You guys want to see more? 
Here's my current vintage rig:
The top holds my NES game caddy, the 25" Samsung CRT TV, and my slim PS2.
The middle shelf has NES, SNES, N64, and GameCube. It's an older pic, because the Famicom and TG16 hang out there too.
The bottom has the Sega Master System. Genesis (with the Power Base Converter), Saturn, and Dreamcast.
My buddy recently donated his collection to me, and among them was this MINT NES Control Deck! It still has the $89.99 Bradlees sticker on it! Bradlees was a local pre-Walmart/Target chain up here in New England.
It still had the NES poster in there! I need this framed.
Here's my Colecovison. This was my 1st console... well, technically my sister's, but she abandoned it so I became the caretaker. That tumor hanging off the bottom is the infamous Expansion Module #1 which allowed you to play Atari 2600 games. This inevitably led to lawsuits, as you could imagine.
The Colecovision has a special place in my heart because it was the 1st console I ever played. I still have all the childhood games, plus some ones I've picked up over the years. That one that is obscured by the flash is Chuck Norris Superkicks, which is pretty rare. You go around roundhouse kicking people in the face.
It's R.O.B.! I got my NES on Christmas in 1987, and my parents opted for the Deluxe Set, which came with R.O.B., the zapper, two controllers, Duck Hunt, and Gyromite. I got Super Mario Brothers separately from some relatives. The robot was designed to play two games with you: Gyromite and Stack Up. I only have Gyromite, and I'm missing a Gyro disc and spinner. Stack Up is ultra rare and expensive, because not many people opted to get the robot. And yes, he still works!

My Sega Genesis and loose Sega Master System carts are in these cassette holders mounted on the wall. I have most of the original boxes for the Genesis carts, but they are in storage. I have all the US-released Sega consoles, from the Master System to the Dreamcast.
My SNES games. I was a late adopter to the SNES, picking it up in 1995, but I love it.
I have A LOT of Atari stuff, especially for the 2600. Here's my hardshell briefcase, which holds my 6-switch Sears Telegames console with some Telegames-branded carts. I think I have about 200 2600 games (no pics though). I also have a 5200 and a Jaguar in storage. The 2600 is one of my favorites to collect for because it's still affordable and games/consoles are bomb proof!
Here's a big ol' stack of Playstation and Dreamcast games, with a couple of 3DO games thrown in for good measure.
Here's a rare one. This is Power Strike on the Sega Master System. This was a mail-order only game for a system that not many people had, so as you can imagine, not many people have this one. And it's AWESOME. It's a part of the Aleste series of vertical scrolling shooters, which includes Blazing Lazers on the Turbografx 16, Robo Aleste on the Sega CD, and Space Megaforce on the SNES.
My Saturn, pictured with the rare Guardian Heroes. Picked this up from a friend in the mid-90's.
How about some "Long Box" Playstation games? Love the long box ones.
I need to take some better pics of this stuff.