The Lamborghini dealer may want to adjust their AdWords targeting settings a little bit if the ad is showing on Kotaku. That can't be a cheap CPC or high conversion ratio. I bet the margin is pretty good on one of the cars though so it may not matter.

I have no idea what this post means?
AdWords is a Google product which supposedly does demographic targeting to drive traffic to a website based on interest, relevance, and various other factors. A subsection of the service, the Display Network, shows ads on websites who opt into the Google Ad Network.
The advertisements are pay per click meaning any time someone clicks on that ad it costs the dealer money.
Putting up a Lamborghini advertisement on a) a Gawker site (maybe some of the other sites have the target demographic) and b) a gaming site means the model the Display Network is using probably isn't tweaked correctly causing the ads to be displayed to a demographic who may be interested in Lamborghinis but is highly unlikely to be able to afford them. This is equivalent to effectively lighting a pile of your own money on fire except Gawker and Google benefit.
I was just laughing because I've been dealing with an AdWords campaign and I'm certainly not the demographic who should be seeing ads for exotic cars. I'd bet they're in the $10 per click area on that site.
9/25/17 5:55 p.m.
It's a Google product, and Google benefits more from the poor demographic targeting...Coincidence?
9/25/17 6:09 p.m.
Google and Facebook think I can afford an audemars piguet. Lolnope. I got that timex budget.
Jaysus that's $121,056 total to borrow a car for three years. No car is that fun. I wonder what the mileage limitations are. Even if they're the standard 12k miles per year - which I doubt they're that high - that works out to $3.36/mile. Holy crap.