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Wally SuperDork
5/25/10 10:38 a.m.

I've been to Baltimore, noone HAS to be there

ignorant SuperDork
5/25/10 11:40 a.m.
Wally wrote: I've been to Baltimore, noone HAS to be there

This guy does.

friedgreencorrado SuperDork
5/25/10 3:17 p.m.
ignorant wrote: I now have to be in Baltimore on the 7th.. Not gonna work..

That's a shame. My girl's actually been pushing me to go ahead and just make the trip for LeMans. She knows it's Mecca for me..most of my decor is GTP/Group C posters, and she's still amazed that I stay home and watch it every year (she says it's worth it to finally have a man in the house that doesn't care about American football). I just don't want to go to France without taking her, and she says she wants to wait until her son's old enough to remember the trip.

confuZion3 SuperDork
5/25/10 3:41 p.m.
ignorant wrote:
turboswede wrote: Got tickets for Le Mans?
sadly I come back on the friday before.

Stay for Le Mans anyway. If your job gives you gruff, quit and stay anyway.

81gtv6 HalfDork
5/26/10 9:00 a.m.

LeMans and Goodwood are on my bucket list, I just want to be able to take any of my family that wants to go. One of these days.

ignorant SuperDork
5/26/10 4:49 p.m.
confuZion3 wrote:
ignorant wrote:
turboswede wrote: Got tickets for Le Mans?
sadly I come back on the friday before.
Stay for Le Mans anyway. If your job gives you gruff, quit and stay anyway.

yeah that's an awesome idea..

I'm getting done with France. Having a Train Strike today and tomorrow.

triumph5 New Reader
5/26/10 6:05 p.m.

In reply to ignorant:

Volcanic ash.

ignorant SuperDork
5/27/10 8:52 a.m.
triumph5 wrote: In reply to ignorant: Volcanic ash.

you hush your mouth.......

Don't say that, We had guys at work get stuck in the UK for an extra week or two thanks to the pain in the ash.

Ignorant SuperDork
2/6/11 9:07 p.m.

OK Now I got some pictures up on the web.. Only a few months late.. Know these guys? I love how BA is "Barracuda" and murdoch is "Looping". Peugeot store on the Champs Elysees.

907 Champs Elysees is a pretty street. Gare St. Lazare, where I took a train to Haute Normandie Palais du Justice in Rouen. They are in still restoring it slowly from all the fighting in WWII, but there are still plenty of places where bullet pock marks are easily visible. They are keeping some of the pock marks for teaching future generations about war. Rouen Shopping Street. Famous clock in Rouen. It is something like 600 years old.

Cathedral in Rouen. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake near by. Voila Le Corvair. The owners house. Its an old hunters cottage up on top of a hill in the woods. Very beautiful place. The main floor is entirely floored in brick, because it was a stable. The 2nd floor was used for sleeping during the hunting season. The owner is an armorer and sells fine hunting weapons in France. It's a pretty rare job over there and this guy loves doing it.

Shed where the Corvair is kept. No rust on the car at all and it looks like no repair was ever needed. The car was 100% original. We went to go see some house the british destroyed or something. Silly British. Looking down onto the Seine river and Les Andeleys.

Google Maps link

While in the town... We stumbled upon a small classic car gathering on the banks of the Seine. Freaking awesome.

Soo Clean. BMW Z1 Check out the crazy doors that just slide down into the body. Big Nose Peugeot.

Dad Mobile Extraordinare... M5 Touring.

Awesome little Simca.

Looking up from the street that the car show was on to the summer cottage the british destroyed in 1100.

Time to go back to Paris. Meanwhile, on a quiet Paris street, a red car has attracted some attention. Ohh look the man likes the car so much, he's leaving a note on the windshield for the owner.

And now some random cool cars I found around the small town I was living in.. Ohh It's for sale.. Whats that little yellow car in the background?

Sweet an Opel.

Nice Mug. Where's the rusty quarters?

Lesley SuperDork
2/6/11 9:21 p.m.

Great pics. I just love France! I was there last fall on a press trip. We stayed in Cannes, and drove through Provence, up over the French Alps. It was breathtaking.

Le Mans is on my bucket list too!

aussiesmg SuperDork
2/6/11 9:54 p.m.

Monaco for me, along with running with the bulls, but LeMans is right up there too

Lesley SuperDork
2/6/11 10:42 p.m.

OK, group trip to Le Mans!!

friedgreencorrado SuperDork
2/6/11 11:38 p.m.

Great pictures! Man, I'm jealous.

Chateau Gaillard?

Lesley SuperDork
2/7/11 12:06 a.m.

Here are some of my France shots. With any luck, I'll make it back there some day, it was truly one of the most beautiful, unforgettable places I've ever seen:


Maroon92 SuperDork
2/7/11 7:50 a.m.

I think my girlfriend would call me retarded if I DIDN'T stay for Le Mans. I told her that when we get married and go to Europe for our Luna de Miel, I only want to see the Ferrari factory, the Porsche museum, drive on the nurburgring, Monaco grand prix, Le Mans, and goodwood. If time is a problem, just four of those would suffice.

Steve, I ran with bulls in Spain. Not at Pamplona, but I ran from them regardless. It is WAY less fun than it looks. Those buggers WILL kill you.

friedgreencorrado SuperDork
2/8/11 12:52 a.m.
Lesley wrote: Here are some of my France shots. With any luck, I'll make it back there some day, it was truly one of the most beautiful, unforgettable places I've ever seen: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=244272&id=515956307&l=0f07e491dc

Lesley, even though some of those are just regular "snapshots"..a lot of the others are absolutely wonderful. Seems you've got the artist's eye when it comes to photography as well. Color me jealous!

EDIT: Copyright Lesley Wimbush, y'all...

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