Jalopnik's version:
Yeah, lots of class there.
93celicaGT2 wrote: I wish they hadn't blurred out her butt crack....![]()
No, your glad they did. That chick is scarey.
Gimp wrote: I would like to talk directly to Brooke the Plumber...
She'd call you a socialist.. but she'd be unlicensed and owe back taxes
Some of the Jalopnik comments are great
Geez, they blurred the coin slot, but not the douchebag? Priorities people!
Nobody seems to think of the poor lifers that just lost their bitch.
From what i've seen of the Hogans, Nick can only tell the difference between his mother & sister by counting which one has the most tattoo's.
ignorant wrote:Gimp wrote: I would like to talk directly to Brooke the Plumber...She'd call you a socialist.. but she'd be unlicensed and owe back taxes
"someones asking REAL questions! what do we do?"
"quick! make them look bad to distract from the real issue!"
aaaand back on topic, i dont see why the kid should get out of jail, ever.
Strizzo wrote:ignorant wrote:"someones asking REAL questions! what do we do?" "quick! make them look bad to distract from the real issue!"Gimp wrote: I would like to talk directly to Brooke the Plumber...She'd call you a socialist.. but she'd be unlicensed and owe back taxes
That's just harsh!
Ig's real concern is waiting for that upcoming job in the Dept. of Happy so he can pay off his student loans.
OK, he effed up... he effed up BAD.. but i honestly dont think that it deserves life for it.
The bigger question i have on the matter is if he learned his lesson...
the only way he could really redeem himself from the attitude/nature of what he did is if he became a vocal proponent/ figurehead to try to get the idiot kids to take it OFF THE STREET. If they wanna go reserve some asphalt somewhere (legally, ect) and kill each other, then who really has a problem? (answer, THEY DO, because they will have to learn better)
lets face it, your average car enthusiast (i dont think anyone on this site counts as average, theres more rice-tards then us auto-x/HPDE/TT/W2W/$2008/LeMons/ect crowd) might not know how the heck they can get involved in racing their car in a responsible way. (well, in my area the nearest drag strip is about an hour and a half+ away to my best knowledge)
to sum it up, I actually think he can redeem himself, IF he learned and shares a voice of reason that the ricer crowd will listen to as far as taking it off the street.
(that said.. i remember seeing where he got a try at being a D1GP driver and wrecked the car OVER and OVER and OVER again.. i doubt he will ever make much of himself as far as cars go in any other way then as an object lesson)
call me whatever, but on some level i actually feel sorry for the asshat.. (that the whole thing happened to him, not as far as the consequences ) it is so easy to dismiss that he deserved it, but at the same time it is a shame that his friend had to be permanently injured in the way he was.
we can have our laugh, but the only good i see from it is that it may make one idiot kid realize that doing crap like that on the street is BEYOND DUMB.
oldsaw wrote: Ig's real concern is waiting for that upcoming job in the Dept. of Happy so he can pay off his student loans.![]()
plans are in the works... I got a job interview friday..
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