I drive a landrover discovery daily
I still giggle like a little girl when I hear the word Bangkok, Hancock etc... I'll be 38 this Thurs...
I bought not one, but two cheap front-engined Porsches. I spent 6 years rebuilding one and then bought another in the hopes of getting one decent DD out of it.
I drift shopping carts and get mad when the Wife puts things in the cart wrong and mess up the weight distribution.
I still want to build a kart out of the spare starter motors I have sitting around.
I'm 36.
I still laugh when I fart (especially when it starts with "pull my finger"), write my name with pee in the snow, try to turn everything my wife says into some sort of sexual inuenndo and I still race motocross.
I am 51
Absolutely nothing; I'm a model of somber good taste.
BTW, did you know that if you sing along with the Sisters of Mercy's "Marianne" while wearing a respirator for the fiberglass insulation you're working on, the exhaust port resonates on the chorus?
I guess my punk rock band is pretty silly, too. And, well, most of what I do.
I'm 41, and I believe in trying to get better at life without growing up.
JoeyM wrote: Yesterday I was slaloming a shopping cart through row of aisle-center displays at walmart. I'm 43.![]()
I laughed when I read this... The local WM to me has no room to run slalom down the center aisle. Too much junk piled up there.
Woody said: I wave to cows and horses that are standing near the edge of the road as I drive by.
Made me laugh. I moo at cows when I drive by them.
I have a soon to be 4 year old boy. Honestly, I take every opportunity to be a kid with him again. That pic from Walmart is prime example, we drive the buggy and he wrecks into things. I tell him he's a bad driver and never going to get a license. Ensue my wife taking him to the grocery store where he drives the buggy into things and then asks if he'll still get a license. Another example this conversation happened this weekend:
Him- Daddy do you wanna ride the big wheel down the giant hill?
Me- Of course.
Me- Alright buddy, mommy's not looking let's go get your wagon and try it in that!
And farts are funny.
I'll be 36 this year.
At 33 years old, I still pretend Im able to ride freestyle BMX at the local skatepark like Im still 20. My body doesnt find it humorous...
I started collecting Hotwheels 4 years ago. I have about 150 now. I recently moved up to 1:43 scale diecast and have really found some that I love on ebay.
Still ride a bicycle on my good days. Recently bought a Yamaha SV 250 and use it to run errands whenever possible.
Bought my 5th. RC plane 2 years ago. And an AirHog heli. about the same time. Still spend too much time and money on unrealistic projects.
I originally joined this forum early in 2011 because I saw the thread about the Unofficial GRM Granturismo 5 series. I entered almost every race until early this year when the neuropathy in my hands became overwhelming. I even won a couple of championships.
I'll refuse to let go of that part of me hopefully for the remainder of my life. It's important!
I'll be 65 in 3 weeks.
calteg wrote: I also insert my dog's name into pop songs and sing them loudly at inappropriate times
I think I was doing that while playing GTA with the guys last night...
Oh... 27 and feeling younger every day.
aussiesmg wrote: I am waiting with baited breath for a classic GPS response
Everything I do seems stupid these days. It's so hard to pick just one.
spitfirebill wrote: I'm 60 and still find fart humor to be funny. And I still pee in the yard.
55 and I still laugh myelf sick at farts. Love a good risque or downright dirty joke.
Don't pee in the yard, don't want to make the neighbors envious.
Still play with cars, including driving outrageously decorated crapcans for hours at a time.
Quit with MX but still have a street bike and the siren call of the dual sport is getting louder and louder.
Have a deal with my kid that for her 18th birthday we go skydiving together.
The only reason the wind up toy/eggtimer thing hasn't happened is lack of oppotunity.
I cannot STAND to be around people who take themselves too seriously. If I wind up at one of those parties where everyone is standing around with a so serious attitude, the 'right' kind of 'party laugh' and the 'right' kind of drink so they can be seen with the 'right' people (of which I am definitely not one) I don't hang around.
I laugh at myself and the dumb things I do all the time.
octavious wrote:Woody said: I wave to cows and horses that are standing near the edge of the road as I drive by.Made me laugh. I moo at cows when I drive by them.
No, no, NO! You guys are doing it wrong. You shout MOO at horses or sheep, and you neigh or baaaaa at cows.
