweetie tomorrow I guess.
Good grief, we GRMers (and kin) need to stay out of the ER lately. Sorry to hear about your many reactions, that sounds rough. Hope your're feeling a lot better soon SkinnyG!
I was just thinking that my VD day sucked, being 10 hours north of anywhere and sleeping in a hotel room while being single.
Then I remember how much worse my life could be due to this thread. Thanks everyone!
My basketball girls just won a regional semi-final game tonight, putting them in the Elite 8. Three more games to a state championship!
Mine was great! Got home about 4:00. Just in time to give the wife her flowers and card and her to give me a couple of humming bird feeders and card. Then she had to go to rehearsal for the play she is in. So, bacon and egg sandwich for dinner and a couple of episodes of White Collar. Nice and relaxing. We went to Carabas for dinner last night while they weren't crowded.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
Man, sorry to hear about your stepbrother. Hope he pulls through.
Today was Valentine's day? Meh...
i have a tire plug kit that i use for situations like this.. take the screw out, ream out the hole, insert the plug, check tire pressure..
the wheel doesn't need to come off the car, and doing it on the front is really easy since you can turn the wheel.. but doing the rear tire can kinda suck in the springtime when the roads are all salty slush and the screw is on the inside half of the rear tire..
i know some people think those plugs are unsafe, but i've put tens of thousands of miles on tires that i've plugged without any issues.
2/15/12 4:47 a.m.
Well let's see...paralyzing back pain most of the day. Got into the Doc's at 3pm to get cracked and stretched. Left the office feeling only marginally better, and ran straight into the ass-end of a Cobalt with my company car. Reheated spaghetti for dinner and in bed by 9:30.
On the upside, if you're the glass-half-full type, I didn't get a ticket. My inattentiveness was counterbalanced by my driver training that caused me to almost avoid the Cobalt so I could drive the wrecked car home instead of having it in the trunk of the car I hit. The guy I hit was very nice. And my back didn't get worse (it's actually much better this AM).
I broke a rib, karting at GPNY with friends. Then I found I am wildly allergic to naproxin (in Aleve over-the-counter pain killer). So now I am covered with hives AND have a broken rib. Just got a cotizone shot and more meds for the hives.
On the other hand, I had twin grandchildren born yesterday and all is well with them so in the long run a good day.