No, not another kid. That would take a miracle. Because of how bad 2020 sucks, our beloved pit/lab mix Cole got very sick all of the sudden and we had to put him down unexpectedly. The doctors said it was most likely cancer causing the problem, the sack around his heart was filling with fluid and it was failing. He was 12 but we felt we had a few more years left because he was an excellent health until the day he died.
We had actually been searching for a while planning to get a companion for Cole to ease the transition when he did pass. We had been a two dog family for many years, but not for the last five or six. When Cole passed we felt we might go without a dog for a while and enjoy the freedom and affords, but there was a big hole in our home and we knew we needed another member of our family.
finding a dog during Cove it is difficult, you can't walk in and browse the Kennels anymore, all you get is a picture online and hopefully you can make an appointment. After much searching I came across this face but I knew I had to meet
He was available, but had an Interview that day. Lucky for us, the other family had dogs already who did not want a new roommate. We went to meet him later that week and knew right away he was the one for us.
He's a pit-hound mix, maybe a mountain cur. He's about a year old, housebroken, and incredibly well behaved. No bark yet, but he sticks with me wherever I go no leash needed. He has some work to do on ignoring the cat, but that will come in time.
He's getting comfortable quickly, we've named him Cody and we'll see if that sticks