Let's see... I'm 48, wife is 50. We stayed up until midnight last night playing LEGO Marvel Heroes just so we could unlock the Coulson character.
Play with cars (now planes too).
Been known to drop an SBD in a grocery store aisle and watch from a distance as the soccer moms make faces and fan the invisible cloud.
Always appreciate a woman who keeps her body in good form.
I drive a "proper" line on every on-off ramp.
I can out run, out sit-up some people half my age.
Can't believe I'm 60. No, really, how did I get here so fast? Help me! I'm a 15 year old trapped in an old shell !!!!!!
Datsun310Guy wrote: At the age of 51 I took the "20 Stamp" label and mailed my son a letter to college in Michigan. He got it so I sent him one to California - success. So I mailed my niece a letter to the Western Chicago 'burbs - great.
I'm sorry. I don't get it. Can you explain the part where you do something wacky?
Edit: Oh, nevermind. I think I see it now. That's not really a stamp. Oh, shhh... I think that might be illegal! /shhhh....
I'll be 35 on Sunday Nov. 17th.
I still make a super big deal about my birthday. I make sure everyone knows what day it is and when it is for at least a month prior.
I fart, LOUDLY, and make my 3yo say "Excuse you, haha, you pooted!" Cracks me up every time. I try to bring tears to my wife's eyes with chemical warfare.
I make car noises in my car while driving to and from work or wherever else I drive. Shifting, turbo, BOV, whatever.
I sing in my car. Stupid made up songs about people or things that make no sense or are super inappropriate. I also talk about people or things in weird voices while in my car. If there was a camera there, I'd be a reality show star.
I also try to make everything my wife says into a sexual inuendo. She just rolls her eyes.
I hastle my coworkers with childish behavior.
"Hey Lisa! Guess what?"
Chicken butt also works, depends on my mood.
I ride carts at the supermarket, drift carts and make the noises, race the carts around with the 3yo in it making car noises.
I make a huge f-ing deal about cotton candy whenever I see it. I have to get some. My wife laughs and just says, "You really are 7 aren't you?"
I watch [adult swim] every night before going to bed. South Park too.
I also get kinda bummed when the 17 year old gets to go to parties and I didn't get an invite. LOL
I was going to say something about still racing bikes at 43 but it just hit me that it's an Old Guy sport now. Out of 49 entrants in the local mtb race I did a couple weeks ago, the youngest male in the "fast" class was 29. Top 3 finishers were all in their 40s. It made me go back and check the local racing series results: the biggest class is age 40-49 and they're just as fast as the 20-29 year olds.
I am certainly not my dad at 43 though...
One that pisses my wife off to no end:
I wear black t-shirts under a sport coat with jeans (or cargo shorts if it's really hot) to "formal" things. Like weddings. Or funerals. Or black tie affairs. Or any place that has some sort of expectation of dress code. I keep a black tie in my jacket pocket JIC even though I have no collar.
If I am feeling especially dressy I use the "I Shaved My Balls For This?" black tee.
In reply to N Sperlo:
that was the LEAST of what you did last night.
I finally get to spend some time in this thread. As a reference, again, I am 34.
I troll the wife, constantly.
I own 5-6 RC cars. I'm not 100% sure how many I have. They're all VERY fast. RC guy I go through looked at my last projects specs and went "Why are you doing THAT" my reply was "Because you just said that".
I take the opportunity to ride a shopping cart whenever possible. When my two year old is in it- we drift all the corners. Sometimes things get crashed into.
I find really bad gas MASSIVELY funny. The time I got the cat to run out of the room in terror is a highlight of my life.
I listen to punk/metalcore at EXTREMELY high volumes. I've blown 4 sets of speakers doing it. The only reason it hasn't been more is the Bose in the ms3 has an automatic voltage cutout- I can't actually blow these on the factory amps.
I laugh when my kid falls down. Sometime it looks like a cartoon Wile E. Coyote moment.
I own more gaming stuff than any adult has a right to- and I use it. I have a freakish number of hours stuck into GTAO.
I can spend hours putting action figures into inappropriate positions and taking photos with my phone and texting them to my friends at work.
If I find a new/novel way to draw- I will draw a cocknballz first thing. In the snow? cocknballz. Digitally? Cocknballz. I'm perpetually 12.
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